Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
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WHY LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FAIL TO DEVELOP THE LOCAL ECONOMY?? Have you ever wondered why the majority of economic development projects fail to create jobs and stimulate the local economy? Because the majority of local initiatives prop up existing industries to stabilize them instead of looking towards attracting and investing in new industries where REAL job creation exists. As thediagram below shows, when a new industry is created it creates more jobs as well as more work for existing firms that provide supplies and services. This can also attract other companies within this industry to the area, which in turn creates more jobs and expands a new market for the existing supply and services firms.
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- Gina Burgess This is the economic development that most governments, especially local governments try to create….and usually dismally fail to create. Why? Because creating new industries within a community is risky business – what new industries do you try to attract? Which industry or industries will succeed? Who’s on the line if the new industry or new industries fail? What happens if failure occurs? I also believe the local governments fail to create new industries because individual politicians truly do not have an understanding of economics. They tend to believe that propping up and/or expanding existing businesses/existing industries that jobs will be stabilized and eventually, when “things” get better, these companies will create more jobs, better paying jobs. The political leaders don’t realize that for these companies to be as productive and as competitive as possible, especially when competing in a global village, that these firms have to run as lean as possible.
- Gina Burgess James A Jim McCoy Jr. (and anyone else with a background in economics) -- Could you please comment on this post? Thanks!
- James A Jim McCoy Jr. New industries cannot just be ordered up by politicians. New industries spring from new inventions, improvement s on old ideas, creativity and education. There also has to be an environment of resources, among others. A city cannot, formexsmp,e, declare that tney will be the new silicon valley, which took 30 years to develop. The city needs to evaluate wht industries and resources that they have nd work with that. Resources include natursl resoirces, geography, educstion systems, skilled workforce, financial capital. Trying to prop ip declining Industry or failing companies is also a bad idea. A governmeng mandate will not save anything, the market will. Fai,ed projects, like the allen coungy republican vers bradly only program fail simply because they are short sighted and ignorant. Plans like this were not meant to improve the economy. Theynwere designed to benefit the owners of vera bradly at tne expense of yne the community. The vb plan, from tne start, included reducing yne workforce and relying on part time and temporary workers.there was nothing in the plan related to actual economic development, which would have included building something or creating something in most simple terms, an economic development plan creates an enbironment where variety of industries can thrive, while also taking the best advantabe of local resources. The plan shouldmencourabe local investment, attract investment from outside the area, and keep profits made locally cirulati g through tne local economy. Investment buy large corporations based outsidd of the area is good, but profits leave gne area to be reinvested somewhere else, diminishing, if not removing anh benefit from tax incentives given to them.
- James A Jim McCoy Jr. An economic development plan should encourage local hiring, the use of local,suppliers, and keeping money in local banks.
- David Christopher Roach hi Gina.. I have a college degree, and i dont subscribe to any right wing media, or kooky theories.. - so the trouble with this "closed -loop" economy- is that it only cycles money - shuffles it around, mostly from the working class- who are generally poor- due to wage laws, right to work, andmany other factors- and the money is funneled to the rich, the ruling class- the politicians, their cronies, their families, their connections, their contributors, etc. it may not be illegal, but is fails to pass the "smell test". its like living on an island kingdom, with no outside trade. What our OVERLORDS need to do- and this applies to a statewide level in Indiana as well;- is to change the laws, and open their minds, and the economy- to any and all businessess that create trade. as it is- the OVERLORDS have decided that there shall be only aproved business, commerce, trade, traffic, etc- in only certain pre-ordinained activities, that fit the contruct of further right of center conservativism principles- as illustrated in todays JG- sun- dec 8-2013... and that all others are VERBOTEN. also- add to this- any alternative views, lifestyles, bliefs, etc- that are not in strict adherence to the peculiar denomination of Levitical laws, and practices as laid out in only specific editions of the "king james bible"- which by the way- was a strictly edited version, which excluded many many other books, views, chapters, gospels etc- that didnt conform with the ROYAL OVERLORDS at that time.. Add to that- the view -propagated by local media propagandists, and their corporate/business interests, and thus you get what we have here. - which is basically the EDICT- more or less- that there shall be mass conformity of the SERFS/SLAVES/ WORKERS/ SERVANTS/ETC- to slave in said manufacturing facilities, for whatever shifts, wages, benefits, conditions, etc- that the crporist overlords; and their political toadies dictate.. basically back to SLAVERY as practiced in the SOUTHERN US in the 19th centuyr, or DIKENSIAN LONDON, and EUROPE in the same time frame.. throw out all social and labor progress that has been achieved by the european socialist govts and economies( socialism is merely govt of by and for the people, and answerable to the people, by the way- a level playing field of equality b etween the land, laboreres, and capitalist classes of people who are like the proverbial 3 legs of a stool..
- David Christopher Roach ok- so "manufacturing"- is inevitable- its a law of nature. mass production.. - buy a pound of hamburger, roll it up into 16 1 oz meatballs, mash them into "; " SLIDERS'; sell them for a BUCK APIECE- and you make a gross profit of say 13 bucks, minus expenses, etc.. thats manufacturing at its most basic.. REGIONAL CORPORATIONS are complaining they cant find any workers. well- pay them what a UAW worker makes- wages, benefits, etc- and i guarantee that if they hel a job fair atht ecoliseum there would be a crowd such as we have never seen. but- these SO-CALLED JOB CREATORS- wont pay a market wage; want overqualfed WORKERS FOR THE PAYCHECK, you clock in, you are chained to your machine, likely in an unheated shop; or outdorrs in the winter, toxic materials , dangerous hazards, etc.. INDIANSA WORKMANS COMP for on the job injuries, right to work, at will employement laws- all these so called tea party BUXINESS FRIENDLY laws- exploit the workers, and enrich the corporists, and their share holders. this is hardly CHRISTIAN that these same folks claim piously to be on sundays.. ( where we STILL CANT BUY CARRY -OUT BEER, WINE , LIQUOR thanks to these same MORALIST HYPOCRITES.. so- to grow an economy- first the workers need to have ACCESS TO CAPITAL ; and an invention TO SELL( to make cheap in china, or suitable 4th world nation( where the workers are paid a fair daily wage, etc..)-- so- good luck getting a MILLION BUCKS TO START UP- all the pre- emptive expenses- lawyers, bankers, in surance experts, al the bureaucratic red tape- is it the proper sort of business we want here, and not some sleazy dive bar with NEKKED WIMMIN of marginal morals, riff raff to frequent those dives, and so on? must pass all inspections, weekly etc.. - or an invention- which has to wind through the intellectual property safeguards, and patent procedures- so no one steals your idea..
- James A Jim McCoy Jr. Dave has hit on otner issues. Tne idea oc the politicians only wanting approved industries and approved businesses. You have this problem, again mainly in the republicans,, of "downtown only". Theynuse organizations like the downtown improvement district to place restrictions on yhe type, location and number of businesses. Anything innovative, creative or in any way outside of the scope of their narrow minds is forebidden. More than anything, fort wayne has been harmed by corruption. There will of course need to be some restrictions and control, you dont want your neighbors drilling for oil in thejr backyard or running a strip club. But they have gone to the opposite extreme of using tne force of tne government and yne broken tax system to favor a small group to the detriment of the entire city and county. The local government should be taking a multipronged approach to economkc development, working to retain local business (where fort wayne has a history of chasing business out), promote local investment and attract investment from a variety of sources and industries, both national and international.
- Gina Burgess James A Jim McCoy Jr. -- Thanks for commenting. I chuckled after reviewing your first comment. Yes, I realize that politicians can't snap their fingers and magically make new industries appear within the geographical boundaries of Allen County, but they can inventory the strengths and weaknesses of the local area and see what industries might naturally be attracted herein. For example, the County imports far too much food and imports far too much energy. How could we overcome these problems? Well, one school of thought would have more people using gardens to produce their own food and not relying on the importation of food and utilizing sources of energy currently unharnessed, such as residential and commercial rooftop solar systems that could provide electrical power and possibly supply surpluses of energy back to the likes of AEP. Off the cuff, these are two industries that could easily be developed locally if either City Council or County Council were more progressive. There are so many problems with current economic development projects to list here, but I can highlight a few issues. First, I love Downtown as much as the next person. (Perhaps maybe even a lil more since I did write a book about Downtown tourism.) But the continued injection of money into downtown to the detriment of rest of Fort Wayne and Allen County is imply counter-productive and not fiscally responsible, much less fiscally conservative. Why for example are we, the taxpayers, expected to fund BOTH the Downtown Improvement District AND the Downtown Development Trust? They are one and the same entity, as organized by current Deputy Mayor Karl Bandemer--the Downtown Development Trust is doing business as the Downtown Improvement District. This means that 2x the amount of taxpayer dollars are going to fund a private business entity seemingly under the control of Deputy Mayor Karl Bandemer. Call me old-fashioned, but that seems a lil best, a conflict of interest and at worst, outright fraud. By all means, please don't believe me, review information from the Indiana Secretary of State yourself: - Gina Burgess BAD REPORTING OR INACCURATE DISTRIBUTION OF FACTS?? According to an October, 2013 article by The Journal Gazette, the Downtown Development Trust "...was formed in early 2011..." However, the Indiana Secretary of State reports that the original "Downtown Improvement District" was organized on November 18, 1999 by Carson Boxberger and then filed Articles of Reinstatement by Baker & Daniels in March 7, 2011, where it then began utilizing the name and form of "Downtown Improvement Trust." Not sure about anyone else, but this reminds me of a shell game???
According to most metrics, the Downtown Development Trust was a bust over the past year: It sold only one building, which still sits empty 12 months later.But those closest to the organization defend it, saying - James A Jim McCoy Jr. Ill have to run back tomteach my business class in a few minutes. You touched on energy, which again brings us fo ignorsnce and corruption. Sorry to keep on these issues, but allen county isnlatgely run by a party that does not accept science. If you are going to understand energy, yku have tomunderstand science, as well as economics. Allen county grows corn, whichnis goodnfood but horrible energy. Itbtakes more energy to ma,e ethanol than youncan get from it and it only works when the industry is subsidized by tax dollars. What gne couty should do is open the llcal enerby market to competition, and allow alternative energy producers to compete. But they wont do that. They associate alternative energy with communism and corn subsidies with free markets. Arguing with such irrational and uneducated people is pointless now. Sorry, but until science, education and sound economics are brought into the debate, nothing will change. Before I left, I was learned how to make biodeiesal and was putting together a plan for a small production facility. I could not find any place in fort wayne or allen county where such a business could be legally operated. Here again is an example of how the combination of religion and corruption are hurting the economy and the people. Yhe religion keeps yne science out of the energy debate and corruption will not allow competition against the corn, which is also essentially a religion now.
- David Burgess I couldn’t agree more that the local government needs to start attracting new businesses to the area. They should stop trying to keep the businesses that have been here forever and hope they generate jobs, but try to attract and retain new businesses here that can create actual new jobs. Doesn’t this bother anyone else that our local government isn’t really trying to create jobs?
- James A Jim McCoy Jr. Yes a shell game, and a corrupt one that. Carson boxberger got millions from the stadium deal, and the taxpayers built them a new office. So much for free enterprise. This is tim pape's firm, which works closel with mitch harper and steve shine to keep out the competition and tax dollars flowing into their pockets. Now you know why tne allen county republican party supports Democrats.
- David Christopher Roach DID GINA SAY "LOCAL GOVT" AND PROGRESSIVE " in the same sentence? giggle!! JIM- lets not drill for oil; lets just drill- into the limestone below, drill baby drill . water? oil? who cares.. just drill; so whomever gets the contract for the so-calle dsewer project( actually preparing for the 100 room hotel casino, etc- to which the CHUNNEL will be connected up to to handle the hotel waste effluent.. ??- and WHO WILL PROFIT FRO NM SELLING ALL THE recyceled limestone quarried? no us.. a sure bet.. GINA- you are spot on as well. alternative energy? wind? solar? etc? not as long as the hoosier caol industry; and the kich brothers can pay tea baggers to be annoying gadflys to try to stop any such projects.. like- try to bet your own personl windmaill put in, or solar panels n your own back yard; and see how fast the "code nazis"; the zoning, planning, etc, by laws, and covenants stop you. a whole stampede of lawyers lined up on your doorstep.. heck- wind mills way out in the sticks- now theres a big falp about how wind mills kill hose majestic eagles, raptors, etc, a few hundred goose poop machines,, but eagles- brutally chopped up in those evil rotor blades. WE MUST STOP THESE EVIL EAGLE KILLING SLAUGHTER MACHINES; AND STOP THE CARNAGE!! ( tee hee!1 fakc e indignation; paid for by the kochs, etc.. DRILL your own water well, to get off the city utilities water bill rate rape machine? good luck with that.. back yard victory garden? good luck getting an y COMPOST DRIT- last year- there was NONE TO BE HAD ALL SEASON!! whats wrong with this picture? where did it all go? who did the MAYOR AND HIS RECYCLE MOGUL BROTHER SEEL THATTT TO? ( i will be quietly stockpiling 8 buckets at a time in the trunk of my car everytime im out by georgetown- all winter- so i have MINE this spring.. LOOK AT DETROIT.. now theres a city far worse off than us( but just a few miles ahead of us, down the road to ruin, due to out unfortunate symbiosis ;patasitic with the ARESNAL OF DEMOCRACY which is currentl knocked out on its welll. ARSE.. teehee..- hundreds of vacant lots, hundreds 1500 or so vacant properties- hel d up for habitation by sheriff sales, property tax sales, forclosures, left to rot until they are blighted; cited ( by coden anzis then ORDERED TO DEMOLISH ( because- well- the home demolishers must have work.. ). then when this urban prarie( because all the homes are bulldozed- WELL- THEN HOUSING AND NEIGHBOR DEVELOPMENT- heather pressley; and her cronies, etc- can then build nice new 150000 dollar homes next to 25 000 dolar blighted homes, vacant, boarded up , etc- and then the urban home developers can than rape their profits as well. see- its a nice well oiled CLOSED LOOP CORRUPTION MACHINE. where eveyrone makes a buck, including even that wicked withc of 666 west main street- the inkseeps- becaus ehtye ar e the news paper of record.. OH- AND- lets not forget DEB MORRONE- has anybody ever checked her e-mails, her phne records, etc=- dwn at the public safety academY9 THEY MUST BE DOING A GREAT JOB, FORT WAYNE S PUBLIC IS SOOOO SAFE..) LOL!! i BET IF ONE lifted the lid- wed smell GHOS T EMPLOYMENT- I wonder if shes as guilty as tony bennett- in using city resources in DEMOCRAT PARTY GOALS.. since her office is a stones throw from the public safety academy.. WHO CHECKS HER TIME CARDS, HER PHONE RECORDS, HER EMAIL, HER MAIL CORRESPONDENCE, HER VISITORS LOGS? I BET THERES A HEAP OF STUFF AS HIGH AS MARK GIAQUINTAS MOUND OF SEEPING TOXIC WASTE ON ADAMS CENTER ROAD? YOU THINK? since she hates me anyway, and i would like to think im a better man than to say the feeling is mutual.. oh fck it- i hope the bitch slips on a wet floor, and rattles that pea brain of hers.. TEEHEE!!! BUAGHAHAHA!
- David Christopher Roach hmm- enough ETHANOL HERE TO SAIL A SHIP? i wonder how long it would take me to get the OK to open a VODKA DISTILLERY? or theres a heap of PEAT AT FELGERS- SCOTCH ? hmmm. MOONSHINE! WHITE LIGHTNING.. made IN INDIANA. ( theres more than CORN in INDIANA -- like vodka--to misquote LAKE SHAFER AMUSEMENT PARK.. giggle!! as long as you cant buy or sell on sunday..
Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach -- You are making some excellent points tonight, but I am concerned that your valid points are being lost in a sea of indiscernible sarcastic wittiness that most people have little if any desire to read through and try to dissect. Could you please keep future posts more relevant and easier to read by limiting your sarcasm so readers can better understand what you are saying? Otherwise, I will be forced to delete postings that I might otherwise not want to delete. Thanks for your help in this matter. I greatly appreciate your assistance in raising awareness to valid points, concisely.
- Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach -- You are making some excellent points tonight, but I am concerned that your valid points are being lost in a sea of indiscernible sarcastic wittiness that most people have little if any desire to read through and try to dissec...See More
- David Christopher Roach hmm- enough ETHANOL HERE TO SAIL A SHIP? i wonder how long it would take me to get the OK to open a VODKA DISTILLERY? or theres a heap of PEAT AT FELGERS- SCOTCH ? hmmm. MOONSHINE! WHITE LIGHTNING.. made IN INDIANA. ( theres more than CORN in INDIANA -- like vodka--to misquote LAKE SHAFER AMUSEMENT PARK.. giggle!! as long as you cant buy or sell on sunday..
- David Christopher Roach sorry, its just my style. i shall endeavor to conform to your wise request, Gina.. thank you for you welcome input.. hows that?
- James A Jim McCoy Jr. The other mistake is in the understanding of how governments creates jobs. The local government creates jobs through building infrastructure; roads, parks, other public works. They do not create industries. The govednment can create an environment that can attract investment and bring industry by maintaining low taxes for all, not just a chosen few, cleaning up tne corruption, mainatining good schools, keeping crime down and having good infrastructure to support the businesses. Good roads, airports, trains, etc are important. Fort wayne has a grest location to serve tne midwest with a variety of services and manufacturing. I have always maintained that the city has a lot of resources, but they are being squandered. If nothing else, tom henry has shown good leadership in trying to make an attractive environment. He has been here to china and seems to be working to attract a variety of businesses. It seems fo be my former party, the failed, floundering and directionless republicans that have the narrow scope and want only a few selected businesses. I think if the republican city council continues tomfollow mayor Henry's lead, as they did on the budget, they will do well. Henry seems to understand the value of a diversified economy and is looking at all sources. The spending that needs to be done to repair and update the cities infrastructure was resisted by harper and others, which shows that they dont understand what attracts investment to a city. It is costly, and must be done. What needs to be accomplished next is building a reasonable, but broad tax base. The Republican idea of only a small, limited number of businesses that pay no taxes is a losing idea.
- Gina Burgess James A Jim McCoy Jr. -- I agree with many of your points, but there are a few I respectfully disagree with. First, I agree that the current way of doing business in both Fort Wayne and Allen County in not the best use of tax dollars, especially as it pertains to tax abatements. With one or two exceptions, most tax abatements are nothing more than a glorified version of “pay to play.” I also agree that government cannot “create” jobs, but rather that it can create an environment conducive to attracting jobs (i.e. low taxes for all, reducing and eliminating corruption, creating and maintaining great schools, reducing and eliminating crime, etc). I also agree that with both City Council and County Council being controlled by Republicans, that the fiscal gains and failures rests squarely on their shoulders, especially where its collective tax abatement policy has been utilized. I also agree that Fort Wayne and Allen County have a plethora of resources (many because of geographic location) and that those resources are being squandered. I disagree, however, that Henry (or any other local politician) understands the value of a diversified economy or has worked towards creating a diversified economy. All current industries that are either being propped up or “expanded” are pre-existing and have been so for at least the past decade or so. Yes, Mayor Henry has taken one trip to Japan and China, but that trip, taken back in 2009, was more about strengthening ties with the Fort’s sister city of Japan and exploring a similar relationship with China. In 2012, Taizhou became Fort Wayne’s 4th sister city. However, Fort Wayne has been the sister city to Takaoka, Japan (1977), Plock, Poland (1990), and Gera, Germany (1992) and from these relationships has only developed a very nice student exchange program. None of the sister city relationships to date have bore the fruits of economic development and that’s ok because that’s not what the sister city program was designed for. In terms of budgeting, in my opinion, all county and city legislative leaders/fiscal policy makers have failed. Local government is growing--or at least its out-of-control spending is growing to the point that a LOIT had to be instituted to cover costs. Instead of looking at ways to reduce wasteful local government spending—which desperately needs to be done in light of some really expensive upcoming projects like the federally mandated sewer tunnel—both County and City governments continue to spend as if money grows on trees. Need I remind you or anyone else of this past summer’s debacle concerning the moving of the Mad Anthony Wayne statue from Freimann Square across the street to the Courthouse Green for $100,000+…..just so the statue could be seen more “prominently”?? Fort Wayne has agreed to spend $19 million dollars for a 750 space parking garage (Ash Brokerage Project) for which only about 200 spaces will be available for rental to the general public. That’s darn near $95,000 spent per parking space. To me, that doesn’t sound all that financially responsible? Nor does 200 parking spaces contribute significantly to the local or even the downtown economy….but those spaces should help the real estate developers of Ash Brokerage, Hanning & Bean, Downtown Development Trust/Downtown Improvement District and the remaining 14 agencies that have their fingers in the proverbial pie. I agree that local Republican leadership seems directionless due to a much too-narrowed scope, but I believe the same can and should be said about Democratic leadership as well. (Btw, to my readers, please note that the problems being discussed in this thread aren’t a Republican versus Democrat thing…..its a how do we grow the local economy and stop the pain of local residents paying too much in taxes for too few direct benefits. For every dollar spent in taxes, a family loses a dollar to spend on groceries, gas, housing, medical care and other basic needs. The above thread is a “the buck needs to stop here” thing.)
- James A Jim McCoy Jr. I can't address all of this, but I don't disagree anyway. Remember though, that Mayor Henry works with The Alliance to bring international investors to the city. Yes, those 14r agencies are a big hindrance to business growth. If not for them, I may have stayed and kept my own business going. When a city has 14 agencies whose primary job is to say to NO to new business, you have a problem. Fort Wayne has never had anyone that understands parking involved in developing downtown. I really don't know what to say about that. It still boggles my mind how all of these people just do not understand something so basic.
- James A Jim McCoy Jr. ...""
If you are a politician with designs on becoming Mayor, having an understandin...See More - James A Jim McCoy Jr. ..."In November, 2012, Mayor Henry traveled to Taizhou, China to attend the Taizhou Economy and Trade Seminar and investigate economic development opportunities; meeting with investment groups, a sports equipment company and several manufacturing companies. Mayor Henry also established a Sister City Relationship with Taizhou; indicating the intent to maintain a long term relationship. In speaking about the important role that China is expected to play in the city’s economy, Mayor Henry said , “As we celebrate our new bond with Taizhou, we highlight the important role of economic development in the Sister City connection."
- David Christopher Roach ive lived here in fort wayne since 1968; and since about 1980( when Reagan, and the EVANGELICAL christian radicals have gained power, we have seen our constitutional and personal freedoms slowly taken away. no smoking, no smoking marijuana, no drinking, no dancing, no singing, no gambling, no froicking, etc.. womens personal right to choose to reproduce or not, everybody has to own a baasement ful of guns- a personal arsenal; no freedoms for gay people, and so on. I remember when fort wayne was a lot mofr fun, and there were a lot less laws, and more freedom, and the local entertaiment, and hospitality industry was booming. the AREA POLICE- mostly were safety, and security for WEEKEND CITIZENS and visotors who were here to PARTY.. ( and of course focused their time on dangerous violent felons- again- keeping safety and security.. Single people went to happy hous at various places around town, to meet, network, and generally unwind after a long day of work. a weekend party by teen agers, supervised by adults to celebrate various events of all kinds- were openly celebrated, with the police only visiting to keep order for the neighbors- so everyone was happy. there was little partisan ship, and open political warfare like we see today. people trusted their govt, and happily paid their taxes, because they trusted their elected officials, and were involved with what was going on around town. the local govt seemed more open and transparent, and the newspapers were not tabloid propagands instruments. I hear TEA PARTY types these days compliainig about the federal govt- I have never had any run-ins with any federal govt agents. all most local citizens troubles are with city and county police, and various zoning, planning, neighborhood code enforcement( which also had a lot fewer strict controlls over private property owners, and so on.. I know its not just me- because i also hear the same from lots of other people i talk to, or talk to on-line.. There is a whole very long list of state law reforms, local law reforms, and a few federal law reforms i think need to be enacted, because our governments have LL BEEN CORRUPTED BY GREED, CORPORTISTS, SPECIAL INTERESTS, and so on- all designed to halt any progress, change, or reforms, because they all have their slices of the pie carved up a, nd dont want anone else, particulary WE THE PEOPLE redistributing it, changing anything, or moving any ideas into the future . high on this list is energy companies, insurance companies, auto insureres, the legal/law enforement business, and so on. - the noose is slowly tightening. hOW CAN WE CHANGE THIS? WE CAN START WITH THE police, AND those agencies repsonsible for enforcing these freedom restricting laws.. case in point? look at NEWHAVEN- and their proposed GOLF CART ORDINANCE. I imagine the bill was killed because these same self appointed guardians of evangelicalims, and so on- pictured drunks safely driving home in golf carts, instead of being a danger- driving a golf cart home, and being responsible. whats the difference betweena golf cart, a SMART CAR, A FIAT 500, A BMW MINI COOPER, a motor scooter, motorcycle, and so on? all pose no safety threat except for the operaters. what next? helmet laws for golf carts? .08 operating limits? seat belts? air bags? I detect a pattern here- drinking, driving, auto makrs, gasoline peddlers, insurance companies- all trying to get another slice of our pie.. well. ill leave this out here for comment. SUCH AS - WHY NOT GOLGF CARTS IN DOWNTOWN FORT WAYNE- ? RIVER GREENWAYS, TRAILS, SIDEWALKS, . no worse than bicycles, and so on? in fact- riding a bicycle in fort wayne "bike lanes" is like playing russian roulette with 3 chambers loaded.. REED ROAD- BIKE "TRAIL" is a joke!! the entire road, from evard, to lake avenue- is a narrow , dangerous, life threatening endeavor. sidewalks? nearly non existent; and the few there are, are also dangerous; and especially ADA- non- COMPLIANT. HOVER-ROUND? forget about it.. GRANNY will sanp her leg on most of these uneven sad a-ss shape diewalks, and so on. i could go on, but its pointless.. OH- THE PROPOSED RAIL ROAD? good luck with that. ; except to speed the EXODUS from fort wayen, to better places.. folks coming from COLUMBUS OHIO, OR CHICAGO ILLINOIS TO!! for t wayne? scuse me while i get this giggle fit out of my system..
- David Christopher Roach FORT WAYNE RAIL TRAVEL? I recall a huge public meeting at the downtown public library in ...2003!!! 10 years ago!! in which a large group of local private and public officials BLOVIATED FOR 2 HOURS about HOW IMPORTANT RAIL WSERVICE TO FORT WAYNE, AND POINTS EAST AND WEST were to our local economy. a bunch of orthopedic bloviaters from WARSAW were" all aboard. local GOP schill; and lincoln life shill JOHN GURNEE; GEOFF PADDOCK, and a bunch of area transportaion planners, engineers, from the city, state, INDOT; and so on- all BLOVIATING about How MUCH THEY WERE ALL ABOARD, and supported this. after about 90 minutes of the PARADE OF SUITS- various blow-hards; political hacks, so-called experts, and CORPORATE SHILLS- then the floor was opened to public comments. I happened to be at the ACPL; as i lived a few blocks away, and had found an interesting quote by the regional NYC/ Pennsylvanian railroad superintendent- statin g the same thins, from oh- about 1913, or so- 90 years before all the professional BLOVIATING BLOVIATERS.. who do you trust? a professional railroad railfan, quoting a professional railroad superintendent- whos propheti statemnts stated the obvious ? and several other local railroad historian/hobbyist/enthusianst, rail fans, and so on, also commenting about how much WE THE PEOPLE OF FORT WAYNE, AND VICIN ITY also werea ll on board, if the VARIOUS LEVELS OF GOVT AND PRIVATE INDUSTRY COULD FIND THE MONEY TO MAKE IT SO.. after the meeting, folks gathered informally, chatted abotu rail roads, remember when, and so on. the PROFESSIONAL BLOVIATERS promptly vanished, slipped out the back door , lie a used car salesman who just sold th eDOG OF THE MONTH to A unsuspecting schmuck; a professional con man, wall street swindler, who just sold the brooklyn bridge to a ponzi schemer looking to polish their credentials.. WHAT A CIRCUS CLOWN SIDESHOW!! not the citizens in attendance- who filled 2 large rooms in the ACPL; nor the ENGINEERS, PLANNERS who HAD to attend. the rest of them.. THE NEXT DAY- the 2 main street tabloid rags dutifully reported on the festivities, as did the other local media. then a few days later- SILENCE, INACTION, LIKE IT NEVER EVEN HAPPENED.. Oh sure- a few cocktail party size gatheringsafter wards over the next few years,a few blips on the local radar, but mstly- crushing silence, no money from these previously enthusiastic professional bloviaters- WHO ALL WERE SAYING HOW IMPORTANT AND WONDERFUL ALL THIS RAIL ROAD TALK WAS, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO PUT UP THE MONEY.. AS THEY SAY- TALK IS CHEAP.. seems theis whole railroad fiasco is rolled out by PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN WHENEVER HE WANTS TO GRAB THE SPOTLIGHT, FOR POLITICAL GAIN.. and the rest of them.. ABOUT AS FUTILE as the other schemer/scammer- PAUL HELMKE who has about had the same lack of success with gun control as a rail road. with about the same level of success.. speaking of- Helmke was in the paper the other day- every time the gun brabbers have some tradgedy- helmke is the failed spokesman to wring hands, make some statement, scold the world and the 2nd amendment, and so on.. about as wasteful of our time, and effort, and pointless as well. GUNS ON TRAINS? HMMM. giggle!! well- here we go again- more group BLOVIATING BY CITY COUNCIL on how FORT WAYNE NEEDS DOWNTOWN RAIL SERVICE- FLOG THE DEAD HORSE AGAIN- NECRO-EQUINE SADISM- ( beating a dead horse.. get it? tee hee!!)- nic e distraction at hand for the last council meeting of the year.. another study to line some out of town/out of state cromy, nespot, etc- to tell we the citizens what we already know- its never going to happen in our lifetime( due to aforementioned special interests, corporatists; and the USUAKL SUSPECTS- who want to stop any change, hope or progress, because they dont want anyone else getting even a crumb more of their own slice of the pie, who exist to thwart the peoples will, and dont want to have to pay for any SOCIALIST SCHEME THAT MAY RAISE THEIR TAXES, to support the comon working class JOE SCHMOE. espcially anybody who wants to flee the fort wayne GULAG for CHICAGO, COLUMBUS, or points east of west. wh can afford a train ticket or bus ticket out of this DYSTOPIAN HELL HOLE, BACK WATER CESS POOL; but cant afford a car, truck , etc- ( which is why everyone should move downtown. lots of bars to WALK HOME FROM, and you dont need a car, or insurance, or gas taxes, or so on. JUST A GOLF CART, WITH LIGHTS AND A HORN. CIRCUS CLOWN COSTUME OPETIONAL.. ( like how i brought this satirical parody commentary full circle? thank you.. ( apologies to Gina Burgess- this is just how i roll.)
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