some sort or GOD inINDY in the 1967'S OR SO- for UNIGOV-
which myst be working well because FORT WAYNE AND EVERYBODY ELSE HAS "INDY ENVY"-
OF COURSE- "UNISCHOOL" ( trademarked 2016 by me)- would require some serious analysis and rewriting laws; but as a STAUNCH SUPPORTER AND GRADUATE OF OUR FINE ALLEN COUNTY/FWCS PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM-
I say- why not ask these questions? SHAKE UP THE STATUS QUO- .Its not like the money goes into thin air- its still there- money businesses can use for growth and hiring school system grads; AND WE can spend into our own economu INSTEAD OF THAT EVIL LITTLE PRICK MARK GIA QUINTA and his cabal of devils. (Mark Giq quinta is responsible for that gian toxic waste dump mountain in adams center road-aka"MOUNT GUIA QUINTA - they should put an observation deck on top and charge admission to watch sun sets from there; and sun rises.
ALSO- Mr Gia qunita- has been involved inRICO- ILLEGAL GAMBLING representing a current public safety board member and bar owner- where illegal gambling devices were operated. ask Judge Schiebenberger or Jon Barchak of the excise police or ask ME-
Mayor ( then city councilman ) and his spouse crooked cindy henry as well at the green frog; or jerry and linda vandeveer- the FOP book keeper- at the corrupt FOP Hall- where also RICO- in a POLICE UNION HALL for GOD'S SAKE!!If that doesnt reek of political and police corruption and just plain criminality - i dont know what does. the prosecutors office needs to make sure the FOP halls books during LINDA VANDEVEERS TENURE ARENT CREMATED WITH HER CORPSE; AND VANISH like thSHARON LAPP FILES AT HER MURDER SCENE.-
AND a Taped deposition- its not jut the crime; its the dover-up as well. what does Jerry Vandeveer know? rusty York? and man many more. ?
the stench of corruption is as bad as the adams center toxic waste dump -AKA MT GIA QUINTA.
so- dont let the government kleptocracy and plutocrats and oligarchs have their way- kill this tax- and kill all the wasteful spending they are doing wdowntown as well. derail and trainwreck all thes"momentummoving forward in the right direction( LEFT DIRECTION)-
and stop wasting all this cash- Look- im labled the village idiot savant- despite my education; and wisdom and knowledge ofHOW THING WORK AROUND HERE- and even i can see this tax cut is a great deal for everybody. cut spending- smaller govt lower taxes more freedom; market based economics.
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which myst be working well because FORT WAYNE AND EVERYBODY ELSE HAS "INDY ENVY"-
OF COURSE- "UNISCHOOL" ( trademarked 2016 by me)- would require some serious analysis and rewriting laws; but as a STAUNCH SUPPORTER AND GRADUATE OF OUR FINE ALLEN COUNTY/FWCS PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM-
I say- why not ask these questions? SHAKE UP THE STATUS QUO- .Its not like the money goes into thin air- its still there- money businesses can use for growth and hiring school system grads; AND WE can spend into our own economu INSTEAD OF THAT EVIL LITTLE PRICK MARK GIA QUINTA and his cabal of devils. (Mark Giq quinta is responsible for that gian toxic waste dump mountain in adams center road-aka"MOUNT GUIA QUINTA - they should put an observation deck on top and charge admission to watch sun sets from there; and sun rises.

ALSO- Mr Gia qunita- has been involved inRICO- ILLEGAL GAMBLING representing a current public safety board member and bar owner- where illegal gambling devices were operated. ask Judge Schiebenberger or Jon Barchak of the excise police or ask ME-
Mayor ( then city councilman ) and his spouse crooked cindy henry as well at the green frog; or jerry and linda vandeveer- the FOP book keeper- at the corrupt FOP Hall- where also RICO- in a POLICE UNION HALL for GOD'S SAKE!!If that doesnt reek of political and police corruption and just plain criminality - i dont know what does. the prosecutors office needs to make sure the FOP halls books during LINDA VANDEVEERS TENURE ARENT CREMATED WITH HER CORPSE; AND VANISH like thSHARON LAPP FILES AT HER MURDER SCENE.-
AND a Taped deposition- its not jut the crime; its the dover-up as well. what does Jerry Vandeveer know? rusty York? and man many more. ?
the stench of corruption is as bad as the adams center toxic waste dump -AKA MT GIA QUINTA.
so- dont let the government kleptocracy and plutocrats and oligarchs have their way- kill this tax- and kill all the wasteful spending they are doing wdowntown as well. derail and trainwreck all thes"momentummoving forward in the right direction( LEFT DIRECTION)-
and stop wasting all this cash- Look- im labled the village idiot savant- despite my education; and wisdom and knowledge ofHOW THING WORK AROUND HERE- and even i can see this tax cut is a great deal for everybody. cut spending- smaller govt lower taxes more freedom; market based economics.
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a clue that they have the wrong guy. When gods chosen candidate declares that he has never actually sinned, but does do things wrong some times but sees no reason to bring God into that, it makes the whole thing seem pretty lame.. Now he's offering the Quran in the rooms at his new hotel. It's right that he should, but it's one more thing that make his loyal worshippers look foolish
get a job you slackers lazy millennials. no ones going to just hand you the world- bernie sanders is a liar and a pied piper- youre going to have to do it the old fashioned way- take your own slice of the world and fight off anyone who tries to take it from you .
thats been the way of the world for ever.
hello! reality check.
thats been the way of the world for ever.
hello! reality check.