Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Insert hooverville here.. 

  • David Christopher Roach First- i want to state i'm being constructive, and honest. I have met John Stafford, and used to button hole him, and peper him with questions during city council meetings, for years; years ago. His nomme de guerre' was "the wizard"- the man who knew everything about the local economy, etc. he is very good at what he does. He was outstanding with his presentation at the legacy slush -oops trust - fund hearings, speaking about the sorry state of the local economy, using both facts, and figures; in a non-partisan, just the facts approach. Unfortunaely the picture he painted had only black, gray, and draer gray as his pallet brush. I have pestered him, lately, as with all the other economic wizards- when they prognosticate about the economy- so- you presented the symptom,s, how about suggesting a range of solutions, and remedies, from conservative, to truly outside the box/avant garde. unfortunatley, and i dont know why- they dont say much; probably because if they spoke the truth, they would be rapidly out of work. they get paid to parrot facts, figures, numers, and statistics; not to suggest any policy suggestions. So the question is: whts the pointof being a wizard, if you arent going to "cast a few spells", to coin a phrase. Its like Merlin, without his magic wand- fairly neutered, and limited use. But great job of putting lipstick on a warthog, and painting a pretty pisture, when your oly paint choices, are black, and gray, and maybe some white- to mix light gray. in the forecasts. again- i'm being constructive, and positive, but truthful.
    27 minutes ago · 

  • David Christopher Roach The alliance? totally useless, and a waste of taxpayers money. for such a relatively smakll operating budget- under 300,000 bucks, as i understand- they cause great damage, and havoc to the local economy, with the hundreds of millions of dollars they ladle out to every beggar business that comes along. A local labor activist, and his assistant have done research, and found that tax abatements, - the most commons handout aka corporate welfare- are of dubious results, and limited successes. their cost -benefit ratio is nearly criminal. Andy Udris- was dropped into a quagmire, and is picking up the pieces, but the best thing he could do is to put the alliance beast out of OUR misery. Ditto for Elisa McGauley- For al the hundreds of millions of projects she has presented to city councils through out the years, all I see is a giant money sucking black hole/ money pit. A homless bum has to jump through more hoops to get a fist full of dollars from unemployment, welfare, trustee assistance, food satmps for perhaps a few hundred dollars while crass greedy local businesses, and corporate raiders can waltz into town, ask for MILLONS OF DOLLARS, GET IT HANDED TO THEM, AND THEN TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN TO THE NEXT DESPERATE GOVT SCHMUCKS looking for a fold star on their a-s hats the question to ask- is this- WHERE ARE ALL THE JOBS IN THE CITY LIMITS OF FORT WAYNE? WHERE THE CITYS POOR NEED THE WORK, AND may not have a car to travel 2 counties away to work for a at- will sweat shop factory, assembling widgets under dangerous hazardous conditions?
    18 minutes ago · 

  • David Christopher Roach BY THE WAY- ITS BEEN 2 YEARS SINCE NELSON PETERS, AND MAYOR HENRY, AND FIRES, AND YORK DECLARED MISSION ACCOMPLISHED ON THE 9-1-1- CALL CENTER. they have all been talking about this since at least 1996; and the glass wall- the cheapest thing to take out, to combine the 2 centers, and help facilitate comunications( isnt that what a dispatch center is supposed to do? 2010- mission accomplished. yet here is is- 2012- another 2 yeatr, and still little progress. the glaciers covered north america, and receded in less time.
    15 minutes ago · 

  • David Christopher Roach speaking of mssion accomplished, and government schmucks- how many years has the richard henry harrison HOLE been sitting idle- as a monument to local idiocy? 2011- Mayor Henry declared Mission accomplished- and we handed him the Mayoralty- because as in the movie wag the dog- You dont change horses in mid stream- meaning if we wanted this project to be seen to completion- that Mayor Henry was the man. how many years has that GAPING HOLE ( ( google gaping hole- giggle) been sitting there? And i wont even go into the former Omnisource scrap yard/ former NYC RR freight yard- still no progerss-
    12 minutes ago · 

  • David Christopher Roach so Jim- I hope your meeting consisted of yelling, cursing, grabbing them both by the noses, and kicking them in the a-sses because thats what works around this stupid city. Is there lead in the water, or something? And this whgole stupid idea of regionalism- is so the citys with useless economic development staffs, can claim credit when some sweat shop opens its work camp counties over. yes we are all inter dependent, but they are dependent on fort wayne, not the other way around. Fort wayne is a ghost town compared to when i was in high school in the 70's. again- WHERE ARE ALL THE JOBS..?
    8 minutes ago · 

  • David Christopher Roach I have lots of soultions, mostly getting start up cash into the hands of entrepreneurs, and small micor capitalists. theres 80 million bucks in the Legacy slush- oops- trust fund. theres 25 million bucks or so in the city surplus. theres another 25 million bucks in the sorry broke a-ss county coffers- ( they never have any money- do they?) ( they tax us, take it from us, then sit on it. ) what are we paying for? Then theres a nother half a billion- 500 million bucks stashed all over town inv arious trusts, foundations, and other SLUSH FUNDS.. And Local Banks - all they have to do is go to the Bank window at the NYC Federal Reserve bank, and just ask- for pretty much as much money as they want- for no interest- You want a billion dollars? come back after lunch, we'll have it printed up for you. If I could go to the same window, and say Gimme a million bucks- i could retire, interest free- never mind creating jobs- i'll never have to work again. JOHN DILLINGER IS SPINNING IN HIS GRAVE - "WHAT? walk into the bank, and they just give you money? as much as you want? dont need a gun? just an id, and a pen?( no- pen- on the chain)... GOD I LOVE AMERICA!!
    2 minutes ago · 

  • David Christopher Roach You get the idea- My meal would be more like the last supper for condemned men- I'd make them an offer they cant refuse- either fort wayne gets some jobs, or heads will roll, you'll be sleeping with the Carps in the maumee river( cement shoes in lake michigan/ thge East river- ) figuratively speaking, of course- burger King is Hiring- in the words of Dan Quayle.. and thats all i got to say about that( forrest gump)..
    a few seconds ago · 

  • David Christopher Roach Hitler conquered Europe in less time than the downtown ROACH HOTEL.. the US Defeated Japan in less time. , Jim. dont piss on my leg, and tell me its raining ( ??? lol..) Graham graham the flim flam man. reminded me of a used buick salesman. or the music man. Mr Moses? the trailer park king of fort wayne. the sharon Lapp murder mystery- and the missing police corruption files she kept- whatever happened to them? why isnt former police chief David c reiman in prison? for conspiracy to obstruct justice? Mayor Henry? cherrymaster racketeering. I spent more time in jail for breaking alcohol laws- i've worked in bars, and i'm a responsible, sensible, social drinker. Police political corruption. Like Harvey dent in the dark knight- can you make him talk? i'll make him sing- the courtroom scene- if the politicians, cops, judges, and so onw ere honest- thats ho wmany indicemtnes we would have- i cleaned up fort wayen, every illegal racketeering legion hall is going down. I sank the bismarck. It was crooked; yet no heads have rolled from that one( except for mine..) Again- just being honest. I'm harvey dent- i cleaned up gotham city. or am i the BAT MAN? LOL!! MASKED OUTLAW VIGILANTE? AND WHAT OF MY FRIEND- WITH THE DRUG HOUSE HIGH TECH CAMCORDER- YOU KNOW WHOM. CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT..
    4 minutes ago · 
  • David Christopher Roach and while i'm at it- i read every sunday newspaper /tabloid- and why are the same police sectora always have a dozen serious crimes listed- sectors 21( near north side) 42, 44, 45- south central fort wayne, and a few others. ? whatever happened to using computers, and statistics, etc to predict crimes, and targeting sweeps? and 7200 outstanding warrants- and who do the cops harass? stoners, social drinkers, parking scofflaws, and mickey mouse misdemeanors. How did Plumadore mamange to slip under the radar? everytime i had a traffic, small claims court, or some other petty warrant, i was top on the list- youd think i was on hoovers public enemy number 1 list- i was the first person they would arrest on their thursday, and friday warrant sweeps- vecause you end up spending the weekend in jail, if you have any oustanding warrants.. IS THERE ANYTHING IVE SPOKEN ABOUT THAT ISNT FACTUAL, OR TRUTHFUL? brutally frank..?
    2 seconds ago · 

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