SOME FICTITIOUS spin doctor/ pr made up company has provided cover for police/political economic development incompetence once more...

its not safe if you are the one to catch the bullet. a friends car got shot up the other night. thereare about 7400 outstanding felony fugitive warrants. its safe if you arent a 9 yr old living ann a trailer park full of baby rapers,a dn hacksaw cannibal necrophilioacs. and if you dont live near the 500 baby raper sex offenders. and its safe if you dont live in about 6 police setors on the SE/south central part of fort wayne. and its safe if you dont work in a walgreens, CVS, etc- late night shift. think about it- OPANA is probably only worth a nickel a pill, at most, yet how much do they make off it? why not legalize opium, morphine, sped, and cocaine- that would both thin the herd- let the stupid die off, from drug overdoses. take the profit asnd greed from drug dealing . (keep drugs away from kids. MAKE PARENTS KEEP THEIR DR FEEL GOOD PRESCRIBED HAPPY PiLLS LOCKED UP FROM THEIR KIDS IN THE WEALTHY SuBuRBS, OR CHARGE THE PARENTS WITH NEGLECT..
and who is this made up fake insurance company-public relations spin doctor- to say fort wayne is safe/ who are they ? funny how these spin doctor companies pop up with these flyuff articles around election times to debunk the facts, and lie about the truth.. INCOMPETENT COPS- CANT CATCH ONE opana walgreens thief? SEEMS EASY TO ME, OR ANYBODY ELSE.. I'LLL LET THEM FIGURE IT OUT.. AND WHAT OF THE COPS WASTING TIME ON PROSTITUTION /HOOKER STINGS? IN LIGHT OF ALL THIS? AND SEEMS ONE COP HAS TIME TO SIT INFRONT OF A BROADWAY BAR, AND SHOOT CUSTOMERS AS THEY STAGGER OUT THE DOOR? sure- fort waynes safe.. if your a criminal, or live way outin the suburbs.. assuming your home hasnt been foreclosed..