Tuesday, July 22, 2014



Letter to the editor: Quo custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who watches the watchers?)

Monday, July 21, 2014 - 9:13 am
Have you ever asked yourself that question ? I have always been too busy with work, family and life in general really to worry much about finding the answer to that question, but now that I have the time I want to know who is doing it.
It seems every time you ask that question you are placed in the gray area reserved for the unclean or the uninformed of humanity, or placed in the category of radical who wants to tear down the elite or the status quo of politics no matter what party you are with or not with.
We have been told from early in life that you need to be involved in your community to make a difference, have a voice in your community, get out and support a idea, person or party that you can identify with your moral, ethical or ideological view. Well your views are welcome as long as your views and ideas are the same as the person or party. Don’t rock the boat by thinking you are different, so get in line and come on board so we move this ball forward, but who’s forward are we moving this ball? We are moving the ball to a predetermined outcome from the elite cabal that have already made the decisions even before they ask your opinion on the issue.
In many cases the support of a single person is looked at by the powers that be as insignificant to the whole, so an idea of one voice making a difference is discounted to the point of apathy from both sides of the question. The elite cabal just pat you on the back, say nice platitudes about you, then do what they wanted to do all along.
The Fourth Estate has let the people down time and again by making the so-called news into an entertainment show with only the cute, easy and politically correct stories that promote the elite cabal views of what we need to know to be the sheep we are. Don’t look too deep – you might find something that could be a real story. Has the Fourth Estate forgotten what truth and justice means and their position in the equation of freedom of speech and freedom of the press?
John Modezjewski

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