Monday, August 25, 2014


  • Charlotte A. Weybright Currently the commissioners exercise both legislative and executive powers. 

    As the executive branch, the Board of Commissioners may approve policies that affect nearly 1,350 full-time county employees and another 400 part-time employees.

    As the legislative branch, the Commissioners pass ordinances that primarily affect unincorporated (not within a city or town) areas of the county.

    It is the only body in all of county government that can receive bids for projects and services and sign contracts.

    I frankly think having the powers of two "branches" of government concentrated in just three people is not wise. The restructured system would rearrange the duties to be closer to the typical system of council as legislative branch and the county executive similar to a mayor/governor.

    When changes either are supported or opposed, I always question who will benefit and who will not. I suspect there is some classic "follow the money" in this issue.
  • Charlotte A. Weybright It isn't uni-gov. Uni-gov is combining city government with county government. Indianapolis-Marion County is uni-gov. Miami-Dade is the same way. Our city government won't change, and it isn't merging with the county.

    If the referendum is passed, then the county will operate similarly to the City. One executive just like a mayor, governor, or president. Nine council districts will now be like a legislative branch. Right now the commissioners have too much power - legislative AND executive power are vested in just three commissioners. 

    And, it won't necessarily be Nelson Peters. The single county executive assuming passage will be elected in 2018.
    Toward the end of the 1960s, a diminishing tax base and a deteriorating downtown...See More
    28 mins · Edited · Like
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach au contraire- you have surely heard the story about the frog, and the pot of boiling water?- you cant just throw the frog in the water- you have to turn up the heat slowly- meaning- its creeping incrementalism- first- you do one small thing- then another- such as what was the name of the notorious meeting in east allen county- where the citizens were all up in arms the last time something like this was proposed- the SOMETHING town MASSACRE?- (i dont recall the exact name - but anyway- all the surrounding towns and citizens were all up in arms over the same thing. 
    as for UNI-GOV- yes- im aware of the incremental differences- what this referendum proposes- is first- turn up the heat, see if anything blows up- if not- turn it up some more- re-do the county govt- then re do the city govt- by proposing combing the city -county govt- with ONE COUNTY MAYOR/EXECUTIVE- and more city-county council persons. - then oh-lets do away with all the redundant township trustees- except for one county wide trustee? all those township board members? do we really need al of them?
    then lets see- how about a METRO POLICE DEPT- CITY COUNTY?- ACPD? NHPD? FWPD?- al those overlaping jurisdictions? all those redundant police officers? and then we have the issue of city union cops (PBA_FOP)- vs NHPD; and ACPD- non- union cops- lets save the tax payers millions!!! MILLIONS!!! BUAGAHAHAHA( dr evil laugh... giggle..) all those union wages- make the cops take a bullet for cheap( led by the FW city council GOP..-CRAWFORD; JEHL..- and then all those redundant desk jhockeys? do we need al sthose sworn cops? i bet civilian workers could do the job cheaper, and better? AND- what of all those OVER-AGE COPS- WHOSE STATUTORY EXPIRATION DATES HAVE BEEN EXPIRED?- best if used by?dates?- retire the old war horses; put them out to pasture- and hire in some recent military MP; etc- VETERANS- after IRAQ; AFGHANISTAN, SOMALIA, ETC- fort wayne is a cake walk- peacekeeping..- 
    personally- im in favor of COUNTY SHERIFFS, FWPD NHPD- UNIONIZED..- but it seems the tide is not in our favor at the moment.
    - and what of LETS HAVE ONE COUNTY WIDE SCHOOL SYSTEM? ALL THAT REDUNDANCY; ALL THOSE ADMINISTRATORS- surely we could have one county wide METRO SCHOOL SYSTEM AS WELL- have a dozen or so county wide school board members? one county wide school superintendent? central office in the GRILE BUILDING; and all that vacant office space in the former lincoln life high rise??
    and lastly- while were turning up the heat- INCREMTNATLLY- what of all the disparate overlapping fire departments, districts, and so on?- St Joe township trustee UHRICK- has sure screwed up the st joe fire dept- once one of the best in the state- now- i bet the cant put out a n ashtray fire..- LETS HAVE ONE UNIFIED METRO FIRE DISTRICT/FIRE DEPARTMENT?
    and lastly- while were burning the bridges- why wont the tea party republicans finally nail shut the coffinon the allen county democrat party- useless, and impotent anyway- and ANNEX ANNEX ANNEX- - after all years ago- when HELMKE, ETC- was doing it- it was praised as sheer genius- high heavens, king helmke?- if a city isnt growning its dying; all that horse-sht?- LETS JUST ANNEX OURSELVES INTO UNIGOV?- spread the tax burden for all these various DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PROJECTS? ANNEX HUNTERTOWN- strangle them off? once and for all? bercause after all- they all live here, and enjoy the amenities of fort wayne- io fort wayne wasnt here, there would be nothing?- you heard the SCHPIEL..-
    so-oh- and letsw not forget- whomsoever succeeds in UNIGOVING ALLEN COUNTY- HIS NAME SHALL BE FOREVER ENSHRIEND IN THE HIGH CHAMBER S OF VAHALLA WITH THE OTHER REPUBLCAN UNIGOV GOD- RICHARD LUGAR ( responsible in part for every foreign policy debacle in the last 50 years.. for the records, but ignore that-- HELMKE TRIED AND FAILED, OTHERS AS WELL- WILL THE ANOINTED MESSIAH BE NELSON PETERS? MR 9-1-1-( a noun and a verbna d 911 dispatch?
    but imnot saying anyting you havent ever heard before, CHARLOTTE.ITS A POWER GRAB.- sure im infavor of cutting the nuts off our current county council- who doesnt care about public safety, jail guards safety, or patrol officers safety-- so- UNI-GOV IS AN INCREMENTAL POWER GRAB- oops- palnet allen- whatever its current incarnation is- THE GRABILL MASSACRE? - at least count voters will turn out, and maybe punch that DEMOCRAT STRAIGHT TICKET BUTTON- WALKER AND ROACH.. AND KUHNLE; ETC.. because hmm- no choices in gh eFWCS races..did i hit all the high notes? you have the floor, madam chairwoman..


Toward the end of the 1960s, a diminishing tax base and a deteriorating downtown promptedIndianapolis civic leaders to push for measures that would revive the city. In 1970, the Indiana state legislature provided for the consolidation of the governments of Indianapolis and Marion County. The resulting entity—coined “Unigov” by tycoon-councilman Beurt SerVaas—instantly turned the city into the nation’s 11th largest. But Unigov was not a comprehensive merger. The mayor of Indianapolis—Dick Lugar, at that time—became the mayor of Marion County as well, with the City-County Council serving as a single legislative body. Nonetheless, a number of services—including law enforcement, fire departments, school systems and tax assessment—were not combined.
Additionally, the communities of Lawrence, Beech Grove, Speedway and Homecroft retained autonomy, although they were represented in the City-County Council. Unigov took as a precedent similar initiatives in Nashville, Tennessee and Jacksonville, Florida; and served as a model for the consolidation of the governments of Louisville and Jefferson County, Kentucky. After Unigov, a number of American cities—fromAlbuquerque to Kalamazoo—undertook consolidations that were not successful.
The adoption of Unigov is often credited with having resuscitated Indianapolis and secured its national reputation. The move was praised in some quarters as visionary in its transformation of outdated jurisdictional boundaries and bureaucratic structures and its attempt to mend a fractured community. Unigov laid a foundation, it’s been argued, that led to everything from the city’s AAA bond-rating to its acquisition of an NFL franchise. On the other hand, Unigov’s critics claim that the measure was designed to maintain Republican control of Indianapolis, and that it only enhanced the city’s racial inequities.
Ironically, a subsequent consolidation proposed in 2004 is once again weathering accusations of being a partisan power grab—albeit for the other party. Democratic Mayor Bart Petersonpromotes “Indianapolis Works” as the extension of the work of streamlining government begun by Unigov in 1970. After initially voting it down, the state legislature passed a bill allowing for a combined metropolitan police force as of January 2007. Although consolidations in other departments are gradually being incorporated, the overhaul remains controversial.
For more information on Unigov, go to:

  • Charlotte A. Weybright David - the issue is the referendum and what it will mean. Tell me why you want three individuals to hold executive AND legislative powers? The referendum addresses the division of powers in county government.

    With nine council districts, Dems will have a better chance of holding maybe two or three seats as compared to none at this time.

    We aren't talking about Uni-Gov or annexation. How is it a power grab if power is being spread out rather than consolidated? A single county executive will only have executive authority - not legislative authority as it does now. So actually it is shifting power to nine individuals on a county council rather than four representing districts and three at-large. The at-large cover the entire county. Exactly how effective is that? At least with nine council members, each smaller district will be better served.
    23 mins · Edited · Like
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach because NO DEMOCRATS WILL RUN- we will once again see" no candidate no candidate etc-- ad nasueam. more holes thanswiss cheese- i believe was the term GOP chair Steve Shine used. If this is such a swell deal- why is it only REPUBLICANS are pushing so hard for it? and having a TRIUMVARATE ( like in rome- prevents too much damage from ocurring if we get some incompetent schmuck( nelson peters)- in office- holding the reins... DEMOCRATS HAVE NO CHANCE OG WINING ANY COUNTY RELATED OFFICES- because our party leadership- is also runby incompetent schmucks- - example: the city union/tea party battle- tom henry is taking undue credit- because as the highest elected democrat official- he didnt do doodly- in helping democrats win a majority on city council.. - when we have no candidates; no party structure, no organiuzation-what do you expect- theres a reason its a 2 party system- use another term- HEGELIAN DIALECTICAL- POINT COUNTER POINT- COMPROMISE-- the unions are all crying-(crybabies)- but did they provide any foot soldiers to turn out the vote last city election? this 2014 election?- NO- ditto for the other base groupos that make up our party- gay people, hippies stoners, liberals, minorities- black, hispanic, asian- unions, - to name a few- we had the guido-schrader debacle- and im saure IM being blamed ( unjustly)- - the DEMOCRAT LEADERS FAILED- to find anybody- i filed nearly the first day- starting the clock ticking- we know the sorry litany of democrats for sheriff- ROD CLICK - NOT INSANE- WHO HIJACKED THE GUARD ARMORY- A HEAVY LOAD TRUCK A TANK!!!- AND DOZEND OF GUNS?- FOR GODS SAKE!!( ps- i knew rod click from ivy tech..he was alittle odd- but not a bad soldier..veterann)- Jerry the RAT? My opponent- has the TAINT OF FRIES - and his scandals, and a whole list of things ive targetet- but not a peep in support.. - IVE CLEARLY STATED- hey- im just filling an empty hole in the swiss cheese- the democrats know the election laws.. and the result? rampant crookedness in the city.
    so- in the current state- as written- im voting no- because "theres too many known unknowns and too many unknown knowns"( rumsfeld. quote... tee hee.. -dont want to be accused of plaigiarizing someones ideas- or thoughts..)
    AND- why do we get all these public questions, and referendums popping up on the ballot, yetiwhenever i bring up the subject to the county election board about oh- lets say- a REEFERENDUM- a puiblic question- where citizens can vote yea or nay on legalizing recreational marijuana like in several other states and nations in the usa; and the world- they give me some BS reply about theres no process tp put referendums or public questions on the ballot
    Since im just a empty suit- a "hole filler" - in the "swsiss cheese- a free throw- the gop gladieux would have been totaly unopposed anyway- why not make my center pice issue SAVE THE COUNTY MILIONS!!!( nelson peters favoprite flim flam man catch phrase- he should make commericla for FRED GROTE THE CAR GUY?)- but legalizing weed; nullifying the laws- SMART ENFORCEMENT- enforce the laws that need enforced, and due to county council s skinflint tightwad cheapskate financing of county public safety- theres precious little cash to chase every weekend social drinker, minor consuming, seatbelt scofflaws( ticket of clicket- operation pull overs; - etc- anyway- so focusing on the METH DEALERS, MAKERS; DOMESTIC TERRORISTS( pro lifers; gun nuts)- school bullies- ( I WILL BUST THEIR BALLS... )- AND THOSE WHO PREY ON THE WEAK, THE OLD, THE YOUNG, - wel- i can do plenty to keep us all safe without harassing harmless pot heads, stoners- and empty the jails, the courts, the dockets( one of ed rousseus favorite reasons for a METRO PD- source credited..)- andSAVE THE COUNTY MILLIONS!!- to put towards the SHERIFFS DEPT -KEVLAR - vehicles- 2 man patrols, 2 man patrols in the JAIL; and so on.. speakin g of- why do we need sheriffs sales? and SWORN DEPUTIES WITH SHERIFFS SQUAD CARS SERVING BILL COLLECTORS PAPERWORK? and 7000+ warrants? outstanding? seems like one great big cluster flop to me.. VOTING NO!!
  • Charlotte A. Weybright Dems aren't pushing for it because many don't even know what it is, yet one of our local Dem House members co-authored the legislation.
    14 mins · Edited · Unlike · 1
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach exactly m y point- clueless ignorant democrat- due to lack of leadership of any kind- again- no foot soldiers, no precinct people- i was precinct chair -218- for several years- i have the time- but the central committee- /chairman/etc- said- we dont acknowledge you- we dont accept you- we will drive you out of the party- ok- whatever dudes- im just trying to help here..- so- we had 3 candidates for precinct 218- PAT LOVE -former county assessor-0 because the republican was a jerk( arewnt most of them?)- and some other lady- whohasnt even called me to say hi, introduce herself, or anything- the primary turnout was 10 people- 4 for the new lady- 3 for pat love; and 1 - for me- i voted for myself..of course.. 
    why do we only have ONE state rep? SAME STORY- if our party had NY ORGANIZATION, OR LEADERSHIP- IF the thought of themselves as not just an isolated ITTY BITTY CITY COMMITTEE(lol..)- focused on desperately holding on to their mayor seat; 2 sad sack districts- and an ocassional city wide office- and thought of themselves as this county; state, federal local organization- because we vote for city, county, state, and federal offices around here, and an ocassional odd ball other vote- well- maybe if we simply COPY CATTED WHAT STEVE SHINES MACHINE IS DOING- wed stand a chance. but with no leadership to speak of, no organization to speka of, no candidates- SWISS CHEESE- HEY- WERE THE CHEESEHEADS!! tee hee!)- maybe we wouldnt have to put up with the tea party idiots we have elected- BOB MORRISS? OH GOD! PLEASE.. what a jerkoff. but wheres FRED? 
    I read all the time in the news- but this is so heavily republican- well- yes- because of all the democrats that cross over vote in the GOP primary- how do we identify them otherwise? we have IPFW, Indiana Tech, U of st francis (COUGARS.. TEE HEE..) and all the local high schools- where there are plenty of young liberal /moderate progressive republican minds who would vote democrat- IF WE HAD SOME LEADERSHIP; AND ORGANIZATION- but again SWISS CHEESE- A CHINO- chairman in name only..- ALBERT EINSTEIN ONCE SAID- insanity is doing the same thing over and over the same way, and expecting a different result"- so- all im trying to do is maybe we need to do somethings different- but trying to get anyone to change- is like puyshing a rck up a hill.- ( oh- and LIBERAL MINDED VETERANS- theres a few)- and other groups- who arent happy, but we cant seem to hope to change anything... ?

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