**Within the trial, 21Alive learned that three male, St. Vincent de Paul employees were confronted by administration for visiting the Showgirl Gentleman's Club in Fort Wayne back in 2004.
After one of those men inappropriately touched a dancer, all were kicked out, including the principal's stepson as well as two teachers.
According to court records, unlike Herx, those men received counsel from the church and did have the option to renew their contracts - a point that was a primary focus within Wednesday's questioning and testimony.**!!!
whatever you do- dont dont dont click on this "NUNS AND PORN" link:
follow link for lots of funny captions to this NUN- IN A BIKINI
Local Discrimination Trial Makes National Headlines, Testimony Involves Teachers Kicked Out Of Strip Club
By Rachelle Spence - 21Alive
December 17, 2014Updated Dec 17, 2014 at 9:44 PM EST
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FORT WAYNE, Ind. (21Alive) -- It's a case that's received countless national headlines and continues to play out right in Fort Wayne.
Wednesday marked the second day of the local trial between a former St. Vincent de Paul teacher, Emily Herx, and the Fort Wayne - South Bend Catholic Diocese.
The debate revolves around whether officials with the diocese discriminated against Herx by choosing not to renew her teaching contract, after finding out she was using in vitro fertilization (IVF) in an attempt to have another child.
Those within the diocese say Herx violated the school's catholic morality clause, which she agreed to follow when signing her contract.
However, the lawsuit filed by Herx isn't directly about IVF treatments or the church's teachings. Instead, it's on the basis of gender discrimination and her belief that men, within the school, are not held to the same moral standard as women.
Within the trial, 21Alive learned that three male, St. Vincent de Paul employees were confronted by administration for visiting the Showgirl Gentleman's Club in Fort Wayne back in 2004.
After one of those men inappropriately touched a dancer, all were kicked out, including the principal's stepson as well as two teachers.
According to court records, unlike Herx, those men received counsel from the church and did have the option to renew their contracts - a point that was a primary focus within Wednesday's questioning and testimony.
21Alive's Rachelle Spence will continue to follow this trial through completion which is expected to be Monday, December 22nd.
1. "A stripper nun and a pool party? This is the bestest birthday ever!"
2. And Billy is set on the course that would lead to him becoming one of the world's leading suspension bridge engineer.
3. "Ma'am. I will give you my allowance for a year if you will spend five minutes in the Moon Bounce with me."
4. The Safe School Czar and the way it Could Have Been if only we had elected Donald Trump.
5. Billy stared at the tittehs, but his friends Brucie and Ricky couldn't take their eyes off the Lifeguard's fabulous six-pack.
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