Tuesday, June 30, 2015




( a noun, a verb and 9-1-1)

911 is working again in Allen County. Bio-solid facility on Lake Avenue is waiving fees for dropping off tree limbs. City's 311 call center will be taking calls until 6pm.
  • You, Thomas F. Didier and Kerry A. Miller like this.
  • Ed Rose I think CC members like Thomas F. Didier Mitch Harper & others would be asking that very question this Tuesday? I would the Department head would come foreword on his own to explain just what happened. Can and how can it be prevented in the future! I won't pass judgement until I hear what took place.
    Like · Reply · 21 hrs
    • David C Roach clearly- the 911 system broke down- after all the 10's of millions of dollars spent and all the political posturing about combining it, ( all they had to do was remove a window..); and all the upgrades; the news software; and so on.
      clearly an EPIC FAIL! 
      this is all on nelson Peters, rusty York, and Sheriff Fries and gladieux and the cccw board..
      Like · 21 hrs
    • Ed Rose First of all Fries &Gladieux opposed it but the commish gave them zero options. I know that right from their mouths!
      This huge amount of money went to all the new radio system because manufacture, like Apple does, stopped supporting both software and p
      art replacement here in North America. Also there is a Homeland Security requirement that all emergency radio system be able to work cross agency, state wide.
      If you remember just 5-10 years ago, on some State Police cars they had five or six antennas on their trunks. The inside of the squad car looked like a communications center. All so they could talk to several police agencies.
      Then you have the issue that nearly criminal had a smartphone with a scanner app. Even though it is a federal violation to use such when you are mobile it never charged. But still a problem for police.
      So the city-county could have put it off for a few years, it was just a fact of life that it was coming. I have no opinion on their timing of buying the equipment. But it was coming.
      Now the only question is what happened to the PHONE SYSTEM? My understanding dispatch to units in the field never was effected. I also do not know if cell phone calls to 911 could not go through! The blame could be with the phone company, at the transfer point within the communication's department. Or the computer system within the department. So, judgement is premature at this time. I hope City Council is informed and answered honestly. Then get it fixed.
      Like · 20 hrs
    • David C Roach

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  • David C Roach the point is -obfuscation; and confusing sidetracks aside-
    we have a 911 system. it is supposed to work in emergency situations- wind storms, tornadoes; ice storms, etc. ; not just the day to day police calls.
    Its supposed to have built in- extra capacity.. the 6th floor of FWPD HQ; the public safty academy; new haven PD. We have been lied to- all this talk about how safe nelson peterrs has made us with his wiz bang 9-1-1- system- is a Hoax. I have been harping for several years about this- first- the upgrades have sat on the shelf since 1996- talk talk talk. then in 2010- - whe I won the democrat nomination for shereiff; WOW! press conferences meetings; running around- and POOF! magically- they say we have this noew whiz bang 9-1-1 system. wqell- then after that; it ran into a wall.- the basement wall in the city county building- a glass wall; which I happily volunteered to take a sladge hammer to since they were unable to do so..
    THEN- it turned into a money pit- 
    nelson peters - again- was all like - we need more money; and more money, and so on.
    which is why I call it NELSON PETERS MONEY PIT; AND WHI I CAL NELSON PETERS - A NOUN, A VERB AND 9-1-1-( derived from the same derisive term for rudy guiliani- for the same reasons..)

    so- why didnt they test the system for overload capacity- to see if it would crash in emergency /extreme conditions? 
    your average citizen doesnt know who to call- 311? 9-11? who? Iand M? the phone company? NOPE! 911- for emergency services- we need the cops; we need an ambulance; we need fire trucks; theres a tree down on powerlines; etc- 

    AND then- THE MAYOR- puts PR PERLICH out on point to take the bullet- about how the system crashed and oh-we're sorry, bla bla bla..

    SO- now we have to fix the problem- we need some AIR-RAID DRILLS; ( so to speak- like in battle of britain- )- only instead of nazi bombers blitzing; its a tornado; its an ice storm; its a blizzard; its a flood; its a severe lightning storm; it s derrecho; you name it- OVERLOAD THE SYSTERM; DRILL DRILL; MAKE IT CRASH ; THEN FIX IT.. 

    I notice - NELSON PETERS- WHERES HE AT? with waldo( wheres waldo?)
    so mr money piot; mr noun/verb/ 9-1-1-; mr public safety; caped crusader; saving lives? 

    want to know why businesses shun fort wayne? avoid it like the plague? we have a bunch of spineless crawqling incompetents.
    m aybe we need to hire some out of town, out of state high price consultants to fix this? since no one around here seems able to do anything?

    its like the final bunker scene of the movie "downfall"..
  • Like · Reply · 1 · 28 mins · Edited
  • Ed Rose David, this discussion is ending on behalf because the system in place today is not the 1996 system. That was the funky 800 mega hertz system that had dead spots in many locations and sucked at working inside larger square footage buildings.
    But until I hear what went wrong I'm not ripping on anyone but most likely will after hearing what happened. There is always the perfect conditions that can knock out any electronic system but I don't see this as one!
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · 15 mins
    • David C Roach

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  • David C Roach Ed Rose- My Father was a highly respected electronics engineer at Magnavox. I learned plenyt about electronics; and engineering. 
    I am in IT/COMPUTER SCIENCE. I know computer systems crash when they are overloaded; or other reasons.. 
    I stand by my assertion that we had an EPIC FAIL; and all those who have been out front - tooting their political honrs; crowing about their magnificence and protecting the public- well- they are all in holes hiding from media and public questions.. 
    power failure? Its brand new!
    hardware? brand new. Soft ware? brand new. 
    network? brand new! 
    well- a couple years old- so all the bugs are out of it by now.
    the 1996 system? yes- maybe out dated- but they were talking since then - no action- they should have combined/merged back then - 20 years? sitting on their thumbs.. talk talk talk.. when they should have been acting- ungrading all along; spending the cash needed to to the job. 

    so- all this post 911-/HOMELAND SECURITY / police/fire/ ems/ anti domestic terrorism/ disaster civil defense- has been one BIG EPIC FAIL! 
    so- all these preppers; y2k's er off the gridders- who have a stockpile of supplies food water guns; generators; etc- who have been ridiculed as crackpots- well- they did just fine
    its the rest of us who trusted the system; the govt the authorities the elected officvilas- to protect us- who have failed us.. 
    less govt? I think we need more- or at least more competent govt..
    again- negligence. failure to load test; crash test this.. 
    Thomas F. Didier(since hes about the only Ccman whos accessible and conscientious about residents concerns of all districts.. thanks didier!! for the great work..
    Like · Reply · Just now
    • Ed Rose David, before the 800 system the FWPD dispatchers had to relay info to the ACSD dispatchers, who then passed on the info to the Sheriff cars. It was a sad comedy when they both where involved a chase on foot or in cars.
      Once the 800 system came to Allen County the various police and some fire departments, but not EMS could talk to each other. Some State Police cars had the 800 system but not all. Several Vol Fire Depts could not directly TW other Departments on mutual aid fires.
      County to County had mostly go through dispatchers to get to the cars.
      With the new state wide, nation wide departments can TW counterparts directly. The biggest disasters in 911, hurricane Katrina, and even Sandy caused single channel overloads and various departments could not talk to another.
      The new system is doing away from this. If a major fire requires more channels for communications it just happens by computer priority programming. Lower level departments like say the Planning Department or Parking Enforcement would be lower priority to use an open channel.
      In fact it is pretty cool how they adapted some military communication system techniques.
      From what I heard the dispatchers and field units had no problems. So it APPEARS the new radio system worked. The problem was with incoming phone calls to the dispatchers. I would guess that is part of the NEW DISPATCH CENTER but not sure it has a thing to do with the radio system.
      You might know, but if I recall right the telephone system is run on the Spillman (SP?) computer software, that the city has used for decades.
      But if you are hell bent on blaming the costly radio system, have at it! But you might find out it had nothing to do with it. 
      I too have been around electronics most of my life both in work and my Dad's field of work, plus him being a ham radio operator for over 70 years.
    • David Christopher Roach
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  • David Christopher Roach Ed Rose so why cant i listen to scanner traffic on my computer. ? heck- id even sing up some form with the FWPD for permission if they are worriedabout bad guys..
    we have all this super scientific electronics communication/ spynet; military industrtial complex surplus systems..
    bla bvla bla.. 
    we have been fcked by nelson peters for a proverbial pot of porridge; and anoun and a verb and a 9-1-1- system that doesnt work when its most needed.. 
    time to fire the architect; and find some who isnt an idiot..
    Like · Reply · Just now


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