LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX (AND STRIP CLUBS): Now that got your attention, didn't it? LOL!
:-) Ok, so about 2 weeks ago 2 different strip clubs made the news and 2 different City Councilman responded. I had hoped to have a dialogue on that topic sooner than now, but...hey, life happens.

I'm going to be having that discussion tomorrow, but wanted to give a heads up to any of the Moms with Daughters I may have missed. In 2012 and again in 2015, I had several Moms have their teen (or younger) daughters friend/subscribe to me. There aren't very many female roles models in government and locally, the few role models there are tend not to be very accessible to the public. Being a woman, having intelligent, using my "voice" in the service of others were things these Moms admired. In 2015, I came under attack by a cohort of cranky women who tried to fat shame me by claiming I had "mental illness" and was a "food addict" among other things. Of course, this was nothing more than politics and the effort back-fired.
The lessons learned there were (1) don't talk bad about someone behind their back,, especially if you are not mature enough to have that discussion directly with them first; (2) don't expect confidentiality when none has been promised (referencing one of the women and the person she discussed my alleged problems with); (3) mental health illnesses are real and should not be used to "fat shame"; and (4) "fat shaming" is wrong.
To those Mothers (and their daughters) who stood by me during that ordeal -- I have never forgotten that kindness nor the expectations that you hold for your daughters and their role models. Because of that expectation---and the love and respect I have for this very special group of ladies, I wanted to give the Moms a heads up about a topic that could prove sensitive or educational beyond the years of some of these little ladies. I've reached out to several of you where and as I could, but I am sure I've inadvertently overlooked someone.
While the topic and the original thread will be handled in a delicate and mature PG manner, I can't promise what others will or won't do in the comments section. While I will do my best to monitor the comments--and I am sure most commentors will be mature and respectful in their commentary---there's just no guarantee and I can't stay glued to my facebook wall all day. So I'm doing my best to give advance notice.
To others who have been messaging me in anticipation of my perspective on Fort Wayne's strip club problem, please be patient.
To everyone else -- If you can't handle the word titilation without blushing like a school girl or giggling like a school boy, then tomorrow's "Sex in the City" topic probably won't be for you. Also, a heads up to people who like to take things I say and twist them out of context for whatever purpose, please know that any responding comment not on direct point to the original thread or any comment that is tasteless, tacky, disrespectful, etc will be deleted without notice or warning. Its an unusual step I am taking, but this is going to be an unusual topic I'm discussing. I will do my best to set the tone in an upbeat, mature, fact-oriented and light-hearted manner. I'm going to be asking the same of everyone else. Hoping everyone understands. Thanks!

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