Saturday, June 14, 2014


an interesting debate im having trolling some

2016 is our chance to take back this country. If not, I fear it will be too late!
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  • David Roach waiting for it to go viral. as for ms zimmerman- mourdock is an idiot. who knows nothing about 20th century history- especially world war 2; and the rise and fall of nazi germany.. calling democrats nazis is ridiculous, historically, politically, and s...See More
  • Linda Zimmerman DAVID! No one, not Mourdock or anyone else said anything about comparing Democrats to Nazi's! Read his speech! He was not even talking about Nazi's, but the condition of our nation, comparing our nation to PRE-NAZI DAYS in Germany! Get a grip, David!
  • Cody Fiale Joseph Townsend, thank you for the kind words! At first I misread who you meant by "his words", but I see you meant the person I was responding to. LOL! 
    I'm not even reading "his" remarks as they are so hysterical and bizarre I feel like I'm losing IQ points just attempting to make sense of them!
  • Cody Fiale Linda- BINGO. 
    In general, once someone goes "Nazi", their argument can be considered completely disregarded. NO American, no matter how much you disagree with them, should EVER be compared to Nazis. It just makes them sound like a raving lunatic. 
     VALID points, about how situations in this country (just saw a story about the US military GIVING AWAY assault vehicles to even little peaceful serve warrants and settle domestic disputes? And you know the police, if they have a toy, they WILL use it) can be debated about how it leads to a fascistic state. 
    It boils down to this IF one were to going to compare. Which party is in to MORE control over the states, individuals, their money, freedom of speech?
    And what did the fascist countries do? CONTROL their populations as much as possible. The Conservatives want as LITTLE control over the individual states as possible. 
    Even to the point, something I could hardly believe, a growing drumbeat from the govt, even Pres Obama himself saying the words discouraging kids to go to college!!!! I couldn't believe it. There are plenty of other kids who can do the important blue collar jobs, they don't need additional competition by a president, again, hard to believe, DISCOURAGING higher education. 

    But again, what did the fascist and socialists do once they took power? Get rid of the intellectuals of course, because they are a threat to their absolute control over every aspect of the population. 

    I could go on, but it's clear...the Liberals want to get everyone high, unarmed and under COMPLETE govt control, and the Conservatives are fighting for our rights and moral tradition, amid a growing blurred police/soldier culture that is quite disturbing.
    "...and then one day they came for me."
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach Cody Fiale- whatever your smoking- pass some MY way. it must be some goo sh-t ! lol.. 
    next- you are totally ignorant, of facts, and historical perspective; and have no clue of what your talking about. you wont listen, or change your mind about the facts, so im wasting my time on you, trying to educate you about about mid 20th century world history and politics. siffice it to say you dont know your elbow from a hole in the ground ( or whatever the metaphor.. lol.. 
    I happened across this "rant/diatribe"( i suppose rush limbaugh/fox news/right wing internet- is "high erudition" and professorial intellectualism at is finest? or is your rant my persuasive rhetoric? and vice versa? your ravings of a mad man are the wies saying of a lunatic? 
    anyway- happened across THIS- FLAK BARRAGE- on another FB page- and i was amused. reminds me of well me  

    im Thompson You are not only correct, you understate. These are basically neo-Nazi fascists, at least that portion of the right which comprises the "TeaMaggot Turncoats".
    Like · 1 · 5 hours ago

    Jim Thompson One of their minions on here claims that the "Democrats created the KKK". He a lying, feeble-minded propaganda shill, and offensive. Read Nathan Bedford Forrest and Shelby's Foote's remarks on the founding of the Klan. You've been fed the insane slobber mouthed madness from lunatic scumbag maggots at Fox. The Klan is and always has been CONSERVATIVE, and while in the deep south, imbecilic moron, it was affiliated with the Democratic Party establlshment for a while after the Civil War, it was NEVER "founded by Democrats", nor, dummy, was it "liberal" at any point. No part of the KKK has advocated a Democratic candidate since about 1970. Moreover, until about 1912, the Republican Party was the more liberal in the U.S. If remotely capable, you might want to look up "fighting Bob" Lafollette and Teddy Roosevelt's "Progressive Movement", and what happened to them after the party was PURCHASED. Only in the rottenest, most depraved parts of the neo-fascist south did depraved sludge like George Wallace and Strom Thurmond and the slimy "democrats" they foisted remain ultra-conservative. Most of these degenerate maggots switched parties, ultimately becoming REPUBLICANS. Also, drip, Warren G. Harding was the ONLY U.S. President known to be a KKK member, and he was NOT a Democrat.

    Quoting the slobbermouthed lies of halfwit skank like O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh as if their slimy ravings had something to do with reality is the sure and certain mark of the lowest sort of deranged neo-Nazi, brainwashed "Foxbot" filth. The Democratic Party in the north was anti-KKK and opposing "Jim Crow" and outright disenfranchisement as early as the twenties. Even today, the gutless neo-Nazi right wants to deny anyone of color or to their left the right to vote. This is scabious, infamous reactionary hogwash, and unconstitutional tommyrot which these lunatic zealots cannot imagine seeing. 

    So "Jamal"--I think the Nazi creep is trying to convince SOMEONE he's a "person of color"--you might learn some reality. History and truth NEVER appear on Fox or "Neo-Nazi right wing Hate Radio".
  • David Legalize Marijuajuana Roach Ms Zimmerman- how could you not read that mr Mourdock ( rape babies are a gift from god)- was saying anything but comparing the USA under president Obama, and the Democrats - to Nazi Germany; and the Nazis? 
    the Nazis were an extremist right wing socialist party- founded by a former syphilitic, decorated war veteran- and whos stated mission was the "final solution"- the extermination of al the exact same people the presentTEA PARTY - is trying to rid america of by basically throwing them off the cliff, or otherwise callous indifference to?
    I have been around the game long enough to know that whenever the democrats CONTROL the white house, and esp for a 2nd term- the KOO KOO BIRDS on the political right- start having conniption fits, and start losing their minds about the USA going to hell. 
    the facts; and historicl record shows- that whenever the democrats have control of the govt-that overall the working class enjoys rising standards of living, and the economy prospers. furthermore- fiscal conservative/social liberal- is where the votes in the centrist/moderate/bi-partisan majority segment of the US voting population is based on scientific polling, which is a pretty accurate form of gathering data(these are the people the current GOP/TEA patty calls COMMMUNISTS DEVOURING THE SUBSTANCE OF AMERICA LIKE A PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS..LOL.)- 
    as for your favorite topic of choice- your life crusade- let me state that no american is FOR abortion. However- the majority of Americans, and esp WOMEN- want to be able to have all choices, and options on the table to make their own decision between their medical doctor, and their own higher power; and esp- not having some big govt self appointed of vigilante busybody domestic terrorists ( go google that a little bit)- telling them what or what not to do- and this from the party of smaller govt; less control.. 
    its YOUR party trying to nullify roe- v- wade by passing trap paws to close abortion clinics- where no one isFORCED TO GO- and in fact- a local version of the TRAP LAW- has closed the one conspicuous womens clinic here in allen county. way to go- 14 century islamic law.. (yes thats correct.)- 
    and forcing a woman rape victim whos been impregnated by her rapist- and to carry it to term- is so vile and reprehensible- how can you - as a woman- support that? what about all the what ifs- illleave out here?
    AS FOR GUN CONTROL- one- theres no such thing as a "well regulated militia"- theres just a large armed rabble of nuts with guns( and a few responsible sane ones)- who are a meance to the rest of us . NEXT- as for the Tyrannical govt- well- thats in the eye of the behlder isnt it? i truy believe the tea party, and the republicans since about ronals reagan when it got really bad and since- is the TYRANNICAL GOVT. do i believe its assuredly cheaper to just assassinate the sobs? such as the Kock brothers, and their associates, and fellow travelers? yes. but its illegal, and in the USA we have the rule of law- which is why we have an election system. but when groups buy their influence- andWELL- CHEAT!!- and opress the majorityof the res tof us to the advantage of the obscenly ricjh who got that way- do i think a marxist style revolution would fix the problem. YES. in case you have been sleeping, or i dont know what book you people are reading- but Jesus; and christianity - is liberal socialism- equality and fiarness in the earned distribution of wealth, and helping those not so fortunate. 
    as for "my cold fingers"- as the NRA motto goes- well - most NRAmembers join to suibscribe to the informative firearms magazine they publish, and the nifty gold and black hat. a few- are hard core gun totin gun nuts who want to shoot anybody for Iinfringin on their sacred gunrights"- the restof us are sane, sober, rational reasonable people. - so the NRA advocates shooting anybody who comes to their door to take their guns- so- shoot the cops? shoot any soldiers - our USA support our troops? thenshoot them? tha sopunds like again- domestic terrorism- under the NDAA; the FBI; the post 9-11 patriot act; and a good way to have DRER FADDERLAND SECURITY KICKING IN YOUR DOOR.( a bush -cheney creation for the record..) speaking of- bush cheney- 2 trillion dollars for 2 wars based on lies; 5000+ killed, another 300 000 veterans with PTSD, TBI; and other greivous wounds, and injuries- CIA black sites; renditions, GITMO- with no geneva convention POW protections, and no US coinstitution al rights of Habeus crpus? Waterboarding, war profiteering- by halliburton, kellog browning black water? atrocities and other crimes committed by mercenary contractors ? 
    and lets be sure to mention all the gun n uts with a private arsenal- paranid; delusional gullible- cowering in faer in the dark in their basement bunker- with their safe full of assault rifles, and so on- in fear of storm troopers, black helicopters, drones, govt surveillance, and soon? - they need to be the first ones in line for a menatl health head check- and have their guns taken away. and lastly- the tiny d-ck gun owners-mieddle age angry white men who s big guns becomes a substitute for their tiny d-cks - mad because women wont look at them or talk to them ; and who cant get a date, so they substitue male comanionshi in the woods with their artillery-to substitute their pathetic lifes? sad. truly sad.. 
    oh- and the gays! not all the closeted , blackmaile d gay republicans- whos wives woulddivorce them; and whos bosses would fire them; and whos voters would vote them out- but the rest of the gay people- who just want to be left alone( no big govt)- to maarry who they want,,and live in peace
    AND WHY DO REPUBLICANS- TEA PARTY TYES HATE MARIJUANA SMOKERS? STONERS GRWOING AND SMOKING THEIR WEED- WHO ALSO JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE?( but the big govt tea bag war on drugs wont let them, and would rather fill its jails, and clog our courts, and cost the rest of us millions and millions in tax dollars for stoner hippies smoking erhir mildly intoxicating weed? while the rest of you all walk around f-cked up in your minds by prescription drugs? no one ever overdosed on marijuana- and when they did- they fell asleep; woke up, ate evertything intheir refigerator; and didnt remeber it? 
    I could go on about your hypocrisy, and i do hope you pass this around to everybody- so theyknow what hypocrites theyare-the republican tea party IS THE PARTY OF BIG GOVT AND POPULATION CONTROL.. and i await your rely..

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