Tuesday, December 29, 2015



Letter to the editor: More money for the mayor's pipe dreams

Thursday, December 24, 2015 3:21 PM
We need to ask why all the northeast Indiana funds are going to downtown development and the riverfront development, I have not heard any plan for the neighborhoods or park system to share in the taxpayers’ funded development moneys.
Why is it alright to support corporate welfare with tax money and I don’t care what is said about the funds the city is getting from the state of Indiana. To me, it’s all tax money no matter where the money comes from, if it is government giving money to government its tax money and that means citizens’ money ,so who’s looking out for the neighborhoods and our park swhen it comes to our money and the way it’s being used?
Could it be because the big political donors and power players of the City of Fort Wayne spent the time drawing up a plan on how can we support the corporate welfare system and the emotional economic development of the Henry administration by going after more corporate welfare money from the State of Indiana?
The Henry administration is spending more and more on emotional plan for building an emotional downtown with little or no reguard for the neighborhoods or the parks system and their needs when it come to funds for the future or to keep the “Tipping Point” going in a positive direction.
The NUG, Northwest partnership (Quardent) and the Sherman Boulevard Business Corridor Group need to be asking the Henry administration why has he forsaken the neighborhoods with yet another corporate welfare scheme for downtown and his spending of tax payers treasure on a maybe development success.
The patterns that the Henry administration has used in the past of getting a lot for downtown and his empty emotional economic schemes and then giving very little back to theneighborhoods and park system.
This patten needs to be broken and his emotional economic development thinking needs to stop with the empty echo’s of his administration plans that are nothing but corporate welfare and emotional economic development for the few insiders and businesses that are feeding at the corporate welfare trough of Greed.
Emotional development and corporate welfare is not a stainable or attainable plan for building a strong city for all citizens. It feels good for awhile when using emotional thinking and not a reasoned business plan for building the yellow brick road prosperity for the entire city of Fort Wayne.
John Modezjewski
sniff. smell a letter-writing campaign? 
few key words: "corporate welfare" (borrowed from #Occupy-- you're welcome). "emotional" (heard that one before?) and of course... money money money tax dollars money. 
Guess what? "Money" isn't real. Especially now that we're throwing around astronomical numbers that are supposed to represent more "stuff" than there is on earth. Thanks, banksters.
Yes, the spinning plates are about to become a china shower. But don't look up. Watch the puppet show and root. Left wing right wing same old thing. Let's invest our fake money in fake paper. Oh- we're about to see some fun.


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