Thursday, December 31, 2015




Letter to the editor: Why the outsiders are succeeding

Tuesday, December 29, 2015 8:01 AM
I really like Page 21 of the National Republican party’s platform titled “Reforming Government to Serve the People.” This is what our elected Republicans should be doing to represent us in the state, city and county. Republicans should be reaching out to the citizens with this platform in mind and give the benefit of knowing what the Republican values really should be and the culture of service that used to be at the forefront of the Grand Old Party.
Contrast the Democrats’ platform of social engineering and blatant corporate welfare programs that are now running rampant throughout the entire country. The Republicans’ national platform of responsibility of the individual citizens is such a great contrast to the giveaway liberal social engineering and corporate welfare. The Democrats’ policies of taking care of everyone and everything is costing the middle class and lower middle class our future by taking away our ability to move up in the culture as we pay the toll for the social engineering and the corporate welfare that is now the normal way for government. It is about the money, I have no question about that. The ones with the gold make the rules, but the little piece of gold I have to give to the government can be a very big piece if we all get together and push for reforming our government and move away from the liberal Democrat emotional economic development.
The Republicans have given a pass to the Democrats time and time again without any questions of the long-term effects of the social engineering and the emotional economic development being forced on the taxpayers.
Win, lose or draw, the Old Guard National Republicans are missing the point of Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina. These outsiders have brought back the individual into the election process and life back into the tired, old worn-out GOP. The new ideas that are coming from true outsiders of the Republicans Party need to filter down to state and local Republicans. Pay attention to the Grassroots! The National Republicans and their platform of government for the people and by the people should be echoed by our state and local Republicans! Why not stand with the national platform that promises freedom and access for the people to our elected officials’ policies and agendas? Why not stick to the Republican platform and fight for those values and stop the bleeding of liberal social engineering and do something outrageous for a change and be part of the published Republican platform? Stand up and be the leaders we need; be the men and women with ideas that challenge the individual to become involved.
The low voter turnout shows the lack of interest in the political classes in straw man issues. The thinking of the voter is why get involved with something that is only going to enrich the political class and the insiders of the political class. Maybe it’s not the citizens who have the problem with voting; maybe it’s our political class’s problem of not wanting the citizens to vote. The political class can control the election with a 10-15 percent turnout. It is an oligarchy that masquerades as a democracy. The choice is really no choice at all if everyone has the same agenda. So tell me, Republicans, what is it — a democracy or an oligarchy ?
The basic Republican values are great; why not be proud of the basic values of self-respect, self-reliance and small government?
John Modezjewski
  • Sniff. There it is again. "...the liberal Democrat emotional economic development." Emotional. Bleeding heart liberal. Got it. Same stuff for the past 50 years. Self-respect, self-reliance and small government. Mom, apple pie and ... what? Smaller than what? Smaller than it is now? National-state-county-municipal... all smaller? How does one determine size? Budget? People? Square footage? What?
    And the Ds got "Moving America Forward." Away from/ toward...? Barely evolved advertising derp from the '50s to sell political vaporware obsolete since the '80s: left-right liberal-conservative are now meaningless. So it may be true: "The low voter turnout shows the lack of interest in the political classes in straw man issues." Oh? Like self-respect, self reliance, and small government?
    How is that going to fix the potholes, overhaul the energy/ environmental/ economic infrastructure with secure productive work for decent pay, access to healthcare, education and time enough to dream? Respect your self, rely on your self and don't expect any government to do anything, is that it? Democracy or oligarchy? Are you serious?
    We have an oligarchy NOW. Bernie Sanders is the *only* presidential candidate even talking about this. But he's too "far-left," isn't he? Even though at least 60% of Americans agree with him. And that number is growing every day. The "political class" knows what's happening. And so do you. Break this down to the local level-- even in corn-servative Indiana... and it aint no "pipe dream." All the people bound to choose.
    All you fascists bound to lose.
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        This is something i posted a month or so ago.
        I don't trust Republicans and the The Tea Party. Every move they make or don't make leads us laborers to lowering our standard of living. Working hard just doesn't do it anymore in this country. It takes capital and the hard working skilled laborers that make a decent wage and have the whits, like me, have very little left over to risk in this economy. I don't trust the economy enough to put my savings, my home, my children's college, and our retirement on the line to start a business that has to openly compete with China wages.
        Yes I am taxed enough! However, The Republican Party and The Tea Party preach patriotism while playing footsie with multi-nationals that make huge profits off our infrastructure and our protection, while the average joe family that makes 75k-150k, like mine, foots the bill. More tax breaks for corporations? 1 in 4 fortune 500 companies already pay no tax. It's absurd and The Republican Party as a whole supports tax breaks for corporations.
        Instead, tax the heck out of the multi-national corporations and give families like mine a tax break. The average joe's use of the infrastructure is minuscule compared to the net cost.
        I want a tax form that says "I Win!" at the bottom too. I say if the state and the federal government want to spur growth and move money they should give startups with less than 5 employees and it's employees a zero income tax that is progressive over time. The zero tax is a reward for taking the risk of starting a business and for risking to work for a startup that might fail. If the subsidiaries are located on American soil, offer multi-nationals and corporations the same deal.

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