Monday, January 16, 2017




INDIANA’S LOCAL GOVERNMENT RAMPANT CORRUPTION PROBLEM AND THE FBI – WHY IS FORT WAYNE BEING OVERLOOKED? (AND A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR THE POWERS THAT BE): First, I want to thank everyone who has messaged, called, texted, left voicemails, posted and/or otherwise communicated with me last week regarding the many topics that are currently in play – most notably the local news reports concerning the FBI’s investigation into Muncie. [1] Second, I also want to thank everyone who has reached out to me at various times this past week expressing concern and wondering if I’m ok due to my unusual lack of consistent posting on facebook, especially as it pertains to local government matters. When I didn’t take the lead on this past and current week’s treatment of the homeless and the lack of timely opening of emergency winter warming shelters with the forecasted dropping of temperatures, some of you grew concerned for my safety and overall well-being. I’ve been tip-toeing around this matter and it’s now become clear that I need to have a candid and public discussion on these public concerns. I will have that discussion later this week. Between now and then, I would ask that everyone pray for our community, for my family and friends, and then last and least – please pray for me. But please start these prayers by praying for yourself and your family and friends, first. ‘Cause in the end, we are ALL going to need ‘em.
So, now onto the main topic of discussion – local government corruption …..
As some of you have noticed, there are a growing number of local government corruption cases involving the FBI all over Indiana. All over Indiana except for Fort Wayne. This post is going to discuss some of these corruption cases, but it’s mainly going to focus on two things that gets overlooked and/or under-reported by local media: ORGANIZED CRIME, more specifically the business of organized crime (DRUG DISTRIBUTION), and HOMICIDES. And then comes a very special discussion along with a message to the powers that be.
On Thursday, January 5, 2017, the matter in Muncie was brought to light by local media. [1] What wasn’t shared locally is that the Muncie corruption investigation had been going on since at least February, 2016. [2]
Interestingly, local media hasn’t provided coverage on other matters of public corruption that have occurred through Indiana, such as the school corporation corruption case in Terra Haute. On November 1, 2016, in Terra Haute, Vigo County School Corporation (VCSC) board members and school officials were indicted by the FBI for public corruption. [3] It seems that matter has been under investigations since June over an alleged $80,000 kickback scheme. [4] These individuals got nailed with wire fraud and perjury for lying to federal agents in addition to the various public corruption charges (i.e. kickbacks, theft, bribery, perjury, etc.) In this matter, the FBI investigation was kicked off by a complaint to the Indiana State Board of Accounts, who shared the info with U.S. Attorney’s Public Integrity Working Group, regarding irregularities with VCSC. [5][6] On November 18, 2016, the Lake County Sheriff and the Mayor of Portage were indicted by the FBI for public corruption. [7] That investigation had been going on since at least July, 2016. [8]
With so much public corruption being pursued all over Indiana, many of you are rightfully questioning when is it going to be Fort Wayne’s turn? The reality is that Fort Wayne has been under investigation by the FBI. Just not for public corruption. Nope. Instead Fort Wayne somehow seems to have cornered the Indiana FBI raid market on drug rings and organized crime.
In April, 2011, Fort Wayne was part of a cross-nation drug sting that indicted 40 people and had search warrants executed on 25 properties, between California and Indiana. [9] This particular investigation focused on DISTRIBUTION and had begun in February, 2010. But there doesn’t seem to be any local news coverage on this particular FBI raid. Since the actual raid took place during the Primary season of the 2011 Mayoral election year, I’m guess that certain powers that be didn’t want the public distracted with a trivial thing like public safety. Especially not before the highly promoted, well-attended and video-recorded Republican Mayoral Forum, which featured three prominent Republican candidates --- 2 woman (Paula Hughes, the GOP nominee that year, and Liz Brown, who has since been elected to the State Senate) and 1 man (Eric Doden, whose real purpose was to help fracture the GOP vote to help secure a Henry win while getting some name local name recognition for a future local campaign, such as the 2019 Mayoral race). [10] Matter of fact, the best and most complete coverage of this particular matter locally, in my opinion, came from Rebecca Green --- 3 years later in a “where are they now” article printed in 2014. [11] (An article that is still well worth the read.)
On May 23, 2013, about 9 people—all from Fort Wayne---were indicted as part of an FBI investigation that focused solely on Northeast Indiana. [12] The alleged perpetrators, ages 22 to 51, were all involved in organized crime (drugs, guns and DISTRIBUTION). Most of those involved were above the age of 30.
On February 24, 2014, about a half dozen or so people—4 from Fort Wayne, ages 35 to 69---were indicted as part of an FBI investigation involving an organized crime ring (i.e. drugs, guns and DISTRIBUTION) from Detroit to Indianapolis. [13] In a concurrent FBI investigation that focused on Marion, Ohio organized crime participants who were alleged to purchase and/or DISTRIBUTE drugs (i.e. heroin, crack cocaine, and prescription meds) to drug facilities in Detroit and Fort Wayne. That investigation netted 19 individuals, ages 19 to 53. [14] Most of those involved were above the age of 30.
On August 10, 2016, 18 individuals, ages 20 to 48, were indicted as part of an FBI investigation involving an organized crime ring involved in a large-scale drug DISTRIBUTION network. [15] The DISTRIBUTION network involved the movement of cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin in a geographic area encompassing Fort Wayne to Elkhart and South Bend, Indiana. This event is really interesting because in addition to the indictment of 18 people, 20 properties were searched---18 of those properties were here in Fort Wayne (surprise, surprise) and the majority of those properties were located in the SE Kill Zone (you know, that same patch of real estate where a record number of homicides occurred in 2013 and again in 2016). Most of those involved were above the age of 30.
There are two other somewhat significant FBI investigations that have to do with ORGANIZED CRIME here in Fort Wayne---worthy enough of mention here. The first was in 2012 when the Fort Wayne Chapter of the Black Region Outlaw Motorcycle Club was under an FBI investigation that netted 42 arrests in Indianapolis but none in Fort Wayne. [16] That indictment charged the 42 organized crime participants with a wide variety of offenses, including racketeering, mail fraud, money laundering, extortion, drug charges, wire fraud, witness tampering, and operating an illegal gambling operation. The second was in 2015, when the FBI, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and others attempted to bust into and bust down the Fort Wayne chapter of the Fort Wayne Outlaw Motorcycle Club only to find that the Outlaws hang-out was empty, had been empty for two weeks, and that someone had likely tipped them off as to the impending raid. [17]
Now let’s take a side bar here for just a moment ---In 2015, one of the largest “outlaw” motorcycle gangs was going to be busted here in Fort Wayne and couldn’t be because someone somewhere tipped them off? Most likely, that tip came from someone in law enforcement? (How else do you explain the Outlaws having vacated the place two weeks before the raid and being able to take everything of value with them? They got their information from someone who had an inside track to law enforcement.) And just where have The Outlaws gone? Since when does a predominant group of people like the Outlaws simply vanish from Fort Wayne never to be heard of again?
Fast forward to 2016, Luke Messmann, the friend of the husband of political newcomber-turned-Henry-backed candidate Michelle Merritt, and his Superior Essex fiancĂ©e, both Millenials purchase the Outlaws Clubhouse. [18] This is incredibly well-promoted. We learn more about this Millenial couple than any other Millenial couple—whether we wanted to or not. And at about the same time, in 2016, one of the biggest DRUG DISTRIBUTION rings that had ever been busted up in Indiana since 2011 was busted up right here in Fort Wayne. The majority of the people arrested were from Fort Wayne. Most of them were residents of SE Fort Wayne. Most of the properties searched were from Fort Wayne. Most of those properties were located in SE Fort Wayne. And so what does local news cover? The Millenial couple who purchased the Outlaws Clubhouse. (Shaking my head as you can’t make this stuff up?!?)
When there was news coverage, the very limited coverage focused on the part of the drug bust that occurred in SW Fort Wayne. [19] As in where a few drug busts occurred in the wealthier part of town and to heck with the majority of the drug busts in SE Fort Wayne. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up?!?! Now, in fairness, again to the credit of Rebecca Green, the JG does offer a much more substantive report on this drug bust. [20][21] Afterall, you don’t want to destroy the reputation of SE Fort Wayne by focusing on ORGANIZED CRIME DISTRIBUTING DRUGS when you have worked hard to “brand” --- or make everyone believe --- that area as young adults in gangs involved in drugs. (Note the sarcasm) Green includes names. She includes addresses. But the one thing that Green failed to do was provide a map of all the addresses. So why would the one local news reporter who is seemingly trying to get the news out about an FBI investigation of a local ORGANIZED CRIME ring who DISTRIBUTES DRUGS fail to map it out? Maybe it was an oversight? But it’s just as likely that she cautiously chose not to connect the dots. Why?
To answer that, we need to take a look at the 2016 homicide map, which was put together by WANE-TV in June, months before news of the local ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG DISTRIBUTION ring was released by the FBI. [22][23] Rod Hissong and his team did a pretty good job of keeping the public informed about when, where, and how each homicide occurred. (Btw, if anyone is reading this knows WANE-TV’s Rod Hissong – please give him some well-deserved kudos and ask him to continue this kind of reporting into 2017. Same thing goes for anyone who knows JG’s Rebecca Green – she did a fantastic job overall too and I believe we’d all like to see more of this kind of fact-focused, tell-it-as-it-is reporting that doesn’t have a political agenda like far too many local news reports.) Hissong does a really good job of pointing out that the majority of the homicides involved those above the age of 18. But what Hissong should have really done was break the age of homicide victims above the age of 18 down even further. Had Hissong done that you would have seen an interesting correlation between the percentage of HOMICIDE victims and ORGANIZE CRIME DRUG DISTRIBUTORS who were under the age of 29 and ages 30 and above.
Folks---all this past year and in prior years with record number of homicides (notably 2013 and 1994), the media, local government, the police department and even community churches are lock-step with “the loss of life” messaging in the SE Kill Zone and how this loss of life has to do with “drugs and gangs.” And by gangs, they really mean ORGANIZED CRIME. But gangs conjures up the image of youth---tweens, teens and twenty-somethings. Poor, misguided, misdirected youth who don’t understand or appreciate the value of life. (Please note some sarcasm here.) And then this elicits community-accepted misdirection promoted as “problem-solving” which ends up going the way of community prayer sessions and candlelight vigils in the park, the holding of community forums to discuss how to get our teens involved in positive and life-affirming choices, blah, blah, blah….
The above course of action has never solved the underlying problem. And it never will. The underlying problem isn’t young adults. The underlying problem is older adults, ages 30 and above, who know better. Ironically, I’m not talking about the ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG DISTRIBUTORS, I’m talking about the people in power who benefit from the revenues earned by the ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG DISTRIBUTORS. The solution to the problem of high homicide numbers is quaintly simple – INCREASE the presence of POLICE OFFICERS who are dedicated to the task of (and not merely masquerading as being dedicated to the task of) eradicating the DRUG DISTRIBUTION OF LOCAL ORGANIZED CRIME.
Sadly, instead of using more resources, laser-focused on the 400 block SE Kill Zone with names and addresses known of all the DRUG DISTRIBUTION facilities of LOCAL ORGANIZED CRIME businesses, the Mayor and the former Public Safety Director focused those resources on harassing and ticketing the unsheltered street homeless who served as a public reminder to Henry’s economic development failures as he continued to pursue bigger economic development failures. Why hasn’t Henry focused local police resources on the SE Kill Zone? Why hasn’t a single member of City Council called the Mayor on this, especially the City’s 6th District representative Glynn Hines? Why hasn’t the local media connected all the dots and put pressure on the Henry administration? That’s an interesting and an important topic that I hope to discuss at a later time in the near future.
But getting back to the maps – If you mapped out the 2016 Homicides and the properties that were searched by the FBI in 2016, you would see an incredible amount of overlap. Not sure you can or want to believe it, try it out for yourself. Compare the addresses for the 3 homicides that took place on Lillie Street (3600 block, 5200 block and an undisclosed location on Lillie) with the 3 properties that were investigated by the FBI for organized crime drug distribution on nearby Winter Street (3033 Winter, 2720 Winter, and 2724 Winter). Or you could compare the addresses of 2715 Hoagland Avenue (FBI) to 6600 Fairfield (Homicide). Ironically, when you start comparing the individual addresses some interesting patterns emerge.
For example, the stronger the correlation between the FBI investigation and the list of 2016 homicides, the more vague the property address becomes for the homicide. For example, 808 Lewis Street (homicide location) is very close to Winter and Lillie Streets and the full address is given. In contrast, there is a homicide location on Lillie Street that is soooo vague, there isn’t even an address block given. Now why is that? That’s a rhetorical question for everyone to think about.
This trend of FBI investigations focusing on corruption all over Indiana except in Fort Wayne does raise an eyebrow. The trend of annual FBI investigations that focus on ORGANIZED CRIME DISTRIBUTING DRUGS within Fort Wayne raises that eyebrow even higher. (Over the past four years, from 2013 through 2016, there have been 161 FBI-related matters taking place in Fort Wayne. The majority relate to ORGANIZED CRIME including 5 DRUG DISTRIBUTION busts.[24])And there are some other things that are raising eyebrows – like the number of HUD homes involved in both the FBI’s investigations of ORGANIZED CRIME DISTRIBUTING DRUGS and the number of HUD homes that serve as locations of homicides.
And then there’s the hair-raising fact that the local FBI office is located at 200 E Main St #1010, Fort Wayne, IN 46802 and not at the Federal Courthouse (1300 S Harrison Street). Why? Because at this same address as many of the entities and individuals associated with ethically and legally questionable transactions that could be classified as local “public corruption” matters, including but not limited to:
Eric Doden’s Greater Fort Wayne (200 E Main St #800, Fort Wayne, IN 46802); [25]
Karl Bandemer’s, Mac Parker’s and Julie Innskeep’s Downtown Development Trust (200 E Main St #800, Fort Wayne, IN 46802)---incidentally, many of the Downtown Development Trust properties are put into a holding company and but all legal notices, tax bills, etc. go to Downtown Development Trust c/o Greater Fort Wayne; [26]
John Urbann’s DDT Holdings, LLC (200 E Main Street #800, Fort Wayne, IN 46802); [27] For those of you not aware DDT stands for Downtown Development Trust, meaning this is the real estate holding company for the Downtown Development Trust. Currently, they own the majority of the properties up for development on Columbia Street, better known as The Landing. [28]
Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership (200 E Main Street #910, Fort Wayne, IN 46802);
Palermo Galindo’s Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (200 E Main Street #800, Fort Wayne, IN 46802); [29] and my fave
Design Collaborative (200 E Main Street #600, Fort Wayne, IN 46802), which is the City’s go-to-architect (behind Hoch Associates) and is currently the architect behind the current Riverfront Development project ---ok, technically The Forum group from Chicago is the architect behind the Riverfront Development project but the City is paying Design Collaborative nearly $2 million for the potential $350,000 services of The Forum (alas, that is a story for another day). [30] But wait, there is more to Design Collaborative than Riverfront Development.
It is also the architect behind all things Vera Bradley, Parkview Hospital (Mike Packnett), Swiss Re (Bill Bean), AEP Indiana Michigan Power Building (Bill Bean), One Resource (Fred Farhoumand), Maple Farms, Trine (Keith Busse and others), University of St. Francis (Keith Busse, Henry family, Sister Elise Kriss and others), AWB Condominiums, my personal favorite Brotherhood Mutual (Oops -- you guys were so careful up to this point, what happened??), Fort Wayne Community Schools (Mark GiaQuinta), The Rescue Mission-Charis House, IPFW (Keith Busse and others), Indiana Tech – Warrior Row, The Happy Gnome, The Harrison, Turnstone (which helped to connect the Central Rotary Club to all this mess and that led me to the Rotary’s clock---special thanks for that!), Eddie Merlots (which is why there are two dining areas – one for those of “privilege” and one for us commoners and yes, I get that y’all need someplace “private” and upscale to meet that wouldn’t look overly suspicious and if someone ever made the connection all involved could rely upon the excuse of coincidence), The Chapel (run by Rick and Cathy Hawks/Cathy being a former Vice Chair for the Allen County GOP and politically active community activists) and, last but not least, Greater Fort Wayne. [31] There is an interesting story behind each of these entities and those stories will have to wait for another day.
Personally, I’m thankful that Design Collaborative is so well-connected. Without them, others like myself would not have begun looking at the Churches and the Non-Profits with regards to local public corruption. Design Collaborative is to the local public corruption problem what Tom Smith was to the 2015 City Council incumbent candidates who failed to properly and completely disclose their statements of economic interests. It’s only a matter of time before this connectivity bites everyone squarely in the behind.
But the bigger point here is this --- How is it possible that so much questionable "economic development" activity can take place under the noses of the FBI and nothing come about from it? I understand and appreciate that it can take a couple of years to investigate matters, but a couple of years began in 2012, if not as far back as 2008. With all that has been going on, it’s very interesting that the FBI is housed in the same location as Greater Fort Wayne and all the other entities. Very interesting, indeed.
Matter of fact, it would seem as though the local FBI office may be turning a blind eye to the public corruption matters occurring under its nose. Perhaps---and this is just a guess—but perhaps there is a gentlemen’s agreement in place?? Perhaps in exchange for turning a blind eye to the criminal drug-dealing enterprise, the puppet masters behind the ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG DISTRIBUTOR provide credible information on low level drug operatives and facilities, which serves the dual purpose of controlling where the FBI gets involved (essentially rewarding the FBI with info) as well as maintaining control over those in its organization (essentially punishing bad organizational behavior).
Please understand that the purpose of ORGANIZED CRIME is to make money, just like any business. But unlike legitimate businesses, ORGANIZED CRIME has to “launder” their ill-gotten revenues, or make those revenues (dirty money) legitimate (clean). The puppet masters behind the ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG DISTRIBUTOR need to launder that drug money by way of any legitimate, respectable (preferably philanthropic) front that deals in (or could conceivably deal in) large sums of cash, such as but not limited to: festivals (especially those that deal in cash-only or tickets only), hotels and restaurants, contracts (such as services not easily measured), non-profit/political/community fundraisers, political campaigns, traditional investment instruments (such as securities, real estate, banking tools—under a certain amount, etc), churches, non-profits and government entities or entities associated with government entities.
I recognize that I have offered a lot of information and have gone in an unusual direction. Normally, I stay focused on issues related to taxpayer dollars. But the above conversation needs to be had if we are going to start working on solutions to our community’s ever-evolving homicide problem. But that isn’t the only reason why I am having this conversation.
At this particular point, there are three groups of people reading this post: (1) Those who are confused by the post and not sure what to think, (2) those that don’t want to believe some, many or all of the points raised by this post, and (3) those who are “in the know” and either silently applauding this post or cursing this post.
To those of you who are confused, I offer my apologies for the confusion. My discussion, especially the listing all of the above entities and the individuals associated with these entities is more for the sake and benefit of these entities than for your knowledge. I know that will seem a little backwards coming from me and that is why I apologize and ask for your patience over the next week or so.
To those who don’t want to believe part, all or any of the points this discussion raises --- That’s ok. It’s a lot to digest and a difficult topic to stomach. I’ve been debating back and forth how to raise some of the above matters for the last 6 months and I may not have presented the info in the strongest, clearest way possible. But I do ask that you not close your mind off completely to what is being discussed. Instead, I ask that you take it upon yourself to do some research. By all means, please prove me wrong. I would welcome it. Just be sure you are using legitimate sources of information, such as the FBI’s own statistics and reports like I have.
To those listed and “in the know,” you each already know and understand why you are being listed above. Originally, my intent in having this discussion was public education to help bring awareness to a problem that has gone unchecked by the current administration. Frankly, it is both ridiculous and disturbing for a municipality the size of Fort Wayne to have the number of homicides and/or the number of FBI drug-related raids that it has had and for those events to be so heavily concentrated within the same 400 square blocks year after year after year. It simply needs to end.
Some of you “in the know” will insult my intelligence by playing dumb; others will try to divert my focus by saying things like "Gina you’re confused” or "Gina, you’ve misunderstood;” others will try to diminish the information provided in this post by labeing the info as "conspiracy theory" and/or labeling me as a "conspiracy theorist"; some will alternatively respond with excessive, but disarming flattery; and some will engage in harder tactics.
To those people who would choose to engage in harder tactics---YOU are the reason for this post. When one of you sought out the assistance of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club and had one of their members (the guy with the Outlaw skull tattoo with swastika) physically assault a family member of mine at their place of employment---a line was crossed.
And I thank you for it. Yes, THANK YOU!
If you had not engaged in such a stupid, self-serving, ineffective, unnecessarily violent tactic I may not have had the courage needed to start REALLY SPELLING THINGS OUT. Your physical assault efforts provided me with motivation. Please understand that I come from a military family – this means we often step-up and engage in situations where others would be more inclined to yield or retreat.
To the rest of those listed --- I propose you get your people in check. Why? Because everything I have ever discussed ORIGINATES with each of you. I am not the first person to take notice and no matter what happens---I won’t be the last person to take notice either. Collectively, you all have been able to get away with all of this nonsense for 30+ years, but that “getting away with” feeling is merely an illusion. This is the age of information and you rely on local media to promote and persuade public opinion in your favor, to get certain information out---especially data that could serve as legal notice by publication, and to make yourselves look good and respectable. The problem with that plan---which I admit has worked relatively well to date---is that you can’t just turn it off. Once it’s out there, it’s out there….waiting for me (and many others) to come along and connect the dots.
You’ve been using the same game plan over and over because it has served you well in the past. But it hasn’t served you very well in the here and now. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be resorting to some of the tactics that you are playing with. You wouldn’t be trying to recycle that game plan over and over, especially with the same person. Especially not me. And now, you are engaging in physical assault. This indicates a loss of control on YOUR part. Just how far are you willing to go? Later this week, I will be outlining the various tactics that have been employed against me, my family and my friends, including more details about the incident of physical assault. I’ll be doing this primarily to document all that has happened to me and my family and friends as well as to educate the general public.
How will you respond to this? Will you respond by upping the ante? By acting out more violently? If so, for what gain? Step back and think about that one. What will you actually gain? Do you really believe that acting out more violently will silence me? And even if it were to silence me, then what? Some of you are so paranoid now that you need me to discuss matters just so you feel as though you are in control or have a better understanding of what I’m up to. Some of you are so paranoid that you engaged me waaaaaaaaaay before I ever became engaged in the local political arena on my own. Some of you are in the local policitical arena are relieved that this info is coming to light because that eliminates its use as leverage and/or coercion and/or extortion.
Some of you have been playing this game for 30+ years and are no longer young men working to build an empire from the street up but are older men looking to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor, even if those fruits are ill-gotten gains. But you are the same guys who failed to plan an appropriate exit strategy or worse are trying to groom the next generation of your organization to take over for you and cover your arse as you slip into retirement.
Btw, if that is the plan, do you really think it’s going to work in this day and age? Look at business statistics --- the first generation works the hardest and makes it easier for the second generation, but it’s usually the second generation who drives the business venture into the ground precisely because the first generation just handed the business off to the next generation who didn’t have to work for it. But let’s assume the second generation doesn’t drive the business into the ground, what do you think the chances are that the third generation will? Look around you---there’s a reason that family business ventures usually don’t stay intact for two generations much less three.
And let’s assume the absolute best, that your plan of passing the reigns of your criminal enterprise to the next generation works -- do you really think you can continue to create gigantic public-private partnership projects that are unsustainable without any detrimental consequences to your heirs? Some of you are already experiencing fall-out from this unsustainability.
My shedding the light on your wrong-doing is NOT the problem. It may seem like the problem. It’s easy to blame it as your problem. The reality here is that local taxpayers are truly over taxed because local government is over-bloated with runaway spending to mask other issues and the development of public-private partnerships that no longer lead to job creation or job growth. Taxpayers don’t have the extra disposable income they once had because of excessive taxes and government bloat. Worse, you and your organization are acting like Vera Bradley --- changing the fabric patterns of ugly outdated purses more frequently to increase sluggish sales that are sluggish because the classic Vera Bradly purse style is simply no longer stylish nor en vogue. It’s like a baseball player that tries to stay in the game long past his prime. Nothing lasts forever and there comes a time when what used to work no longer does. There comes a time when you need graceful exit strategy.
If you are resorting to physical assault because other tactics have failed, then perhaps you should be asking yourself if that time has come? Some of you have already had that discussion---some want to get out now and enjoy life as respectable members of our community; others want more and are blinded by greed.
In the end, I’m neither a threat nor your problem, I am merely a symptom of a greater problem that will continue to exist with or without me. Part of YOUR problem is found within your organization, especially within members whose greed can’t be easily satisfied. Another problem within your organization is that greed begets greed and with everyone on the take, sooner or later the whole thing is going to collapse. The smartest of you will work to get out now while the getting out is good; the neediest and greediest of you won’t know when to get out. These are also the organizational members most likely to assert the claim that I am the problem, that somehow I need to be controlled (or coerced into compliance) and that somehow hurting others or attempting to hurt others will allow that control or coercion of me to happen???
But it won’t. Instead it will motivate me to engage in alternative tactics and possibly lead to my revealing more than I had planned to. Sooner than I had planned to. To a larger audience than I ever planned to. Please understand that I’m not a big fan of reciprocity and I try to be fair and enter combative situations proportionally, but make no mistake---I am also not a big fan of my family and friends (no matter how close or how estranged) from being targeted and physically assaulted. I am simply not willing to let it happen nor will I stand by and do nothing as it does happen. And in fairness, neither would any of you. For the sake of mutual respect, I would propose that you wait until my next post comes out documenting all that my family, my friends and I have endured and then afterwards I would propose that someone higher up in your organization reach out and make contact with me privately.


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