I'M VOTING STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT; SO LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY. People should know - the Journal- Gazette( i hate even saying their name- like Lord Voldemort..tee hee!)- is NOT a serious newspaper, nor serious journalists- look attheir recless disregard for the facts; total lakc of journalistic ethics; total lack of correcting slanderous libel published- then their use of lawyers, and deep pockets to grind any lawsuits to "rat droppngs"; until the plaintiff is bankrupted by endless billing, and appeals. next- consider the source- YOU CANT ARGUE WITH A SLEAZY SUPERMARKET TABLOID that buys ink by the train car load.. ( the daily morning sleazy tabloid IS sold in supermarkets, next to the other tabloids, you know..)
20 minutes ago · Like
David Christopher Roach the Jg's editorial staff is composed of an alleged transvestite, an admitted "peter-puffer"/gay man "Fluffer"; the publisher is a wicked withc that lives in Devils Hollow( truly giggleworthy fact!!); and is a tabloid media whore( according to every journalistic description); and her father is a royal "dick". am I getting warm?
18 minutes ago · Like
David Christopher Roach As for the GOP- they are counting on the absentee out of touch alzheimers patients to coach them to vote for ROBERT ARMSTRONG ( who shares the name with a certain deceased former Mayor of the same name( but of course these old folks dont recall that both BOB AND NILA ARE DEAD..; and of course there's BUSKIRK.. never mind that hes not LINDA.. HE MUST BE RELATED SOMEHOW?, and isnt OSSIAN in WELLS COUNTY, ANYWAY? ( since when did residency matter anyway- as long as you have a sleeping room IN THE DISTRICT? As for voting for dead people- due to name confusion- ILL GIVE THE GOP CREDIT- AT LEAST THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS DONT COME FROM DEAD PEOPLE( like the local democrats- BUT YOU NEVER KNOW- i wouldnt put it past EITHER LOCAL PARTY or the state partys for that matter- TO COURT ( no pun intended. but tee hee!!) the CORPSE VOTE. after all- HALLOWEEN IS NEARLY HERE? TEE HEE!!!
12 minutes ago · Like
David Christopher Roach I SUPPOSE ALL US DEMOCRATS SHOULD BE GRATEFUL THAT THE LOCAL PARTY LEADERSHIP (WTF???) has been at last able to fill its ballot completely, and totally with candidates- oops- except for surveyor- AND THANKFULLY- HE'S NOT A CONVICTED FELON CAUCUSED IN BY A CERTAIN LOCAL PARTY, WITHOUT ANY BACKGROUDN CHECKS; OR JUST SLIPPED US THE WILLIE? SO THANK YOU DAVID CHRISTOPHER ROACH for playing the BALLOT BALLET once more- dancing across the vacancies until every slot is filled. personally- I too was "tommy schradered" off the balot- WITH MY "LEGALIZE MARIJUANA" nickname escapades. HERES THE ACLU/ICLU when you truly need them?
7 minutes ago · Like
David Christopher Roach WHAT? DID GINA BURGESS CALL SHARON TUCKER A "FLUFFER"?? or did she call the journal gazette editorial staff a bunch of FLUFFERS? OHHH snap- cat fight! JERRY SPRUNGER! JERRY SPRUNGER! i WILL BE PLEASED IF THE LOCAL democrats partyis totally shut out again- EXCEPT FOR GINA BURGESS- to show the citizens that WE ARE ALL FED UP WITH THE LOCAL democrat party SHENANIGANS. - instead of supporting the whole DEMOCRAT TEAM- they choose to support an unequivocaly unqualified candidate, superficially conversant on the locl issues; a coached put-up job by the local puppet masters, because shes got a "melantonin surplus"- they would support SNOOKIE - IF SHE WAS A GUIDO. unfortunately- their perfect candidate- sammy davis junior was unavailable- because he's dead..( giggle!! MARK TWAIN/SAMUEL CLEMENS- was fond of political humor- and said " No god and no religion can survive ridicule. No church, no nobility, no royalty or other fraud, can face ridicule in a fair field and live.
- Notebook, 1888
There is no character, howsoever good and fine, but it can be destroyed by ridicule, howsoever poor and witless. Observe the ass, for instance: his character is about perfect, he is the choicest spirit among all the humbler animals, yet see what ridicule has brought him to. Instead of feeling complimented when we are called an ass, we are left in doubt.
a few seconds ago · Like
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David Christopher Roach COMMENTS INSPIRED BY THIS LINK- Gina Burgess
4 hours ago
RESPONSE TO JOURNAL GAZETTE ENDORSEMENT ARTICLE: I’ve had a lot of private chats/messages, emails, texts and phone calls since yesterday morning when the JG came out with its endorsements. Many o
...See More
October 10, 2012 at 4:44pm
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