Monday, October 9, 2017

ON THIS DAY 10-9-2017


John Court; Jack Morris Deb Morrone Karen Goldner:
What is the proper protocol to resign a precinct committee chair? I am a PC in 218. I desire to resign my post ASAP- as i dont want to be held responsible for democrat voter turn out in my precinct/ nor any GOTV efforts. The reson for this is due to the lack of cooperation, or availability of necessary, or requested information from the local party officials. besides - after nov 6th, theres nothign to do anyway- till 2014. I know the local party has precinct committe men / vice chair lista available- as they have sent me several caucus notices- which im sure went to all local pc's; and for other events. I know they have precinct by precinct lists of names, etc- as they used them extensively in the 2011 city election race. again- i wish to resign my PC- 218 post ASAP- due to lack of cooperation by the party to provide me with the resources i need to accomplish the mission; and general attitude of certain party hacks; and so i'm not responsible for GOTV; etc. due to same. let them party hacks find someone to do the job- hopefully- they will have beter luck with the "hacks" than i have. they hate me anyway; and for the party of tolerance, diversity, transparency, etc- that is hypocrisy at its highest..
Thansk for your prompt reply. please draft the text- i'll copy ; paste it, print and sign it, and send it.. ASAP. today is 10-9-2012.
ps- I HOPE THEY DONT DANCE AND REJOIE TOO MUCH, AT hq. In the words of Genl douglas McArthur- "I shall return"; or as ARNOLD MIGHT SAY "I'll be BOCK".. ( TEE HEE!!) BUT SERIOUSLY.. i want to bail before the political slaughter..

RE:recent endorsement by BIZ-PAC vs dissed by Journal Gazette editorial board. who do we trust ? a group of business men who are mainly concerned with the economic climate of Allen County; and maintaining business prosperity? after all- we are democrats; and as the Clintons; etc- in the 90's- theres a centrist approach to governing- walking the tightrope, to get things done in a bi-partisan manner?
Or do you trust a bunch of SLEAZY TABLOID EDITORS, AND THEIR SLEAZY TABLOID PUBLISHERS? MUCKRACKERS, TROUBLEMAKERS, AND RACIAL AGITATORS? such as the Journal Gazette? might as well say "endorsed by a sleazy inaccuracy riddled supermarket tabloid? as the journal gazette IS sold in supermarkets, IS slazy; and IS riddled with inaccuracies.. might as well get your daily news rom the enquirer; examiner; globe, or any of RUPERT MURDOCHS sleazy inaacurate tabloid publications..
furthermore- as the recently published legally required ownership/circulation notice in the JG tated: their sunday editions have waaay more customers thn their tuesday/weekday editions, so this endorsement s by the JG are farts in the wind- that no one will notice anyway.
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David Christopher Roach speaking of- however- now sharon tucker- the officially endorsed Hack -democrats candidate- a crony of the chairman, and puppet of the Henry's, etc- can now toot her horn about her endorsement ( by aforementioned sleazy supermarket tabloid editorial board, and murdoch-esque publisher) - faint praise- to her constituents. never mind that SNOOKIE is only a high school graduate, is several semesters from receiving a BS degree from a pny private local college known more for technology, than business education; and has had to put little time into her campaign , because it is managed by the local chairman; and other local PARTISAN HACKS.
8 minutes ago · Like
David Christopher Roach As SNOOKIES cable TV ads - which have been running on the MSNBC channel- once during the Rachel maddow show indicate - I'M NOT SHARON TUCKER - ( As if shes some kind of female Spartacus- leading the Roman slaves to freedom)- And she has that token TV ads because shes backed by the local party hacks; and so has the resources. a Real party would be promoting the DEMOCRAT TEAM- ALL THE LOCAL DEMOCRATS FOR LOCAL OFFICE; INSTEAD OF JUST ONE. I suppose its a moot point anyway- because our local fractured, dysfunctional COUNTY DEMOCRAT party will be slaughtered, and groud into sausage by the STEVE SHINE political sausage grinding machine anyway? but gotta try, I suppose.
2 minutes ago · Like
David Christopher Roach todays RANT brought to you by the BIG FLIPPING BIRD; AND THE LETTER "F"- as in F the journal Gazette, and their sleazy supermarket tabloid publishers, and editors.. PS - SNOOKIE!! TEE HEE!!!
a few seconds ago · Like


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