Tuesday, April 3, 2018



what a load of bull5hit :
Deb Morrone Ian Lese-Yes! As one of the 'older' generation you reference, I understand what you're saying. I am beyond excitement about all these visionary changes, but I'll admit it is difficult living in a place so adverse to change and unable to think anything 'but the way it was' is valuable. I'm not in that camp thankfully despite my years. Thank you for saying this..I'm so proud that this City is providing new and exciting options.
wheres the profit in that?- women can work as servers cooks dishwashers; STRIPPERS HOOKERS?- WHERES TRHE DEADBEAT BABY DADDIES WHO ARENT PAYING FOR THE CHILDREN THEY HFATHERED?- BRED- SINCE THEY ARE HARDLY FATHERS- - IN PRISO? DRUG ADDITCTS? DRUNKS?- WIFE BEATERS FELONS?- ETC? put the kids in pre k daycare- or dont have kids you cant afford?-
if your hungry?- theres plenty of food out there-
& if it gets really bad- leave town ? no work for you- time to move on- join the army?- enlist? is always an option? and al the deadbeat homeless derelicts avblebodied skid row bums- they need work- or leave- sorry reality sucks- tired of all these bernie sanders socialist hippie druggie types whining about how life is unfair- yes it is- i worked for everything i got- maybe youall should too- ever hear of soap? get a shave take a bath get a haircut- deodorant?- smellygrubby dirty hippies- maybe its time to MOVE ON?- the world doesnt own yu a living- maybe you have to scrub toilets- but its a job it pays bills- stop smoking? get off the drugs pass a drug test? no education maybe pass a GED test?- learn a trade?- read books?-
I didit im the biggest pos around ( ask anyone lol)- i was in the Navy i graduated TWO colleges- ive worked every day of my life until recently- & when I got a job & I went out & found another- if youre working your not out wasting time or money-if you lose on job youstill have another .
all these cheap schill spend spend shills & cheerleaders- are paid & hope to cash in on some well connected job- look at their profiles- esp one prominent democrat woman whos never worked a private secftor job in her life- currently works some ghost employment job for the police dept- and the rest- clearly a divided consensus- along the im not paying for private profits; vs were going to get a slice of the pie - ers- clearly-
we just build more bigger taller higher parking garages- we can call fort wayne the city of parking garages- how much air pollution smg downtown next? & we can pay for them all with no money down other peoples money real estate investment schemes & when they are all built we say-we cant be in the busines s of returning any parking profits to urselves- we mujst hire connected outside out of town out of state operators to collect the cash & skim just like mob las vegas in the 20th century-
and there we go- line the carpetbaggers pockets ; wer get ious & squat- follow the money & ignore them man behind the curtain saying OH- READ THE FAKE NEWS ALTERNATE FACTS POSTS POSTED ABOVE IN THE NEWSPAPERS ARTIELSE- SEE ABOVE-
we are being looste dlike the germans looted europe in the WW2- bottom line.
Kendall Sutter Overmyer upscale is wealthy white people speak for populating the downtown with other wealthy white people who own run control everything& they dont have to walk or take a taxi too far to their private & public meetings packed with other YUPPIE WHITE WEALTHY upscale folks-
im not aclling it intentional instituional racist- but if it qucaks like a duck qalks like a duck & swims in the river like a duck- well -

so why no affordable housing? oh- affordable housing is code for non wealthy white folks not so upscale- poorer barely scraping by speak- but how will all these folks get tot ehri jobs in all these fancy smancy downt town businesses that dont pay as well at the rest of the wealthy white upscale folks who need to be serviced by these low wage workers to keep the balance of wealth & power? & thesee schemes benefit the white wealthy ovedrlord ruling classed- of else al this development would be at southtown mall or south of the railroad tracks - or lets say the rudisill south region part of town where the jobs are really needed?-
downtown will soon be populated by two classes- the wealthy white ruling classes; every cop in town so they aresafe from street crime; and the street criminals- & derelicts vagrants drifters transients bums addicts ect- living & sharing this shiny new YUPPIFIED HIPSTERFIED DOWNTOWN DISNEY LAND
AND UNLESS YOUAL ARE WILLING TO WEED OUT THE UNDESIRABLES- THE SCUM- TO TAKE A "DENT " OUT OF CRIME and make the POLICE do their jobs- well- we wil just have a nice new shiny bunch of downtown buildings that will be vacated at 5PM or so- & everyone will drive to their gated communities that the dirt balls wont be able to walk to- harder to rob steal mug the rich because no cars to escape with- -well see.
keep telling yourself that. whos paying you to be a professional propagandist?- fake news alternative facts project pusher? how much are you getting to sell the rest of us out? - you know- pay me a million bucks & ill vanish- ill be the biggest rah rah cheerleader for every carpetbagger kleptcrat plutocrat profiting scheme that comes along- no matter how crazy it is-
of course ill be honest enough to admit i & a bunch of others are paid shills- yes im getting paid to sell this- but its for the children! dont be so negative or angry or stand in the wayof progress! its the way of the future- fort wayne will die woth out- - bla bla bla- comrade. nice work. youve been exposed- & whos going to pay for it? id invest inmy own hometown if there were stoicks for sale in these projects- bonds to buy tax free riverfront munis backed by the city etc- but its all a no money down otherpeoples money get rich real estate scam- just like bitcoins bjunk bonds low rent mortgagesyou name it its a ripoff scheme by a different color- ge real tell the truith- because theres a lot of people who arent convinced not one bit- a ball park all pretty that doesnt make a dime- ditto for every other scheme downtown- shwo me the books the profit loss statements the business plans the due dilgence the fiduciary statements etc- than maybe we would all be a less skeptical- dude.- you and about 6- 12 of your liars squad im counting thereabouts.. 
happy spring time- bet the rivers are filled with poop about now after all this rain.
snappy retort to comment "Steve Trier Lets see, without reading a single comment, I can summerise the whiners: who is going to rent those apartments, who can afford them, we need to save every single old building, etc etc etc. Downtown is exploding, new housing is booked up, west central is the hot spot, more businesses open every month, its called resurrection of a dead central city, growth, success."

I will grant that ive seen old public access VHS drive by surveys of downtown- & how it had been neglected by a previous generation ofpoliticians- who should be imrisoned but thats under the bridge- but all this MOMENTUM IS ALL BULL 5H1 T- a carpetbagger scheme by kleptocrats & plutocrats.
want to attract the youth younger generation? MONEY- PAY CHECK- SO THEY HAVE A NICED RETIREMENT ACCOUNT- is how- all the smoke & mirrirs wont fool them for long-
& speaking ofTALENT- its like the dudes of MY GENERATION between the end of the baby boomers & "generation X- the older folks who have lived here all our lives worked our tails off paid all the taxes that wil pay for all this shiny new stuff- well- wheres OUR SLICE OF THE PIE FOR DECADES OF FAITHFUL SERVICE making fort wayne work? seems like wer not the talent they are looking for- they want young stupid kids who dont know anything that will say oh yes that would be a cool thing - whatever- but that they will have to payfor it- oooh the spoiled rotten baby boomers kids- more or less- or grandkids- keep it in the family- its a racket- period- ask anyone they will tell you which is why this is all being rammed through with out any rea lserious public discussion like here im seeing a 60-40 split when it comes to whos & hows it going to be paid for- private dugh? go ahead- puvlic private ? forgetabout it- because were not all making downtonw yuppy hipster etc talent wages- right?
Jain Young suburban gentrification- raise the rents & the riff raff & undesirables will move on-
you get what you rent for- you want to be low rent district & all that entails? a low rent low life NBH? or at least costly enough its cheraer than downtown with a yard free parking & close toGROCERYSTORES!!- etc- where youre not hearing your neighbors everymove or worse (lol)-or out farenough you can breath the fresh suburban auir- without the urbandowntown low life dirt balls derelicts low rent types that entails?- the worst crime areas for me out NE are blackhawk(aka "crack hawk)- the DID clean the place up a bit- or the state- lake hobson apartments; the "6500 block of st joe road- the low rent "affordable housing - near Shoaf park; and up until they also cleaned out the low life riff raff by raiusing the bar- Canterbury green apts- - what a change for the better- the apartments just west of the coliseum- along spy run have been up & down & the worst apartments to liv?- eden "cabrini "geen apartments were sooo bad even the cops left the NBH & moved downtown where the wealthy white Telent hipster millennials - are so law abiding they wont even spit on the sidewalk- I read all the crime reports in the news papers & the "lights & sirens police blotter desk sgt reports from FWPD- you get to know where the scumbags live & where the wealthy live & everyone inbetween- well wealthy are often just a higher class of scumbags- lol-
LOW RENT- is what it exactly means.
Insurance corporations knw this too- they have all the crime statistics police calls tyes of crime etc- they price by zip code & NBH where you liv- which isnt fair per se- because just because someone is poor doesnt mean they are badpeople- they just are stuck where they canafford& at themercy of the police either lacking in their jobs or over policing- id rather have too many cops anymore than have my stuff open season to riff raff low life scumbags theives burglars carjackers car breakers robbers- etc looking for stufgf to steal to fence to buy heroin meth crack or whatever-
help take a dent out of crime weed out the scumbags & undesirables if you see something say something- send a text whatever- .
shut down the free 3 hots a cot feeding trough at the rescue mission; and these flies & vermin will leave for somewhere the living is easy- the homeless dereilicts on the streets- the skid row bums ar e either there because they chose to be a lifestyle choice- or because they are undesirables we need to "encourage" to move on- no work here for you rkind- sorry
then we have the cant pass a drug test addicts - the smelly dirty get a bath shave haircut grungy types- and a lot more- who are totally unemployable- who wont lift a shovel or rake or broom to tdo any useful work - able bodied men mostly- the BAD HOMELESS who need to go - away- vs the good homeless I think we al agree on them when we see them- the difference- so its not an abundance word gets around- fort wayne is full of gullible bible thumbers do gooders & plenty of good intentioned crazy cat herder ladies- who think they can help these predators- not to be-if they wanted help they would get off the streets & into a program-
no food- no flies - no food no vermin- they would leave -fast- moved on to the next HOMELESS PARADISE-


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