Thursday, March 28, 2013


star child- 2001 space odyssey
  • Equality begins at conception.
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    • 10 people like this.
    • David Christopher Roach apples and oranges.. totally unrelated, unless you agree that gay people are born that way?
    • Daniel J. Quintero David. Totally unrelated? Unrelated with what? I didn't know I was comparing this fact to anything else. No gay jokes here. No proving this point or that point. Don't try to stretch this simple fact beyond its simple meaning. My post makes only one point which is we are all created equal.
      58 minutes ago · Like · 3
    • David Christopher Roach no one is pro-abortion. women want choices. everyone is "pro-life'- but not the screaming lunatics. sorry- im radically pro-choice- which only means that women should have the equal choice to make their own decisions about their own reproduction.. have a happy easter, daniel!
    • Micah Clark After 55 million abortions, and all the battles for our tax dollars to perform them, you really believe that no one is pro-abortion? Name One Abortion that Barack Obaama would oppose? As a state senator he voted for literal infanticide, three times. . .he was against making it a crime to kill a child who survives an abortion !!!
      53 minutes ago · Like · 1
    • Louisa Millington I don't see a screaming lunatic. I see unfair stereotyping and name calling. Justice and Equality begin in the womb....or as Daniel more accurately stated, at conception.
    • Daniel J. Quintero David. Happy Easter to you too. And Happy Easter to all the women who are conceived and are allowed to be born so they are allowed to make their own choices in life. That's the "choice" I support.
      52 minutes ago · Like · 2
    • David Christopher Roach ok. THE QUESTION- separate the issue- if someone female in your family- wife, sister, girlfriend, extended family, friends, or neighbor- was gang raped by a bunch of goons, and thugs, and was impregnated with this rape baby, would you force that woman to bear that rape baby, and all the resulting post traumatic permanent aftermath? tick tick tick.. I say every woman should have the choice to have a baby. or not. men, the bible, your god- have no say so in such a personal decision, and to think other wise is to inflame, and enrage 51% of the voting population. and then you guys( mr clark, rev, whatever)- then wonder why the tea party/GOP is denounced for their war on wmen. its your chauvinist, patriarchal, bigoted, point of vie inflicting your will on other people- womein esp. and then wnder how to repackeag rape babyes into something the voters will accept? again- answer the aforementioned question truthfully..
    • Sandy Chumley-Hamilton who is the radical lunatic near??? Libs
    • Daniel J. Quintero David. My God? God? You clearly don't understand why pro-life people know what they know about conception. God has everything to do with it. End of story. And please don't ask me to explain why in the world all the terrible things happen ...See More
    • David Christopher Roach my GOD DOESNT FORCE WOMEN WHO HAVE BEEN RAPED TO KEEP THEIR RAPISTS BABY. MY GOD WOULD FORGIVE A WOMAN FOR MAKING A DIFFICULT CHOICE. MY GOD IS BETTING THAT mARLIN STUTZMAN WILL NEVER ANSWER THE ORIGINAL QUESTION I POSED TO YOU ASLL, BECAUSE HE IS PRECICELY THE SAME AS MORDOCK, AND AKINS, AND ALL THE REST OF T EH ravinf lunatics.. you ffolks thing fred phelps loosk ridicuolous? thats the same way all the radical pro-ifers look to the res t fo the normal, centrist, voing public, tht isnt crazy bircher, theocratic mccartyist fringe.. which is why the GOP /TEa party will keep losing seats , unless they can keep rigging the system/ cheating- to have their way, contrary to the rest of sus's wishes..
    • David Christopher Roach assuming there is a god. assuming the bible isnt a bunch of 500 yr old hebrew fairy tales, its like belieivng in the tooth fairy, santa claus, etc.. so your saying rape babies are gods will, and raped women should keep their rape babies to term, then raise them? is that your answer, daniel?
    • Sandy Chumley-Hamilton Who is your God
    • David Christopher Roach most assuredly the one that you deluded, hypocritical, deceived people profess to believe in- distorting gods word, the teachings of Jesus christ, twisting thoghts to conform to your authoritarian, totailtarian "my way, or the highway' POV. the USA i...See More
    • David Christopher Roach so you say rape bbies are a miracle? "There's like a thousand things that can and have gone wrong and yes rape is one of them. I think its horrible and I have no idea why God chooses that situation to created a human life. But you know what? He does. And a miracle happens." ?
    • Daniel J. Quintero David. You're totally missing the point my friend. No in zero...none...are created by you or me or any man or woman. All babies....You and I and everyone are created by God. End of story. Sorry you want me to believe or think something else. Its never ever going to happen. Got it? So for you to suggest God forces a woman to do anything clearly shows you simply don't understand. And what God does and are doesn't forgive a person for has nothing to do with me and what I think. I have no control over any of that. Having an abortion, if it is considered a sin by God is no greater than any other sin. We are all sinners and we are all allowed to be forgiven. So don't get yourself all caught up in God forgiving women about this act. You and I have no say in the matter.
    • David Christopher Roach so you say women who are rpaed should be forced to keep their rape babies, and raise them to adulthood; its gods will, and rape babies are a miracle? is that what you are sayig?
      4 minutes ago · Like

      • David Christopher Roach so you say women who are rpaed should be forced to keep their rape babies, and raise them to adulthood; its gods will, and rape babies are a miracle? is that what you are sayig?
      • Sandy Chumley-Hamilton rape babies what a disgusting way to describe a baby
      • Daniel J. Quintero David. If God created any baby under any circumstances I trust He has plan beyond my understanding. I'm sorry you can't understand this. I'm sorry you don't have the same faith. I make no distinctions about what standards a baby should be born under. And who gets to make those rules. We'd have about a million different standards to govern by if we all got to choose what is acceptable and what isn't. How about this new law? No fathers around....that baby isn't allowed to be born. It must be terminated. How about that standard? Clearly babies born without a father have a much more difficult life than the ones who have a father around. Trust me, I know, I'm one of them. Much of my youth was very difficult without my father. But yet, here I am. A miracle. Again, it's not up to me so you can stop asking me. I'll never go against what God has "chosen" to created. There is nothing I can do to go against that. Sorry you don't understand. From your hurtful words and all the slander you have for people who believe something different than you it is clear why you don't believe. I just hope some day you can let go of so much anger and resentment. It will destroy you if you let it.
      • Louisa Millington Rape and incest account for less than a quarter of 1% of all abortions. Even if that were not the case the child is no less human because of the nature of its conception. God also does not force people to choose to murder, rape, pillage or plunder, nor does he force them not too. We have free will to choose correctly. Just because we have free will does not give us the right to take away the rights of others.
        54 minutes ago · Like · 1
      • Daniel J. Quintero Louisa. I know this. But all too often that other side hangs their hat on this issue to try and prove what terrible disgusting people we are.
        50 minutes ago · Like · 1
      • Louisa Millington That was typed in support of you and not at you 
      • Daniel J. Quintero Oh...I know...I know.
      • Steve Gordon Do NOT engage in dialogue with Roach. He spins the conversation. A dog has a better chance at catching its own tail.
        33 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 2
      • Daniel J. Quintero Steve. lol. I've had several of these conversations with him. It's all good. I've spent several hundred hours having conversations similar to this one with people who disagree with me. I guess I like a challenge or I'm simply sick. lol. Who knows.
      • David Christopher Roach daniel- whats truly sick is self appointed regilators af morality/ pro-life vigilantes busybodies on the likes of fred phelps- trying to force women to bear rape babies, and raise them to adulthood. women want, and deserve to be able to make their own choices of reporduction whatever that COICE may be. you all heard the gasps from the audience when richard mourdock said women should be forced to bear their rapist babies, and it s gods will, and he lost the election because hes stupid, his beliefs on pro-choiceare stupid, and hes out of touch with mainstream america. ditto for todd akin, and every other politician who 1- answers that qeustion the same way, or 2- refuses to answer the question, because their answer is that raped women should be forced to bear their rape babies to term, then raise them because its gods eill or some such FAP. 200,00 women in 1945 grmany committed suicide - killed themselves, because they didnt choose to bear their sovier red army gang rape babies, to term, and then be reminded daily for the rest of their lives of that hirrible atrocity. how many women today kill themselves for the same reason? you people are all bat sh--t crazy lunatic religious fundamentalist extremist radicals, exactly like the theocratic iranaisn, or the so called "terrorists waging jihad on us. as POGO, the cartoon possum said" we have met the enemy, and theys' us.. SO IM HOPING THAT AFTER THE LOCAL TEAPUBLICANS RAISE AND SPEND HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLARS ON TOMMY DIDIER, HE GETS ASKED THE RAPE BABY QUESTION, ANSWERS IT JUST THE SAME WAY YOU FOLKS HAVE, LOSES BY A LANDSLIDE BECAUSE OF IT( POOR bonehead..) or sooner- STUTZMAN- 2014.. GO AHEAD- KEEP PULLING THAT PIN ON YOUR OWN GRENADE, AND FALLING ON IT, WE - THE CENTRISTS, GOP, AND dems- WILL KEEP WATCHING THE SPECTAVLE- LIKE A TRAINWRECK IN SLOW MOTION, AND ENJOY WATCHING IT IN ENDLESS LOOP PLAYBACK ON EVERY CABLE AND NETWORK tV CHANNEL AND c-SPAN FOR ALL ETERNITY.. tee hee! and- watch stutzman hide in a spider hole with saddam, souder, to avoid having any media or citizens answer that question on viral video to be played with the romney 47% tape.. im making my james bond secret agent microcamera as we speak.. so bottom line- irrevocablyn ad permanently- you folks are all in agreement in asserting for the record- that you , and the candidates you support- must state that you would force women to carry their rape babies to term, to birth their rape babies, and raise them to adulthood? thats you answer? yes , or no. simple- straight up or down vote. yes or no? what will it be?

        • Daniel J. Quintero David. I see David so you want these people to forget about their principles in order to get votes. I see. Real nice. You say, "Hey Dan, these guys are stupid because they speak the truth and they lose votes." You know David, to tell you the truth, if I was a politician and I too spoke the truth and I lost votes for it. So the heck what. Never and I mean never would I sacrifice my principles for a few votes. And with that said, never would I vote a for person who I thought sacrificed their principles for votes. What in the world is the point? If you can't live by your own principles and get voted into office at the same time what is the point? I can't believe you are promoting the idea that grown men and women are suppose to give up their principles for votes. Oh yeah, I just remembered, that's how most of them get into Washington. And you want more of the same. Just amazing. I'm beyond the sick dysfunctional pandering of our current leadership. Our president alone was for gay marriage and then he wasn't and now he is again. Yeah, I want more of that. Just stick your finger in the air and see what direction the wind is blowing.
        • David Christopher Roach SO YOU WOULD AS A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE FORCE FEMALE MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY TO KEEP THEIR RAPE BABIES TO TERM, BIRTH THEM, AND RAISE THEM TO ADULTHOOD,A REMINDER OF THAT VICIOUS ATROCITY? as a matter of uncompromised principle? WHEW! then the republic is safe fro ever having lunitics further take over the asylum? yay! so you UNEQUIVOCALLY, AND IRREVOCABLY STATE FOR THE PERMANENT RECORD THAT YOU SPPORT FORCING WOMEN TO BEAR, AND BIRTH THEIR RAPE BABIES, AND RAISE THEM UNTIL ADULTHOOD, ( and by extension)- i suppose you also support etc- parental visitation - in prison- of their rape babies daddies? and stutzman, and didier, and harper, and crawford, likely by extension also support the same social, and political position? YES OR NO? ANSWER THE QUESTION. QUIT EVaDING .

        • Daniel J. Quintero David. Let's not forget what happened at the DNC. You know when they had to do a vote regarding GOD and whether are not he should be included in their platform. They had to do the vote 3 different times. Why? Because all 3 times the rowdy crowd that was there made it beyond clear they didn't want GOD included in the DNC platform. So what happens? After the 3rd vote their voices are ignored by those who are in power and GOD was added to the platform. What a joke. What a circus. It's truly sad to watch as the liberals of that party were ignored. You see David, it is your side who is confused about what to do with GOD. The GOP has had its struggles with him too. Many of the well established republicans want to tone it down and play your game. Throw principles out the door for votes. Mitt Romney tried to play in middle and it got him nowhere. Try to appease both sides and lose anyways. Mitt Romney is one of the most deeply religious men who walks on this earth in this country who is a politician. Yet, he wanted to stay away from that subject like you suggest and he still lost. This country needs a principled man like Ronald Reagan again. Not that everyone must agree with him and we all most certainly didn't. But what could never be denied when the man spoke with purpose and he never waivered from his principles. Did he lost votes because of this. Of course he did. But he also won by a landslide. It wasn't an accident. So don't give me any speeches about how these politicians must back down on their principles. Nothing could be further from the truth. I want the real man or woman and not some fake personality for the people. Those people are actors and make great movies. In real life we must demand the real thing.
        • David Christopher Roach answer the question, yes or no.
        • David Christopher Roach ronald reagan, actor, starred with monkeys- in hollywood, and the GOP.. teehee!! answer the question, yes or no..

          • what question David?
          • David Christopher Roach gotta go for now- mark souders coming over- he got a really great recipe from rev/ dr dobson/ focus on the family- its an old family recipe of his- chinese stir fired fetuses. says the chinese eat them as a delicacy.. battered, or stir fried, with some soy sauce, YUMMO!! ( im joking, except souder really is so gullible he believes the chinese eat their young. with egg? egg foo yung? of course- hes a republica- and we all know for a fact that the republicans eat their own young..
          • David Christopher Roach this question- yes or no- forcing women to birth their rapists babies.. SO YOU WOULD AS A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE FORCE FEMALE MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY TO KEEP THEIR RAPE BABIES TO TERM, BIRTH THEM, AND RAISE THEM TO ADULTHOOD,A REMINDER OF THAT VICIOUS ATROCITY? as a matter of uncompromised principle? WHEW! then the republic is safe fro ever having lunitics further take over the asylum? yay! so you UNEQUIVOCALLY, AND IRREVOCABLY STATE FOR THE PERMANENT RECORD THAT YOU SPPORT FORCING WOMEN TO BEAR, AND BIRTH THEIR RAPE BABIES, AND RAISE THEM UNTIL ADULTHOOD, ( and by extension)- i suppose you also support etc- parental visitation - in prison- of their rape babies daddies? and stutzman, and didier, and harper, and crawford, likely by extension also support the same social, and political position? YES OR NO? ANSWER THE QUESTION. QUIT EVaDING

        • Daniel J. Quintero David. Again, you are talking about 1/4% of the entire problem. All you're trying to do here is make Dan look like the jerk. Here's the truth man. And for like the 3rd time now....and no this isn't talking points for God sakes. If you can't tell when a man is talking from his heart you are solely stuck in your own bias and your own words. Now please listen this time. GOD creates all of us....everyone us like it our not. He makes no mistakes. There is nothing inside of me that can go against that fact. Now it is people like you who words the words like "force" as you just tried to do with me and as you did earlier as tried to suggest your God doesn't force a woman to keep her rape baby as you call it. Guess what? You're right. He doesn't. He doesn't force us to do anything. He allows us to live by our own free will. Just like when get into bed and have sex which contributes to over 99% of all conceptions. So the choice has been made and life is created according to God's will. Not yours and not mine. Am I open to talk about this 1/4% and what we should do? Sure I am. But again, I fall back on God's will. I have nothing else for you David. Now stop going around and around the same subject for 3 hours I've already answered several times. I have people waiting for me. I must go.
        • David Christopher Roach rape is an atrocity. domestic terrorism. it screws up a womans mind in ways that men cant imagine. God- wold never will this to happen to a woman. its men. and again- its the choice of the woman to have control over her own body, and her own reproductive rights. its not for any person, or govt to say so, or have any decision in. and on each womans day of deaht, at the pearly gates,- well- im sure god will not judge a woman harshly for her decision. but again- its the womans choice to have a child, or not, not any self appointed reprodctive relitious vigilantes. and the rtls/ pro-lifers are not even any church, so they dont even have any moral authority, they are nothing but karl rove/ AFp; or any other special iterest group trying to force their peculiar beliefs on scared pregnant women, through bullying, coercion, fear, and terrorism on women. look at the record of atrocities upon clinics by pro-life terrorists. we disagree, on everything except that n o one is for abortion, everyone is pro- life( not any organized group; ) but where we differ - is i stand adamant that woen should have the choice , no matter what anyone else says, thinks, or does, and thats my steadfast opinion, and you have yours.. again- happy easter..

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