???- David Christopher Roach dan- i enjoy the discussion of making OUR HOMETOWN A BETTER PLACE. but i must correct you- first Karl rove lost because his original strategy was to appease the TEA PARTY( extreme conservatives)- and tried to buy the election( citizens united/ etc)- and he lost. so he has learned, and is adapting, EXPENSIVE MISTAKE 500-MIL, to 1 BILLION, OR SO.. im suprised he isnt sleeping with the fishes. and the 47% videio tape was the nail in the coffin.. you said" Where some taxes raised? Yes. But most of the turn around was because of cut backs and making the system run more efficient. Besides, even if all of the turn around was because of raising taxes, nobody including you can undo the fact that when she left that position the county government was working off of a huge surplus in the millions of dollars." - so she raised taxes to solve a deficit; and used a balanced approach of tax hikes, and govt spending cuts.. and over taxed us- to get a budget surplus. so she sounds a lot like PRESIDENT OBAMA, OR BILL CLINTON - yet you insist shes a conservative? ???? .. im not slaming Ms Hughes. I have no emotion for nor aginst her. personaly- i think shes kinda hot, has a pleasnt demeanor, and knows local govt finance. its the social issues i cant stomach, and i still insist that was her downfall. ........YOUR QUOTE- " all the bs about Anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-choice and then you trying to link it to the KKK without the white sheets is just simply disgusting."- show me where the KKK, and the TTT has any daylight between their platforms/ agendas. add in the code words " welfare/takers; and self deportation, AND THE GAP NARROWS.. IM NOT IMPLYNG ANY DIRECT RACISM, BUT THINK ABOUT IT........ QUOTE: I sat there to make calls for her right next to me sat a gay man who like you had a serious axe to grind with Mayor Henry and worked his butt off trying to turn this city around.- tommy schrader? fred steinicke? just curious.. ............YOU- "Is she pro-life? Of course she is."- no one is for abortion, but women want the choice/options, without some bunch of crazies telling them what to do, through intimidation, etc.. - and th estated goal of the local RTl to prevent ANYBODY WHO DOESNT AGREE WITH THEM from getting elected, even dog catcher- is abhorrent.. and im sure theres lots of irritations, and such that can be put up by local govt- such as the doctor admitting priv ordinance, which is being sused in othe r statesto shut down clinics. dittor for zoning, planning, building codes elsewhere too. The church being the moral compass is fine, but self appointed vigilante busybodies is nothing but equal to fred phelps, and as abhorrent... YOU- CHARITY CASINOS- my issue is their record of racketeering- cherrymasters, and im not sure state laws allows them to operate 52 weeks a yr, 3 days a week. and esp the aAMERICAL LEGION-dubious record as well- how much of their proceeds go to charity as a percentage; and how much goes to profit the operators, for their own greed? they are bending, if not breaking the laws, and crime is crime.. ...... im not opposed to legal gambling, but illegal is illegal. i cant smoke weed- its the same thing.. MY AXE TO GRIND- s the rotten treatment ive gotten by the local hacks, and they must pay. and besides- if they did what i tell them to do, they might start winning- all im saying is copycat shine, a sure thing?.. YOU- conservatives and the KKK- im not saying centrist mainstream conservatives are KKK- dont be hyperbolic, DAN- im saying these special interest groups ARE veiled racist; bigots, whatever. they assuredly arent christian. where in the new testament in the red words of JC- does it support anything they say or do? Nor am i saying anything negative about you, DAN. as for personal issues- its not personal- its politics. the henrys have never doen anything to me i have seen personally ( not to say...)- and I think the people deserve to see how and who their politicians, and elected officials are behind closed doors- thats why the 47% ROMNEY TAPE WAS SO DEVASTING. the guy who taped it, apparently did it with innocent intent, but then realized he had dynamite in a can, and that it was important to let the American people see how he truly was. thats not negative politics.. thats being intellectually honest. mudslinging is an art, and a science- if you are telling the truth, and its great tabloid news, ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW. look at the SALACIOUS INTEREST IN BILL CLINTONS affairs.. and the cover-ups of other "respected" politicians. They all spout the same partisan rhetoric.. and as for MS Hughes- and my vote- i voted against the TTT party agenda- social agenda- because i personally find it abhorrent, and against the cnstitution, and th eintent of the founding fathers.. again- it was more that, but also- like i said- i thought things were going ok, and why let the inmates take over the asylum- so to say( a little humor here). and as for TAXES- well- TAXES are a price to pay for living in a civilized society- and personally- i dont mind paying taxes, as long as things arent getting neglected. If you, and TOM, and company- can maybe publish blog- and lay it all out in writing for the world to see- and 1- be financially factual; and 2- document the character, etc- of why we ( dont want a scoundrel, or a crook ) in office- RICHARD NIXON COMES TO MIND- or the tabloid facts, then people can read the story, and examine it more closely. but to just say- the sky is falling- we are broke, theres no money, etc- people dont listen. If I was on your side- I would go to 1- all your precinct people; 2- all the neighborhoods 3- business, and Labor people- and make up a questionaire- or survey- market research/ customer service- and use facts, figures numbers, and s oon- to find out what people want, and how much they are willing to pay for it.. the best example i ever saw of this was several years ago- John Stafford- spent considerable time and effort( really earned a bonus)- compiling a service by service compilation of the city budget- showing what each service cost, what it provided, and the city resources that went into it, and the various consequences of eliminating it. as far as im concerned- it would make a brilliant graduate degree course in local govt finance. Pat roller is doing that somewhat.. again- If STEVE SHINE wants to achieve his goal of "global domination" here in the county- well- ANNEXXATION has several advntages- 1- it spreads the shared city ameity/convenicne budget over the greatst number of people( spreading the pain around).. 2- it brings more citizens into representation about their taxation- and able to vote in city affairs- which they pay for through COIT, CEDIT, etc.. a3- annexation spreads the per-capita tax burden arounda wider tax pool- so overall- its less per capta; and inally- say we annexxed ( for the sake of discussion- 50,000 people in unincorporated, developed suburban areas- - the dupont/ county bars, etc- would be subjcet to city codes, and the playing field would be leveld for business. the map would make the city look larger, and the population increase- through annexxation- granted- would make fort wayne/ allen county eleigible for a larger slice of the pot of the money from the FEDS, and INDY- that will be apropriated, and spent anyway- and instead of lets say 250,000 population, wwe could claim on paper 300,000( i have to look up the real numbers_ fort wayne will get more money, and be ranked higher as larger cities- not inconsequential, and has adavantages.. oh- and the HOLY GRAIL OF THE GOP- whomever institutes a unigov / consolidated got structure county wide, in imitation of your KING- RICHARD LUGAR- will be crowned the next king- HELMKE TRIED AND FAILED. the GOP controlled city council cando this. in fact- i would raise taxes to the maximum level- abnd rebuild the surplus, and save the legacy fund- which is turinig into a real tar baby. ever see the movie "the mouse that oared"? the legacy fund is getting to be a millstone- and both sides are greedily circling to spend it on their own special interests, famlies, friends, and croonies. again- why am i hlping you r side- my side can do just fine without me- they said as mcuh.. like right.. ok- look at all those winning officesWINNING1 DUH1 as charlie said. and the city elections arent till 2015- so there slots of time to play; but seriously- i want to be aplayer, and make fort waye a great place for single adults to party, families to work and play, and safe for kids- which arent at all incompatible.. butthe more we all are talking about this, and the sooner TOMMY forms a exploratory com ittee-the sooner things will happen. we already saw it in the cuncil meeting- 3-12- with the harper sniing at didier. all tom has to do is just be himself. an afableniceguy, willing to sail the mellow middle - right centrist, and make sure he doesnt mourdock himself on account of the lunatic fringe. You seem reasonable, Daneil, and i think we can work together on these issues- bi partisan support. I will tone down the tea party bashing- , but i dont beleive social conservatism is inclusive, nor the way to go.. i yied the floor( and great reading your dissertation, too!).Unable to post comment. Try Again
- David Christopher Roach dan- i enjoy the discussion of making OUR HOMETOWN A BETTER PLACE. but i must correct you- first Karl rove lost because his original strategy was to appease the TEA PARTY( extreme conservatives)- and tried to buy the election( citizens united/ etc)- and he lost. so he has learned, and is adapting, EXPENSIVE MISTAKE 500-MIL, to 1 BILLION, OR SO.. im suprised he isnt sleeping with the fishes. and the 47% videio tape was the nail in the coffin.. you said" Where some taxes raised? Yes. But most of the turn around was because of cut backs and making the system run more efficient. Besides, even if all of the turn around was because of raising taxes, nobody including you can undo the fact that when she left that position the county government was working off of a huge surplus in the millions of dollars." - so she raised taxes to solve a deficit; and used a balanced approach of tax hikes, and govt spending cuts.. and over taxed us- to get a budget surplus. so she sounds a lot like PRESIDENT OBAMA, OR BILL CLINTON - yet you insist shes a conservative? ???? .. im not slaming Ms Hughes. I have no emotion for nor aginst her. personaly- i think shes kinda hot, has a pleasnt demeanor, and knows local govt finance. its the social issues i cant stomach, and i still insist that was her downfall. ........YOUR QUOTE- " all the bs about Anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-choice and then you trying to link it to the KKK without the white sheets is just simply disgusting."- show me where the KKK, and the TTT has any daylight between their platforms/ agendas. add in the code words " welfare/takers; and self deportation, AND THE GAP NARROWS.. IM NOT IMPLYNG ANY DIRECT RACISM, BUT THINK ABOUT IT........ QUOTE: I sat there to make calls for her right next to me sat a gay man who like you had a serious axe to grind with Mayor Henry and worked his butt off trying to turn this city around.- tommy schrader? fred steinicke? just curious.. ............YOU- "Is she pro-life? Of course she is."- no one is for abortion, but women want the choice/options, without some bunch of crazies telling them what to do, through intimidation, etc.. - and th estated goal of the local RTl to prevent ANYBODY WHO DOESNT AGREE WITH THEM from getting elected, even dog catcher- is abhorrent.. and im sure theres lots of irritations, and such that can be put up by local govt- such as the doctor admitting priv ordinance, which is being sused in othe r statesto shut down clinics. dittor for zoning, planning, building codes elsewhere too. The church being the moral compass is fine, but self appointed vigilante busybodies is nothing but equal to fred phelps, and as abhorrent... YOU- CHARITY CASINOS- my issue is their record of racketeering- cherrymasters, and im not sure state laws allows them to operate 52 weeks a yr, 3 days a week. and esp the aAMERICAL LEGION-dubious record as well- how much of their proceeds go to charity as a percentage; and how much goes to profit the operators, for their own greed? they are bending, if not breaking the laws, and crime is crime.. ...... im not opposed to legal gambling, but illegal is illegal. i cant smoke weed- its the same thing.. MY AXE TO GRIND- s the rotten treatment ive gotten by the local hacks, and they must pay. and besides- if they did what i tell them to do, they might start winning- all im saying is copycat shine, a sure thing?.. YOU- conservatives and the KKK- im not saying centrist mainstream conservatives are KKK- dont be hyperbolic, DAN- im saying these special interest groups ARE veiled racist; bigots, whatever. they assuredly arent christian. where in the new testament in the red words of JC- does it support anything they say or do? Nor am i saying anything negative about you, DAN. as for personal issues- its not personal- its politics. the henrys have never doen anything to me i have seen personally ( not to say...)- and I think the people deserve to see how and who their politicians, and elected officials are behind closed doors- thats why the 47% ROMNEY TAPE WAS SO DEVASTING. the guy who taped it, apparently did it with innocent intent, but then realized he had dynamite in a can, and that it was important to let the American people see how he truly was. thats not negative politics.. thats being intellectually honest. mudslinging is an art, and a science- if you are telling the truth, and its great tabloid news, ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW. look at the SALACIOUS INTEREST IN BILL CLINTONS affairs.. and the cover-ups of other "respected" politicians. They all spout the same partisan rhetoric.. and as for MS Hughes- and my vote- i voted against the TTT party agenda- social agenda- because i personally find it abhorrent, and against the cnstitution, and th eintent of the founding fathers.. again- it was more that, but also- like i said- i thought things were going ok, and why let the inmates take over the asylum- so to say( a little humor here). and as for TAXES- well- TAXES are a price to pay for living in a civilized society- and personally- i dont mind paying taxes, as long as things arent getting neglected. If you, and TOM, and company- can maybe publish blog- and lay it all out in writing for the world to see- and 1- be financially factual; and 2- document the character, etc- of why we ( dont want a scoundrel, or a crook ) in office- RICHARD NIXON COMES TO MIND- or the tabloid facts, then people can read the story, and examine it more closely. but to just say- the sky is falling- we are broke, theres no money, etc- people dont listen. If I was on your side- I would go to 1- all your precinct people; 2- all the neighborhoods 3- business, and Labor people- and make up a questionaire- or survey- market research/ customer service- and use facts, figures numbers, and s oon- to find out what people want, and how much they are willing to pay for it.. the best example i ever saw of this was several years ago- John Stafford- spent considerable time and effort( really earned a bonus)- compiling a service by service compilation of the city budget- showing what each service cost, what it provided, and the city resources that went into it, and the various consequences of eliminating it. as far as im concerned- it would make a brilliant graduate degree course in local govt finance. Pat roller is doing that somewhat.. again- If STEVE SHINE wants to achieve his goal of "global domination" here in the county- well- ANNEXXATION has several advntages- 1- it spreads the shared city ameity/convenicne budget over the greatst number of people( spreading the pain around).. 2- it brings more citizens into representation about their taxation- and able to vote in city affairs- which they pay for through COIT, CEDIT, etc.. a3- annexation spreads the per-capita tax burden arounda wider tax pool- so overall- its less per capta; and inally- say we annexxed ( for the sake of discussion- 50,000 people in unincorporated, developed suburban areas- - the dupont/ county bars, etc- would be subjcet to city codes, and the playing field would be leveld for business. the map would make the city look larger, and the population increase- through annexxation- granted- would make fort wayne/ allen county eleigible for a larger slice of the pot of the money from the FEDS, and INDY- that will be apropriated, and spent anyway- and instead of lets say 250,000 population, wwe could claim on paper 300,000( i have to look up the real numbers_ fort wayne will get more money, and be ranked higher as larger cities- not inconsequential, and has adavantages.. oh- and the HOLY GRAIL OF THE GOP- whomever institutes a unigov / consolidated got structure county wide, in imitation of your KING- RICHARD LUGAR- will be crowned the next king- HELMKE TRIED AND FAILED. the GOP controlled city council cando this. in fact- i would raise taxes to the maximum level- abnd rebuild the surplus, and save the legacy fund- which is turinig into a real tar baby. ever see the movie "the mouse that oared"? the legacy fund is getting to be a millstone- and both sides are greedily circling to spend it on their own special interests, famlies, friends, and croonies. again- why am i hlping you r side- my side can do just fine without me- they said as mcuh.. like right.. ok- look at all those winning officesWINNING1 DUH1 as charlie said. and the city elections arent till 2015- so there slots of time to play; but seriously- i want to be aplayer, and make fort waye a great place for single adults to party, families to work and play, and safe for kids- which arent at all incompatible.. butthe more we all are talking about this, and the sooner TOMMY forms a exploratory com ittee-the sooner things will happen. we already saw it in the cuncil meeting- 3-12- with the harper sniing at didier. all tom has to do is just be himself. an afableniceguy, willing to sail the mellow middle - right centrist, and make sure he doesnt mourdock himself on account of the lunatic fringe. You seem reasonable, Daneil, and i think we can work together on these issues- bi partisan support. I will tone down the tea party bashing- , but i dont beleive social conservatism is inclusive, nor the way to go.. i yied the floor( and great reading your dissertation, too!).Unable to post comment. Try Again
- David Christopher Roach dan- i enjoy the discussion of making OUR HOMETOWN A BETTER PLACE. but i must correct you- first Karl rove lost because his original strategy was to appease the TEA PARTY( extreme conservatives)- and tried to buy the election( citizens united/ etc)- and he lost. so he has learned, and is adapting, EXPENSIVE MISTAKE 500-MIL, to 1 BILLION, OR SO.. im suprised he isnt sleeping with the fishes. and the 47% videio tape was the nail in the coffin.. you said" Where some taxes raised? Yes. But most of the turn around was because of cut backs and making the system run more efficient. Besides, even if all of the turn around was because of raising taxes, nobody including you can undo the fact that when she left that position the county government was working off of a huge surplus in the millions of dollars." - so she raised taxes to solve a deficit; and used a balanced approach of tax hikes, and govt spending cuts.. and over taxed us- to get a budget surplus. so she sounds a lot like PRESIDENT OBAMA, OR BILL CLINTON - yet you insist shes a conservative? ???? .. im not slaming Ms Hughes. I have no emotion for nor aginst her. personaly- i think shes kinda hot, has a pleasnt demeanor, and knows local govt finance. its the social issues i cant stomach, and i still insist that was her downfall. ........YOUR QUOTE- " all the bs about Anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-choice and then you trying to link it to the KKK without the white sheets is just simply disgusting."- show me where the KKK, and the TTT has any daylight between their platforms/ agendas. add in the code words " welfare/takers; and self deportation, AND THE GAP NARROWS.. IM NOT IMPLYNG ANY DIRECT RACISM, BUT THINK ABOUT IT........ QUOTE: I sat there to make calls for her right next to me sat a gay man who like you had a serious axe to grind with Mayor Henry and worked his butt off trying to turn this city around.- tommy schrader? fred steinicke? just curious.. ............YOU- "Is she pro-life? Of course she is."- no one is for abortion, but women want the choice/options, without some bunch of crazies telling them what to do, through intimidation, etc.. - and th estated goal of the local RTl to prevent ANYBODY WHO DOESNT AGREE WITH THEM from getting elected, even dog catcher- is abhorrent.. and im sure theres lots of irritations, and such that can be put up by local govt- such as the doctor admitting priv ordinance, which is being sused in othe r statesto shut down clinics. dittor for zoning, planning, building codes elsewhere too. The church being the moral compass is fine, but self appointed vigilante busybodies is nothing but equal to fred phelps, and as abhorrent... YOU- CHARITY CASINOS- my issue is their record of racketeering- cherrymasters, and im not sure state laws allows them to operate 52 weeks a yr, 3 days a week. and esp the aAMERICAL LEGION-dubious record as well- how much of their proceeds go to charity as a percentage; and how much goes to profit the operators, for their own greed? they are bending, if not breaking the laws, and crime is crime.. ...... im not opposed to legal gambling, but illegal is illegal. i cant smoke weed- its the same thing.. MY AXE TO GRIND- s the rotten treatment ive gotten by the local hacks, and they must pay. and besides- if they did what i tell them to do, they might start winning- all im saying is copycat shine, a sure thing?.. YOU- conservatives and the KKK- im not saying centrist mainstream conservatives are KKK- dont be hyperbolic, DAN- im saying these special interest groups ARE veiled racist; bigots, whatever. they assuredly arent christian. where in the new testament in the red words of JC- does it support anything they say or do? Nor am i saying anything negative about you, DAN. as for personal issues- its not personal- its politics. the henrys have never doen anything to me i have seen personally ( not to say...)- and I think the people deserve to see how and who their politicians, and elected officials are behind closed doors- thats why the 47% ROMNEY TAPE WAS SO DEVASTING. the guy who taped it, apparently did it with innocent intent, but then realized he had dynamite in a can, and that it was important to let the American people see how he truly was. thats not negative politics.. thats being intellectually honest. mudslinging is an art, and a science- if you are telling the truth, and its great tabloid news, ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW. look at the SALACIOUS INTEREST IN BILL CLINTONS affairs.. and the cover-ups of other "respected" politicians. They all spout the same partisan rhetoric.. and as for MS Hughes- and my vote- i voted against the TTT party agenda- social agenda- because i personally find it abhorrent, and against the cnstitution, and th eintent of the founding fathers.. again- it was more that, but also- like i said- i thought things were going ok, and why let the inmates take over the asylum- so to say( a little humor here). and as for TAXES- well- TAXES are a price to pay for living in a civilized society- and personally- i dont mind paying taxes, as long as things arent getting neglected. If you, and TOM, and company- can maybe publish blog- and lay it all out in writing for the world to see- and 1- be financially factual; and 2- document the character, etc- of why we ( dont want a scoundrel, or a crook ) in office- RICHARD NIXON COMES TO MIND- or the tabloid facts, then people can read the story, and examine it more closely. but to just say- the sky is falling- we are broke, theres no money, etc- people dont listen. If I was on your side- I would go to 1- all your precinct people; 2- all the neighborhoods 3- business, and Labor people- and make up a questionaire- or survey- market research/ customer service- and use facts, figures numbers, and s oon- to find out what people want, and how much they are willing to pay for it.. the best example i ever saw of this was several years ago- John Stafford- spent considerable time and effort( really earned a bonus)- compiling a service by service compilation of the city budget- showing what each service cost, what it provided, and the city resources that went into it, and the various consequences of eliminating it. as far as im concerned- it would make a brilliant graduate degree course in local govt finance. Pat roller is doing that somewhat.. again- If STEVE SHINE wants to achieve his goal of "global domination" here in the county- well- ANNEXXATION has several advntages- 1- it spreads the shared city ameity/convenicne budget over the greatst number of people( spreading the pain around).. 2- it brings more citizens into representation about their taxation- and able to vote in city affairs- which they pay for through COIT, CEDIT, etc.. a3- annexation spreads the per-capita tax burden arounda wider tax pool- so overall- its less per capta; and inally- say we annexxed ( for the sake of discussion- 50,000 people in unincorporated, developed suburban areas- - the dupont/ county bars, etc- would be subjcet to city codes, and the playing field would be leveld for business. the map would make the city look larger, and the population increase- through annexxation- granted- would make fort wayne/ allen county eleigible for a larger slice of the pot of the money from the FEDS, and INDY- that will be apropriated, and spent anyway- and instead of lets say 250,000 population, wwe could claim on paper 300,000( i have to look up the real numbers_ fort wayne will get more money, and be ranked higher as larger cities- not inconsequential, and has adavantages.. oh- and the HOLY GRAIL OF THE GOP- whomever institutes a unigov / consolidated got structure county wide, in imitation of your KING- RICHARD LUGAR- will be crowned the next king- HELMKE TRIED AND FAILED. the GOP controlled city council cando this. in fact- i would raise taxes to the maximum level- abnd rebuild the surplus, and save the legacy fund- which is turinig into a real tar baby. ever see the movie "the mouse that oared"? the legacy fund is getting to be a millstone- and both sides are greedily circling to spend it on their own special interests, famlies, friends, and croonies. again- why am i hlping you r side- my side can do just fine without me- they said as mcuh.. like right.. ok- look at all those winning officesWINNING1 DUH1 as charlie said. and the city elections arent till 2015- so there slots of time to play; but seriously- i want to be aplayer, and make fort waye a great place for single adults to party, families to work and play, and safe for kids- which arent at all incompatible.. butthe more we all are talking about this, and the sooner TOMMY forms a exploratory com ittee-the sooner things will happen. we already saw it in the cuncil meeting- 3-12- with the harper sniing at didier. all tom has to do is just be himself. an afableniceguy, willing to sail the mellow middle - right centrist, and make sure he doesnt mourdock himself on account of the lunatic fringe. You seem reasonable, Daneil, and i think we can work together on these issues- bi partisan support. I will tone down the tea party bashing- , but i dont beleive social conservatism is inclusive, nor the way to go.. i yied the floor( and great reading your dissertation, too!).Unable to post comment. Try Again
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