David Christopher Roach get well soon Gina- it will take about 3 weeks and a few days- I had the same most of March , still not 100%
take care of yourself.
take care of yourself.
David Christopher Roach 3 for 3- of people who have been names in News- outstanding warrants- felon fugitives or sex offenders- child molesters- no wonder they are homeless- then we have the addicts who cant pass a drug test or comply wth any shelters rules; and so on- 6400 ...See More
Gina Burgess I have a question for you David. Is this part of your platform of what you want to get done in Congress? How does the homeles fit into your plans for the future of Northeast Indiana?
Gina Burgess Come on David--I'm giving you an opportunity to state your position (anti-homeless) and build support for your public policy (taxpayer funded forced homeless relocation program). Tell us the particulars of how it will work? Where will the funds for the program come from? Federal tax dollars? Or will this be one of those unfunded federal mandates where you expect the County or City to pick up the tab?
And if you are proposing a federal mandate that requires local government to pick up the tab---wouldn't their monies be better spend on providing more public trash recepticles or public restrooms? Especially in a tax district where you are trying to "economically develop" the Downtown region, which requires---for sustainability purposes--more of the general public to shop, dine and be entertained? And with that increased public comes a natural need for increased trash recepticles and public restrooms, wouldn't you agree?
And if you are proposing a federal mandate that requires local government to pick up the tab---wouldn't their monies be better spend on providing more public trash recepticles or public restrooms? Especially in a tax district where you are trying to "economically develop" the Downtown region, which requires---for sustainability purposes--more of the general public to shop, dine and be entertained? And with that increased public comes a natural need for increased trash recepticles and public restrooms, wouldn't you agree?
Gina Burgess Seth Edward, Amanda Annette, Lexie Fretz, Jennifer Hertenstein, Sarah Bercot -- Tagging you guys 'cause I thought you might find the questions I posed to David Christopher Roach and his response interesting and educational. wink emoticon
David Christopher Roach Gina Burgess Democrat Allen County Council At-Large you mean? I think your earlier post about the 3rd district race; jill long; the necessity to be a county wide office holder and someone reasonably acceptable- is pretty accurate.
As our mutual friend might like- its SELF- RELOCATION( a play on words of Mitt Romneys "self-deportation"; or Donald Trump's similar idea-
the fact is- what we are doing to "help the homeless" isnt helping them get their lives back on track.
Im for "tough love"- like boot camp- you clean up your act- wash up; get a shave and a haircut; and wear as clean as clothes as possible- you get to dine at the rescue mission. - You have to pass a warrant/background check- compliant released felons; properly registered; no fugitives; no visible intoxicatio;drug use- maybe a sheriff and a drug dog to check all entrants.-
thats not unreasonable.
next- proper ID- if they cant show proper ID; social security card; birth certificate( and we know how hard that is when people refuse)-well and be able to pass a drug test- the bare minimum requisites for any job-
We al agree that We the citizens"- collectively- helping is a smaller share- if our local govt and townshipofficials and sheriff and police; and social workers- all co-operate.
whos violent mentally ill? get them to some institution where no one or themselves wil be hurt
who's mentally deficient? "intellectually challenged( plenty of folks say IAM lol)- lets find somewhere helpful to them- so they arent preyed upon by others in the homless world.
whos the "super-predators- whoprey on the homeless population and other career criminals? lets make them offers to leave town.
able bodied men- if they cant or wont find work or volunteer at clean ups and so on- well- GET EM OUTTA HERE!
point them to army or marine recruiters? give them a bus ticket- its a lot cheaper- and well- my favorite spot- TEXAS- has more jobs than here; its close to the beach- 100 miles- it never gets freezing.
We live in the heart of a red meat; red state; tea party conservative ; county where anything that even looks or smells LIBERAL- is an abomination - pretty much- we all try to be compassionate; whihc is what im trying to do as well- find some sort of middle ground and solve the problem- make this fix work- so we can move on to helping the other homeless wh CANT help themselves- children; women; older folks and so on- re direct our resources.
AND- having all these released child molesters; warrant figitives and so on being interviewed in the TV media only re inforces the negative stereo types-
al our local advocates are saying- well these homeless arent al bad- it can happen to anybody and so on- well-they evidently have burned al their bridges- no family friends neighbors shelters churches no one will have anything to do with them.
and what of Military VETS who arent squeaky clean hollywood central casting Veterans? War ; etc affects everyone in different ways and Killing is a dirty business- so- vets that are messed up; without perfect military records; etc- they werent bad people when the joined and maybe weremisfits; were ruled "not career material"; well- ok for now but gone when we can get better "help" and soo on?
theres a 1000 stories-
again- the biggest reason im being a ball breaker on the homeless derelicts; skid row bums tramps vagratns addicts transients drifters; etc- is so we dont give one small bit of legitimacy or excuse to these "homeless derelict politicians- you know who- screwing up our govt and system for the rest of us.
HOMELESSNESS SHOULD BE EMBARASSING; SHUNNED; DE-LEGITIMIZED ; treated as deviant defective- stigmatized- (compassionately)- so that they will be pressed by peer and community pressure to conform to civilized society;s rules laws and norms.
and if they wont- they have to leave- which is what MAN- the species has done since the stone age- get along in the village- have redeeming qualities try to fit in where one can- or be voted out of the village; off the island- whatever.
I also see the downtown overlords selfish interest in EVICTING THE HOMELESS- so they can have their clean sanitized downtown gated community- olympic cities; superbowl cities; and others they all do it- but they do a short term fix- ive studied this a bit- what works what doesnt what ID working and what isJUST doint the same thing the same way over and over expecting a different outcome.
WHEW. thank you.
the economy isnt going to change overnight; jobs arent going to magiclly appear; and around this town- maybe its better more compassionate to say- hey- im really really doing you a favor- get out now- sort oflike handing a JEW a train ticket and ship ticket to anywhere out of germany 1933? "Youll thank me later"
As our mutual friend might like- its SELF- RELOCATION( a play on words of Mitt Romneys "self-deportation"; or Donald Trump's similar idea-
the fact is- what we are doing to "help the homeless" isnt helping them get their lives back on track.
Im for "tough love"- like boot camp- you clean up your act- wash up; get a shave and a haircut; and wear as clean as clothes as possible- you get to dine at the rescue mission. - You have to pass a warrant/background check- compliant released felons; properly registered; no fugitives; no visible intoxicatio;drug use- maybe a sheriff and a drug dog to check all entrants.-
thats not unreasonable.
next- proper ID- if they cant show proper ID; social security card; birth certificate( and we know how hard that is when people refuse)-well and be able to pass a drug test- the bare minimum requisites for any job-
We al agree that We the citizens"- collectively- helping is a smaller share- if our local govt and townshipofficials and sheriff and police; and social workers- all co-operate.
whos violent mentally ill? get them to some institution where no one or themselves wil be hurt
who's mentally deficient? "intellectually challenged( plenty of folks say IAM lol)- lets find somewhere helpful to them- so they arent preyed upon by others in the homless world.
whos the "super-predators- whoprey on the homeless population and other career criminals? lets make them offers to leave town.
able bodied men- if they cant or wont find work or volunteer at clean ups and so on- well- GET EM OUTTA HERE!
point them to army or marine recruiters? give them a bus ticket- its a lot cheaper- and well- my favorite spot- TEXAS- has more jobs than here; its close to the beach- 100 miles- it never gets freezing.
We live in the heart of a red meat; red state; tea party conservative ; county where anything that even looks or smells LIBERAL- is an abomination - pretty much- we all try to be compassionate; whihc is what im trying to do as well- find some sort of middle ground and solve the problem- make this fix work- so we can move on to helping the other homeless wh CANT help themselves- children; women; older folks and so on- re direct our resources.
AND- having all these released child molesters; warrant figitives and so on being interviewed in the TV media only re inforces the negative stereo types-
al our local advocates are saying- well these homeless arent al bad- it can happen to anybody and so on- well-they evidently have burned al their bridges- no family friends neighbors shelters churches no one will have anything to do with them.
and what of Military VETS who arent squeaky clean hollywood central casting Veterans? War ; etc affects everyone in different ways and Killing is a dirty business- so- vets that are messed up; without perfect military records; etc- they werent bad people when the joined and maybe weremisfits; were ruled "not career material"; well- ok for now but gone when we can get better "help" and soo on?
theres a 1000 stories-
again- the biggest reason im being a ball breaker on the homeless derelicts; skid row bums tramps vagratns addicts transients drifters; etc- is so we dont give one small bit of legitimacy or excuse to these "homeless derelict politicians- you know who- screwing up our govt and system for the rest of us.
HOMELESSNESS SHOULD BE EMBARASSING; SHUNNED; DE-LEGITIMIZED ; treated as deviant defective- stigmatized- (compassionately)- so that they will be pressed by peer and community pressure to conform to civilized society;s rules laws and norms.
and if they wont- they have to leave- which is what MAN- the species has done since the stone age- get along in the village- have redeeming qualities try to fit in where one can- or be voted out of the village; off the island- whatever.
I also see the downtown overlords selfish interest in EVICTING THE HOMELESS- so they can have their clean sanitized downtown gated community- olympic cities; superbowl cities; and others they all do it- but they do a short term fix- ive studied this a bit- what works what doesnt what ID working and what isJUST doint the same thing the same way over and over expecting a different outcome.
WHEW. thank you.
the economy isnt going to change overnight; jobs arent going to magiclly appear; and around this town- maybe its better more compassionate to say- hey- im really really doing you a favor- get out now- sort oflike handing a JEW a train ticket and ship ticket to anywhere out of germany 1933? "Youll thank me later"
David Christopher Roach well- the easy answer- short one- why dont all you homeless enablers all buy these folks bus tickets and put them on a bus with a "backpack of blessings" and say- heres your pack; heres your ticket out of this shty town and bless you? and move on to the next TRIAGE victim?
the federal govt- for the record upcoming HUD FUNDING- if you all have been reading the legal notices- manard scales; mayor henry; fort wayne housing authroity- will be penalized hundreds of thousands of dollars- if they are reported as operating a continuing pattern of homeless harassment- which is by now well documented- no one has been charged with TRESPASSING UNDER OR ONPUBLIC OR STATE PROPERTY? the rivers are owne d by hwom? the land under the bridges? I know the county govt is responsible for upkeep and aintenance of the bridges; the DNR controlls the rivers; the parks dept and headwaters park is authority for the trails audn the uder bridge boardwalksbikeaths under many bridges; and so on- SO TRESPASSING-IS ILLEGAL- so theres your federal incentive and if it costs the mayor and the FWPD ahd our HUD money 100,000'S- that will really buirn their britches/bridges?- see_ im like a lion. sneak up on em.
the Statehouse- will do nothing- LIZ BROWN; JIM WANKS; David Long; - bob M<orris- refuse or will never act.
the tea party- stutzman; young; or any of our current crop of elected officials will allocate any cash- our local city govt- well weve seen THEIR ACTIONSand the COUNTY GOVT? NOT A PEE- nelson Peters? what a waste; county council as well-AND none of the other candidates either.
as for building any action or so on- personally i really dont care much about thehomeless- hand them a shovel and a broom -so they can dig themselves out of their holes- I made a conscious effort a few years ago- to just sort of blenc in "intelligence gathering"- mingle with the loly poor; and i dont see how anyone can stand it- Im not Jesus- by far- long haired smelly grubby troublemaker. -and besides- HE goit kiled by his government. no sir-
ASND- the homeless dont vote; they dont volunteer they cdont donate; they dont pay taxes- so do they matter? really? yes- but theyre people - yes but they are "undesirables"- the ones that wont improve themselves. I have enough troubles of my own to deal with; so its every man for himself- the ship is sinking; ihave my OWN escape plan; and "lifeboat"- sorry about YOUR luck chuck.
the federal govt- for the record upcoming HUD FUNDING- if you all have been reading the legal notices- manard scales; mayor henry; fort wayne housing authroity- will be penalized hundreds of thousands of dollars- if they are reported as operating a continuing pattern of homeless harassment- which is by now well documented- no one has been charged with TRESPASSING UNDER OR ONPUBLIC OR STATE PROPERTY? the rivers are owne d by hwom? the land under the bridges? I know the county govt is responsible for upkeep and aintenance of the bridges; the DNR controlls the rivers; the parks dept and headwaters park is authority for the trails audn the uder bridge boardwalksbikeaths under many bridges; and so on- SO TRESPASSING-IS ILLEGAL- so theres your federal incentive and if it costs the mayor and the FWPD ahd our HUD money 100,000'S- that will really buirn their britches/bridges?- see_ im like a lion. sneak up on em.
the Statehouse- will do nothing- LIZ BROWN; JIM WANKS; David Long; - bob M<orris- refuse or will never act.
the tea party- stutzman; young; or any of our current crop of elected officials will allocate any cash- our local city govt- well weve seen THEIR ACTIONSand the COUNTY GOVT? NOT A PEE- nelson Peters? what a waste; county council as well-AND none of the other candidates either.
as for building any action or so on- personally i really dont care much about thehomeless- hand them a shovel and a broom -so they can dig themselves out of their holes- I made a conscious effort a few years ago- to just sort of blenc in "intelligence gathering"- mingle with the loly poor; and i dont see how anyone can stand it- Im not Jesus- by far- long haired smelly grubby troublemaker. -and besides- HE goit kiled by his government. no sir-
ASND- the homeless dont vote; they dont volunteer they cdont donate; they dont pay taxes- so do they matter? really? yes- but theyre people - yes but they are "undesirables"- the ones that wont improve themselves. I have enough troubles of my own to deal with; so its every man for himself- the ship is sinking; ihave my OWN escape plan; and "lifeboat"- sorry about YOUR luck chuck.
David Christopher Roach RE"pubilc trash bins; and public restrooms- I suppose homeless folks poop and urine in our rivers is a bad thing?
AND i have not beenin the army; where THEY know how to run and operate a mass tent city and clothe and feed a bunch of able bodied men in the outdoors in all kinds of inclement weather- so from that POV- well.
AND we have all these groups wanting to clean p our river fronts river banks worried about the water wquality of folks downstream 100 miles- well if your washing u in the river and 100 FEET up stream someone is going #1 or #2- well thats not good.
NOWAK WILLIMAS - the outhouse corporation is right nearby- seems like the city govt could hire some homeless to clean and maintin the outhouses? - and pay a bit of cash so the homeless arent fouling our rivers; and trashing the place? as for trash bins- well- how many do we need? put homeless towork fabricating trash bins; pay them to clean them empty them etc:
again the city has HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS they refuse to spend on anything necessary. 7 million bucks to restore the histori c bowser building- restore the GE comlex; the streets are all cruddy except a 10 square block area; the NBH associations are all up in arms- sowhat would I do? id make a lot of noise- being a royal pain in the asss-and as you see- well-
what did FDR and the states and towns do with their HOMELESS hoboes tramps transients; passing throughlooking for work? there was the CCC; the WPA; and heck- business men would round up a bunch of day laborers- work them for a day; feed them and drop them off; there were poor farms; work farms; plenty- but now it s allINSURANCE LIABILITY cant do anything might get sued. hey you bum- sweep my sidewalk and ill give you lunch and a beer
the upcoming "great american clean up- put em all to work- seems the parks department has some sort of volunteer program?
work. theres abeer commercialMODELO
want a job? learn a skill. want a home and a car? work for it earn it- want to marry a girl- ask her father-
Im not saying i have any of the politically correct solutions but i assure you that any of my GOP Opponents this may 4th to november and byond will be any more helpful; or lift a finger or offer any possible constructive solutions. I already made the Mayor goSNAP at me about his birth certificate and thelegitimacy of his re election- i just kept twisting the knife- (figuratively speaking of course);i really dont like that dude nor his crooked spouse; and theres a couple city council folks and county government types i also really dont like and i admit i have a BAD SIDE- which i keep locked up -sort of like THE HULK- they wont like me whenim angry. smile emoticon
AND i have not beenin the army; where THEY know how to run and operate a mass tent city and clothe and feed a bunch of able bodied men in the outdoors in all kinds of inclement weather- so from that POV- well.
AND we have all these groups wanting to clean p our river fronts river banks worried about the water wquality of folks downstream 100 miles- well if your washing u in the river and 100 FEET up stream someone is going #1 or #2- well thats not good.
NOWAK WILLIMAS - the outhouse corporation is right nearby- seems like the city govt could hire some homeless to clean and maintin the outhouses? - and pay a bit of cash so the homeless arent fouling our rivers; and trashing the place? as for trash bins- well- how many do we need? put homeless towork fabricating trash bins; pay them to clean them empty them etc:
again the city has HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS they refuse to spend on anything necessary. 7 million bucks to restore the histori c bowser building- restore the GE comlex; the streets are all cruddy except a 10 square block area; the NBH associations are all up in arms- sowhat would I do? id make a lot of noise- being a royal pain in the asss-and as you see- well-
what did FDR and the states and towns do with their HOMELESS hoboes tramps transients; passing throughlooking for work? there was the CCC; the WPA; and heck- business men would round up a bunch of day laborers- work them for a day; feed them and drop them off; there were poor farms; work farms; plenty- but now it s allINSURANCE LIABILITY cant do anything might get sued. hey you bum- sweep my sidewalk and ill give you lunch and a beer
the upcoming "great american clean up- put em all to work- seems the parks department has some sort of volunteer program?
work. theres abeer commercialMODELO
want a job? learn a skill. want a home and a car? work for it earn it- want to marry a girl- ask her father-
Im not saying i have any of the politically correct solutions but i assure you that any of my GOP Opponents this may 4th to november and byond will be any more helpful; or lift a finger or offer any possible constructive solutions. I already made the Mayor goSNAP at me about his birth certificate and thelegitimacy of his re election- i just kept twisting the knife- (figuratively speaking of course);i really dont like that dude nor his crooked spouse; and theres a couple city council folks and county government types i also really dont like and i admit i have a BAD SIDE- which i keep locked up -sort of like THE HULK- they wont like me whenim angry. smile emoticon
David Christopher Roach Gina Burgess move all our local homeless facilities to aboite township; elmhurst high school; county land waay out north? - Casad Depot - find the most useless valuless properties around- (adams center road- neumeisters land? lol)- and round up a bunch of FEMA trailers? BUT I have to get elected first. otherwise- its just"drunk talk" im stone sober right now.
awaiting your reply- ive been online all day- burnt out.
awaiting your reply- ive been online all day- burnt out.

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Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach --- You've offered no real solutions. You've offered no plans. You've offered no data in terms of what your (lack of) plans would cost or how it would be financed? What you have offered is a bunch of rhetoric, mostly angst and/or hate driven. The few nuggets of info that might seem worthwhile to pursuit on their face value are impractical due to several logistics. Sadly, that shows a real lack of meaningful understanding of the situation at hand.
David Christopher Roach and yet Donald J. Trump is the front runner ? see any similiarities? get em outta here. self re-location. no one ever gave me anything; im good and resourceful at finding what i need; anytime ive been below the standard of living i wanted or minimal; i worked; i raises my standard.
i havent commited any felonies done anything stupid or violent raped or molseted anybody- unlike these derelcits. whenever i have any opportunity to earn good money or put my education to work- i do.
I refuse to sit in on thousands of hours of mindless useless pointless circular do nothing meetings- wringing my hands about oooo- what are we going to do about thes poor homeless? the thounsand of dollars all you all put into this- every 250 bucks or so- one by one- bus ticket out of town- gone- is one less here and one more you CAN help-
Maybe im not getting through to you- Im a doer. im done "doing"- and i cant do anything vs an immovable intractable intransient govt- that absoulutely refuses to lift a finger; and dump this whole problem on the rest of us. They- the usual suspects- Gina has the list of names of the downtown overlords- have one single minded goal on thei rminds- to gain control of every penny of tax payers cash and transfer the whole lock stock and berrel int toehr pockets - loot and plunder everything ; and leave town with it- not to bring up NAZIS OR VIKINGS- but thats exactly what they are doing- scorched earth- pack up the valuables intop box cars and ship it to their vaults and scorched earth - well- leave everyone their robbery victims to be blunt- poor and destitute under bridges- they rail agains socialism- except when it benefits them- transfer that cash from the poor to the rich.
NO- I dont have any solutions - neither do any of you- your prolonging their misery like a bunch of ( lol)- crazy cat hoarder ladies- only its desperate people instead of cats.
you feed them give them stuff and send them back under their sheds or wherever. and the homeless "cat=people= they rub agaisnt your legs and purr until you give them more until they are satisfied and the bite you and run off.
its like this- you dont want ants flies or other vermin invading your picnic? remove the incentive- sorry - yor homeless? no help here- move along; and heres a bus ticket- until they figure it out- the rest of us have trouble enough without more mouths to feed.
community harvest food bank; and all these instutions were created in the 30-s for the depression ahen expanded in the 80's ad DEINDUSTRIALIZATION; GLOBALIZM AND UNION BUSTING started up- folks here were desperate- first hervester then one by one the EAst End Industries; and GE- from 10,000 jobs to an empty shell.
Its going to tkae more than just one man; but now er'e many? and if we had some help from we the people- our own local govt- where we could re-allocate- share the wealth; transfer some of that wealth from our overlords who are stealing our own money from us; to useful; worthy and much more inexpensive sues- well wed all be better off. - but I have to get elected first and when i am; i will be mark winteregged right back out of office bcause the last thing the overlords want is some PEASANT usaing their elected powers to nose around; poke their nose into files and archives and other forbidden zones- digging up crime and corruption- Every wonder what happened to all the illegal cherrymasters? THAT WAS ME - police and political corruption; now its taken a new form of rackettering- its called ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and the RDA and Regional cities- etc-
Gina know all about this much more than i do.
lately it seems.
i havent commited any felonies done anything stupid or violent raped or molseted anybody- unlike these derelcits. whenever i have any opportunity to earn good money or put my education to work- i do.
I refuse to sit in on thousands of hours of mindless useless pointless circular do nothing meetings- wringing my hands about oooo- what are we going to do about thes poor homeless? the thounsand of dollars all you all put into this- every 250 bucks or so- one by one- bus ticket out of town- gone- is one less here and one more you CAN help-
Maybe im not getting through to you- Im a doer. im done "doing"- and i cant do anything vs an immovable intractable intransient govt- that absoulutely refuses to lift a finger; and dump this whole problem on the rest of us. They- the usual suspects- Gina has the list of names of the downtown overlords- have one single minded goal on thei rminds- to gain control of every penny of tax payers cash and transfer the whole lock stock and berrel int toehr pockets - loot and plunder everything ; and leave town with it- not to bring up NAZIS OR VIKINGS- but thats exactly what they are doing- scorched earth- pack up the valuables intop box cars and ship it to their vaults and scorched earth - well- leave everyone their robbery victims to be blunt- poor and destitute under bridges- they rail agains socialism- except when it benefits them- transfer that cash from the poor to the rich.
NO- I dont have any solutions - neither do any of you- your prolonging their misery like a bunch of ( lol)- crazy cat hoarder ladies- only its desperate people instead of cats.
you feed them give them stuff and send them back under their sheds or wherever. and the homeless "cat=people= they rub agaisnt your legs and purr until you give them more until they are satisfied and the bite you and run off.
its like this- you dont want ants flies or other vermin invading your picnic? remove the incentive- sorry - yor homeless? no help here- move along; and heres a bus ticket- until they figure it out- the rest of us have trouble enough without more mouths to feed.
community harvest food bank; and all these instutions were created in the 30-s for the depression ahen expanded in the 80's ad DEINDUSTRIALIZATION; GLOBALIZM AND UNION BUSTING started up- folks here were desperate- first hervester then one by one the EAst End Industries; and GE- from 10,000 jobs to an empty shell.
Its going to tkae more than just one man; but now er'e many? and if we had some help from we the people- our own local govt- where we could re-allocate- share the wealth; transfer some of that wealth from our overlords who are stealing our own money from us; to useful; worthy and much more inexpensive sues- well wed all be better off. - but I have to get elected first and when i am; i will be mark winteregged right back out of office bcause the last thing the overlords want is some PEASANT usaing their elected powers to nose around; poke their nose into files and archives and other forbidden zones- digging up crime and corruption- Every wonder what happened to all the illegal cherrymasters? THAT WAS ME - police and political corruption; now its taken a new form of rackettering- its called ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and the RDA and Regional cities- etc-
Gina know all about this much more than i do.
lately it seems.
David Christopher Roach ok ms burgess- what do we do to fix this once and for all without being apased by the mayor and his lead propagandist and PR staff?
we tried to impeach him- election law technicalities; and all- Id hate to just give u and roll over and go back to the salt mines; hauling the boulders u p the pyramid ramps- WHO among us can be Moses and FREE OUR PEOPLE?
Xwe tried to impeach him- election law technicalities; and all- Id hate to just give u and roll over and go back to the salt mines; hauling the boulders u p the pyramid ramps- WHO among us can be Moses and FREE OUR PEOPLE?
Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach -- This can't be fixed once and for all nor in one massive swoop as you seem to think. But what we can do is get smarter about things. For example, we are spending $16,000+ a year for "clean up" (evictions). These clean ups--like this most recent one---is allegedly because of urine, feces and trash. In other words, waste management.
How about we increase the number of public restrooms downtown---even if its only gender-neutral port-o-potties like they do during the summer at Freimann Square---and also increase the number of public trash recepticles. With all this "Downtown development" to bring in more people to downtown so that we have a thriving downtown to benefit the folks who have invested monies in real estate development in downtown---we are going to eventually have to get more people downtown. Otherwise, the whole project is unsustainable. With more people coming Downtown, there will be a natural increase in the number of public restrooms and public trash cans needed Downtown.
Given that the city already budgets $16,000+ a year for this venture---seems that money could be put to better use.
How about we increase the number of public restrooms downtown---even if its only gender-neutral port-o-potties like they do during the summer at Freimann Square---and also increase the number of public trash recepticles. With all this "Downtown development" to bring in more people to downtown so that we have a thriving downtown to benefit the folks who have invested monies in real estate development in downtown---we are going to eventually have to get more people downtown. Otherwise, the whole project is unsustainable. With more people coming Downtown, there will be a natural increase in the number of public restrooms and public trash cans needed Downtown.
Given that the city already budgets $16,000+ a year for this venture---seems that money could be put to better use.
David Christopher Roach that would ship off 64 homeless derelicts to houston texas via interstate BUS- hopefully tommy schrader among them- 200 dollar bus ticket ( last time i checked); a military style "shave and haircut", some clean second hand clothes; an one of rhost "blessings in a backpack"- how about that?
we dont need to make it more COMFY or welcoming for the ese homeless derelict skid row bums and intravenous drug addicts to wander around dumping their trash everywhere- like they care about trash cans anyway- theyjust litter and theres no penalty; and shitting everywhere- because vace it their health and sanitation is pretty crummy anyway-weve all seen what porta potty overflow over capacity - how ugly that gets for women or men- - men pss all over ; women get the worst of it; and when its full; its realy horrible- If Nowak williams- can make a deal with the city overlords the ones with all the money; or can scheme some sort of tax deduction for charity; well fine.
AND- its a fine line between all the evening and weekend and holiday and special event trash and just daily downtown business foot traffic- necessity; and making an attractive nuisance for homeless drelictsand addicts and panhandlers.
On the other hand- I see a scenario- speaking of money where the PARKS DEPARTMENT is being used as a n illegal cinduit- buy up/take over all the vacant business properties via eminent domain- which they are sitting on- for whatever reason- and then having the parks department "sell" them to the "downtown development trust of being bought by same; and then funneled to a fire sale price to riverfront developers- a 3 card monte sort of scheme-
where if the parks dept is going to buy up these vacant businesses; why not open up the ream steckbeck warehouse as some sort of barracks shelter for the homeless? plenty of vacant buildings for the vagrants and vermin- but they have to be closely supervised; as otherwise- by nature things will get out o f hand. Ive seen "bad" neighborhoods and ghettos and slums in chicago in the 70's; and 3rd world towns in the Navy-
Id say Indian is about the worst- or guatemala; or wherever- its rampant poverty; but lets focus on fort wayne and OUR troubles.
so- im not against wise investments of our taxes if the return on investment - whether real or perceived- in terms of a welcoming clean downtown - is worth while. and homless derelicts and tourists and visitors etc- are incompatible- and theres the rub as shalespeare would say.
YOU all say- wel the homeless have rights. I agree; but I also say- well so do the rest of us- to help them on their way somewhere else becasuse theres no more hope here the endof the line move along self re-locate.. and how many more thousands of dollars than 16K a years does that cost all of you all? Im not a homeless advocate- and im not very charitable to be truthful im fed up fix the problem (final solution? )- once and for all- or like einstein- keep doing what your doing because its not helping get any of these derelicts addicts molesters rapists fugitives off the streets; which the overlords want gone and they get what they want; for better or worse?
so- porta potties? theres places for them as otherswise- businesses will have to hang signs- restrooms for customers only and then all the city and county govt buildings will be over runwith homeless types
AND- trashcans? cant we have college students and trade school students and even homeless folks who want to learn a skill- making trash cans- give them work?
again- FDR; CCC; WPA- worked the last time times were hard. the "recovery is anemic at best- maybe we need a good bloody war of empireand greed-to put these able bodies shirkers to good use? the proverbial GERMAN MIRIACLE- nope- that didnt have a happy ending for sure; except maybe the USA. and DETROIT
we dont need to make it more COMFY or welcoming for the ese homeless derelict skid row bums and intravenous drug addicts to wander around dumping their trash everywhere- like they care about trash cans anyway- theyjust litter and theres no penalty; and shitting everywhere- because vace it their health and sanitation is pretty crummy anyway-weve all seen what porta potty overflow over capacity - how ugly that gets for women or men- - men pss all over ; women get the worst of it; and when its full; its realy horrible- If Nowak williams- can make a deal with the city overlords the ones with all the money; or can scheme some sort of tax deduction for charity; well fine.
AND- its a fine line between all the evening and weekend and holiday and special event trash and just daily downtown business foot traffic- necessity; and making an attractive nuisance for homeless drelictsand addicts and panhandlers.
On the other hand- I see a scenario- speaking of money where the PARKS DEPARTMENT is being used as a n illegal cinduit- buy up/take over all the vacant business properties via eminent domain- which they are sitting on- for whatever reason- and then having the parks department "sell" them to the "downtown development trust of being bought by same; and then funneled to a fire sale price to riverfront developers- a 3 card monte sort of scheme-
where if the parks dept is going to buy up these vacant businesses; why not open up the ream steckbeck warehouse as some sort of barracks shelter for the homeless? plenty of vacant buildings for the vagrants and vermin- but they have to be closely supervised; as otherwise- by nature things will get out o f hand. Ive seen "bad" neighborhoods and ghettos and slums in chicago in the 70's; and 3rd world towns in the Navy-
Id say Indian is about the worst- or guatemala; or wherever- its rampant poverty; but lets focus on fort wayne and OUR troubles.
so- im not against wise investments of our taxes if the return on investment - whether real or perceived- in terms of a welcoming clean downtown - is worth while. and homless derelicts and tourists and visitors etc- are incompatible- and theres the rub as shalespeare would say.
YOU all say- wel the homeless have rights. I agree; but I also say- well so do the rest of us- to help them on their way somewhere else becasuse theres no more hope here the endof the line move along self re-locate.. and how many more thousands of dollars than 16K a years does that cost all of you all? Im not a homeless advocate- and im not very charitable to be truthful im fed up fix the problem (final solution? )- once and for all- or like einstein- keep doing what your doing because its not helping get any of these derelicts addicts molesters rapists fugitives off the streets; which the overlords want gone and they get what they want; for better or worse?
so- porta potties? theres places for them as otherswise- businesses will have to hang signs- restrooms for customers only and then all the city and county govt buildings will be over runwith homeless types
AND- trashcans? cant we have college students and trade school students and even homeless folks who want to learn a skill- making trash cans- give them work?
again- FDR; CCC; WPA- worked the last time times were hard. the "recovery is anemic at best- maybe we need a good bloody war of empireand greed-to put these able bodies shirkers to good use? the proverbial GERMAN MIRIACLE- nope- that didnt have a happy ending for sure; except maybe the USA. and DETROIT
avid Christopher Roach that would ship off 64 homeless derelicts to houston texas via interstate BUS- hopefully tommy schrader among them- 200 dollar bus ticket ( last time i checked); a military style "shave and haircut", some clean second hand clothes; an one of rhost "blessings in a backpack"- how about that?
we dont need to make it more COMFY or welcoming for the ese homeless derelict skid row bums and intravenous drug addicts to wander around dumping their trash everywhere- like they care about trash cans anyway- theyjust litter and theres no penalty; and shitting everywhere- because vace it their health and sanitation is pretty crummy anyway-weve all seen what porta potty overflow over capacity - how ugly that gets for women or men- - men pss all over ; women get the worst of it; and when its full; its realy horrible- If Nowak williams- can make a deal with the city overlords the ones with all the money; or can scheme some sort of tax deduction for charity; well fine.
AND- its a fine line between all the evening and weekend and holiday and special event trash and just daily downtown business foot traffic- necessity; and making an attractive nuisance for homeless drelictsand addicts and panhandlers.
On the other hand- I see a scenario- speaking of money where the PARKS DEPARTMENT is being used as a n illegal cinduit- buy up/take over all the vacant business properties via eminent domain- which they are sitting on- for whatever reason- and then having the parks department "sell" them to the "downtown development trust of being bought by same; and then funneled to a fire sale price to riverfront developers- a 3 card monte sort of scheme-
where if the parks dept is going to buy up these vacant businesses; why not open up the ream steckbeck warehouse as some sort of barracks shelter for the homeless? plenty of vacant buildings for the vagrants and vermin- but they have to be closely supervised; as otherwise- by nature things will get out o f hand. Ive seen "bad" neighborhoods and ghettos and slums in chicago in the 70's; and 3rd world towns in the Navy-
Id say Indian is about the worst- or guatemala; or wherever- its rampant poverty; but lets focus on fort wayne and OUR troubles.
so- im not against wise investments of our taxes if the return on investment - whether real or perceived- in terms of a welcoming clean downtown - is worth while. and homless derelicts and tourists and visitors etc- are incompatible- and theres the rub as shalespeare would say.
YOU all say- wel the homeless have rights. I agree; but I also say- well so do the rest of us- to help them on their way somewhere else becasuse theres no more hope here the endof the line move along self re-locate.. and how many more thousands of dollars than 16K a years does that cost all of you all? Im not a homeless advocate- and im not very charitable to be truthful im fed up fix the problem (final solution? )- once and for all- or like einstein- keep doing what your doing because its not helping get any of these derelicts addicts molesters rapists fugitives off the streets; which the overlords want gone and they get what they want; for better or worse?
so- porta potties? theres places for them as otherswise- businesses will have to hang signs- restrooms for customers only and then all the city and county govt buildings will be over runwith homeless types
AND- trashcans? cant we have college students and trade school students and even homeless folks who want to learn a skill- making trash cans- give them work?
again- FDR; CCC; WPA- worked the last time times were hard. the "recovery is anemic at best- maybe we need a good bloody war of empireand greed-to put these able bodies shirkers to good use? the proverbial GERMAN MIRIACLE- nope- that didnt have a happy ending for sure; except maybe the USA. and DETROIT
we dont need to make it more COMFY or welcoming for the ese homeless derelict skid row bums and intravenous drug addicts to wander around dumping their trash everywhere- like they care about trash cans anyway- theyjust litter and theres no penalty; and shitting everywhere- because vace it their health and sanitation is pretty crummy anyway-weve all seen what porta potty overflow over capacity - how ugly that gets for women or men- - men pss all over ; women get the worst of it; and when its full; its realy horrible- If Nowak williams- can make a deal with the city overlords the ones with all the money; or can scheme some sort of tax deduction for charity; well fine.
AND- its a fine line between all the evening and weekend and holiday and special event trash and just daily downtown business foot traffic- necessity; and making an attractive nuisance for homeless drelictsand addicts and panhandlers.
On the other hand- I see a scenario- speaking of money where the PARKS DEPARTMENT is being used as a n illegal cinduit- buy up/take over all the vacant business properties via eminent domain- which they are sitting on- for whatever reason- and then having the parks department "sell" them to the "downtown development trust of being bought by same; and then funneled to a fire sale price to riverfront developers- a 3 card monte sort of scheme-
where if the parks dept is going to buy up these vacant businesses; why not open up the ream steckbeck warehouse as some sort of barracks shelter for the homeless? plenty of vacant buildings for the vagrants and vermin- but they have to be closely supervised; as otherwise- by nature things will get out o f hand. Ive seen "bad" neighborhoods and ghettos and slums in chicago in the 70's; and 3rd world towns in the Navy-
Id say Indian is about the worst- or guatemala; or wherever- its rampant poverty; but lets focus on fort wayne and OUR troubles.
so- im not against wise investments of our taxes if the return on investment - whether real or perceived- in terms of a welcoming clean downtown - is worth while. and homless derelicts and tourists and visitors etc- are incompatible- and theres the rub as shalespeare would say.
YOU all say- wel the homeless have rights. I agree; but I also say- well so do the rest of us- to help them on their way somewhere else becasuse theres no more hope here the endof the line move along self re-locate.. and how many more thousands of dollars than 16K a years does that cost all of you all? Im not a homeless advocate- and im not very charitable to be truthful im fed up fix the problem (final solution? )- once and for all- or like einstein- keep doing what your doing because its not helping get any of these derelicts addicts molesters rapists fugitives off the streets; which the overlords want gone and they get what they want; for better or worse?
so- porta potties? theres places for them as otherswise- businesses will have to hang signs- restrooms for customers only and then all the city and county govt buildings will be over runwith homeless types
AND- trashcans? cant we have college students and trade school students and even homeless folks who want to learn a skill- making trash cans- give them work?
again- FDR; CCC; WPA- worked the last time times were hard. the "recovery is anemic at best- maybe we need a good bloody war of empireand greed-to put these able bodies shirkers to good use? the proverbial GERMAN MIRIACLE- nope- that didnt have a happy ending for sure; except maybe the USA. and DETROIT
Gina Burgess Seth Edward -- For David's sake and for everyone watching this thread, what do you mean by "TL;DR"? Thanks. smile emoticon
Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach -- Yawn. So the City is now back to trying to stereotype ALL HOMELESS as "homeless derelict skid row bums and intravenous drug addicts to wander around dumping their trash everywhere" and you subscribe and approve of their tactics. Thanks for clarifying your position on the local homeless population, on the Constitutional rights of others, and for confirming that despite all of your bravado that you actually agree with the Henry administration on the solution to this particular problem. That's good info to have.
Gina Burgess Seth Edward -- Thank you. That's where I thought you were going with that, but needed to confirm for everyone else. smile emoticon
Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach -- You know, I gave you the opportunity to discuss your political platform. Outside of being anti-homeless and for forced relocation, what else is on your County Council agenda? For annexation or against? For or against the truck hub? For or against the 2014 proposal to restructure county government?
David Christopher Roach Gina and co- I examined the annexation map of the proposed area- for the most part- the areas to be annexed- seem to be of the proper "density"- I heard the city council fiscal/annexation plans; and i think the Mayor cast a wider net- so he could be seen as "the great compromiser" when city council made ther "counter-offer.
the gun toting safari club lion/tiger/leopard; etrc killers- that got up to speak- well i have a very low opinion of "big game animal murderers- lions elephants rhinos ( not rinos lol)- and so on- so if they have to sell their land to developers and move along thats fine with me- the more I'm learning about these GUN NUTS the less i like them and see them as bullies not only to animals killing defensless creatures; but to everybody else as well.
in general -i m for this compromise anexation- when its your part of the citys time its time- we survived it in st joe township in the 1990s' abopite in the 200's and now these folks welcome to reality. dont like city living? move 50 miles away hate driving 50 miles to fort waynes amenieits?hmm i smell a rat.
so- annexation YES.
Truck hub? whiners- you chose to live near GM- you knew it would grow- and now you want it to stop? ok- so lets shut down GM; and let them move somewhere else. ? so- I support the truck hub- sell your homes to GM and truck hub employees sell it for a profit and move waaay out into the boonies far far from progress.
the 2014 restructuring SCHEME?ai voted HELL NO- because it was a bad plan and a bad idea- dittofor the "grabill massacre- i think they called it a few years back- a similar shceme was put forth to do something i forget the exact details and imnot going to bother to rehash but I knew it brought forth some counter offers- about an EAST ALLEN ALLIANCE -
Im not set in my ways- the reality of govt is SHADES OF GRAY- theres compromise and cooperation that has to be made or nothing gets doe for good or bad- was i lincoln who said you cant please all the people all the time or noe of the people none of the time but if you can please 50% plus one voter thats all that matters? lol- but seriously-
at least people are putting ideas out there- and its the proverbial hegelian dialectical- point counter point solution is how it works.
so- again to rehash- modified annexationYES: and theres lots of pors and cons to any annexation plans- this one sespecially
and plan for BEING ANNEXED NEXT IN A FEW YEARS all you folks out south west-AFTER THE 2020 CENSUS AND REDISTRICTING-
AND I VOTED AGAINST the county scheme- as a bad idea for all the reasons Gina and the other advocates and interested parties put forth.
and lastly- Im not FOR anything that crooked politician or his criminal spouse support- if anything happens to coincide- its because thats how I feel- Hnery is a toadstool- a green frogs toadstool- he doesnt matter to me except to see him in prison for illegal gambling operations and tax evasion and wire fraud.
AND AS FOR HOMELESS CAMPS in downtown- i m agains them - folks living in tenst - my immovable plan is to either take a greyhound ot of town ( or any other exit- SELF RELOCATION; or be arrested for trespassing and violating city laws- the law is the law- if they change city code; i support the law.
this has gone on long enough - downtown or no downtown- hit the road jack.
so- we are forming a platform. here.
NO HOMELESS allowed- no undesirables- and arent all these homeless undesirables? drug dealers rapists; child molesters criminal scum ? and im sure theres a few good ones.
the gun toting safari club lion/tiger/leopard; etrc killers- that got up to speak- well i have a very low opinion of "big game animal murderers- lions elephants rhinos ( not rinos lol)- and so on- so if they have to sell their land to developers and move along thats fine with me- the more I'm learning about these GUN NUTS the less i like them and see them as bullies not only to animals killing defensless creatures; but to everybody else as well.
in general -i m for this compromise anexation- when its your part of the citys time its time- we survived it in st joe township in the 1990s' abopite in the 200's and now these folks welcome to reality. dont like city living? move 50 miles away hate driving 50 miles to fort waynes amenieits?hmm i smell a rat.
so- annexation YES.
Truck hub? whiners- you chose to live near GM- you knew it would grow- and now you want it to stop? ok- so lets shut down GM; and let them move somewhere else. ? so- I support the truck hub- sell your homes to GM and truck hub employees sell it for a profit and move waaay out into the boonies far far from progress.
the 2014 restructuring SCHEME?ai voted HELL NO- because it was a bad plan and a bad idea- dittofor the "grabill massacre- i think they called it a few years back- a similar shceme was put forth to do something i forget the exact details and imnot going to bother to rehash but I knew it brought forth some counter offers- about an EAST ALLEN ALLIANCE -
Im not set in my ways- the reality of govt is SHADES OF GRAY- theres compromise and cooperation that has to be made or nothing gets doe for good or bad- was i lincoln who said you cant please all the people all the time or noe of the people none of the time but if you can please 50% plus one voter thats all that matters? lol- but seriously-
at least people are putting ideas out there- and its the proverbial hegelian dialectical- point counter point solution is how it works.
so- again to rehash- modified annexationYES: and theres lots of pors and cons to any annexation plans- this one sespecially
and plan for BEING ANNEXED NEXT IN A FEW YEARS all you folks out south west-AFTER THE 2020 CENSUS AND REDISTRICTING-
AND I VOTED AGAINST the county scheme- as a bad idea for all the reasons Gina and the other advocates and interested parties put forth.
and lastly- Im not FOR anything that crooked politician or his criminal spouse support- if anything happens to coincide- its because thats how I feel- Hnery is a toadstool- a green frogs toadstool- he doesnt matter to me except to see him in prison for illegal gambling operations and tax evasion and wire fraud.
AND AS FOR HOMELESS CAMPS in downtown- i m agains them - folks living in tenst - my immovable plan is to either take a greyhound ot of town ( or any other exit- SELF RELOCATION; or be arrested for trespassing and violating city laws- the law is the law- if they change city code; i support the law.
this has gone on long enough - downtown or no downtown- hit the road jack.
so- we are forming a platform. here.
NO HOMELESS allowed- no undesirables- and arent all these homeless undesirables? drug dealers rapists; child molesters criminal scum ? and im sure theres a few good ones.
David Christopher Roach THANK YOU FOR THAT LARGE COIL OF ROPE Gina. lol- and the chance to tie up some loose ends with it. my friend. smile emoticon
David Christopher Roach TIPPMANN- FUZE- MORKEN- BUDZON- all vocal opposition to any annexation- all spoke agains the plan at the 4-26 CC meeting-
OBVIOUSLY Eric Tippmann Outfitters Tippmann is a GOP candidate and has his own baggage.
so- if dead "big game" lions and tigers and bears bothers you- dont click this link- and know also that DOC CRAWFORD has his own TROPHY WALL of animals hes killed in africa s well- so we have some sort of CABAL here.
OBVIOUSLY Eric Tippmann Outfitters Tippmann is a GOP candidate and has his own baggage.
so- if dead "big game" lions and tigers and bears bothers you- dont click this link- and know also that DOC CRAWFORD has his own TROPHY WALL of animals hes killed in africa s well- so we have some sort of CABAL here.
David Christopher Roach SINCE 1911 AND DONT YOU FORGET IT?
sounds ominous tome.
sounds ominous tome.
David Christopher Roach EVIL BASTERDS- SLAUGHTERING BABY BEARS; and so on- murdering psychopaths killing defensless harmless unwitting wild animlas going about their lives from 100 yards?
David Christopher Roach so- annex the tippmanns- take way their guns let them move to canada and the PERFESSER TOO. smile emoticon
David Christopher Roach AND THE AMISH- fck the amish- they dont vote they dont donate they dont volunteer they dont pay taxes - why do they get all these speical rithgs and privilegs the rest of us dont?
oh- and as for your assertion about the wuuh? HOMELESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? well- then round up their stuff; put it in separate dumpsters where they can retrieve it their own stuff- but not under the bridges - just pack up your stuff and "self relocate". just dont be breaking laws- and its not discriination if you apply all the laws fairly and equally- "equal ijustice under the law.- is what the sypreme court building says..
oh- and as for your assertion about the wuuh? HOMELESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? well- then round up their stuff; put it in separate dumpsters where they can retrieve it their own stuff- but not under the bridges - just pack up your stuff and "self relocate". just dont be breaking laws- and its not discriination if you apply all the laws fairly and equally- "equal ijustice under the law.- is what the sypreme court building says..
Jennifer Hertenstein your overgeneralizations and stereotyping has me quite disturbed. reading these statements really do sound like campaign bullet points with no real solutions or answers.
Jack Tippmann Bahahahahah wow David Christopher Roach I would be sour too if I just got handled by Gina Burgess on a subject she is obviously well versed in!! And it just makes you look like the babbling raging maniac you are!!! You had no real facts or made any real factual statements ??? And your personal attacks on Eric Tippmann are so fake and unwarranted it goes to show you must be very intimidated by his knowledge and abilities... I mean the guy has turned down jobs that you could never get.... and your lame attempt to attach him to Tippmann outfitters is almost funny....I love what a sour nobody you truly are I mean I see your fake list of accomplishments and fake businesses you were the ceo of!!! Lol I see you have studied at ipfw you might have met eric there he is one of their professors!! Bahaha ya bum
Gina Burgess Jennifer Hertenstein -- My concerns with David aren't that he doesn't offer any real solutions. He offers solutions (i.e. forced relocation by way of bus) that are unconstitutional, discriminatory, and unfunded (where is the money going to come from). Worse--he believes that this will be a one-time thing and act as a deterrant. And that demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of the problem.
Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach -- I didn't give you a large coil of rope. I gave you an opportunity that you might not have otherwise gotten to showcase where you stood and what you would do if elected as it pertained to the issues. You handcrafted your own rope, inch by inch. I gave you an opportunity to speak and a chance to share your ideas. I did this knowing that you have gotten an unfair rap from the Democratic Party and knowing that you weren't likely to receive much coverage from main stream media.
And with that opportunity, you've created the following political platform:
Homelessness--You're anti-homeless and would bus them out, without regards to their Constitutional rights, the discriminatory nature of the act, the overall bad precedent is sets, and without any discussion as to where funding would come from for this program.
Annexation--You're pro-Annexation and anti-rural Allen County residents, especially if they own guns or are Amish. (Btw, some Amish ordnungs do permit voting.) You take this position under the guise of growth and without regard to the uniqueness of this particular proposed Annexation. Such as its the first to be taken with property tax caps in place and if approved would mean losses to nearly all of Allen County's school systems. Being pro-Annexation means that you are now anti-Education, which is a particularly strange stance for a Democrat. Unlike prior Annexations, this annexation causes losses in some way shape or form for everybody--current Fort Wayne residents included.
Truck hub (2015 proposal) -- You're pro-GM and anti-Allen County land owners, which means you are against the County following its own written plans (or inversly for local government making the rules up as it goes along for the benefit of a select few). Ironically (and sadly), the issue doesn't involve GM...which is why GM has stayed out of the matter. It's a matter that involves a GM supply chain vendor, who has other options in the GM area. The vendor doesn't like those other options but is not denied those other options.
County government restructuring (2014 proposal) -- You're for County government restructuring but against the 2014 proposal. This sounds suspiciously like you've merely adopted my 2-year old position on the topic as you haven't really offered any differentiation.
With a simple yes or no---Am I correctly understanding your platform? If no, please private message me where the misunderstandings are and I'll make the necessary corrections.
And with that opportunity, you've created the following political platform:
Homelessness--You're anti-homeless and would bus them out, without regards to their Constitutional rights, the discriminatory nature of the act, the overall bad precedent is sets, and without any discussion as to where funding would come from for this program.
Annexation--You're pro-Annexation and anti-rural Allen County residents, especially if they own guns or are Amish. (Btw, some Amish ordnungs do permit voting.) You take this position under the guise of growth and without regard to the uniqueness of this particular proposed Annexation. Such as its the first to be taken with property tax caps in place and if approved would mean losses to nearly all of Allen County's school systems. Being pro-Annexation means that you are now anti-Education, which is a particularly strange stance for a Democrat. Unlike prior Annexations, this annexation causes losses in some way shape or form for everybody--current Fort Wayne residents included.
Truck hub (2015 proposal) -- You're pro-GM and anti-Allen County land owners, which means you are against the County following its own written plans (or inversly for local government making the rules up as it goes along for the benefit of a select few). Ironically (and sadly), the issue doesn't involve GM...which is why GM has stayed out of the matter. It's a matter that involves a GM supply chain vendor, who has other options in the GM area. The vendor doesn't like those other options but is not denied those other options.
County government restructuring (2014 proposal) -- You're for County government restructuring but against the 2014 proposal. This sounds suspiciously like you've merely adopted my 2-year old position on the topic as you haven't really offered any differentiation.
With a simple yes or no---Am I correctly understanding your platform? If no, please private message me where the misunderstandings are and I'll make the necessary corrections.
Gina Burgess Jack Tippmann -- I know David makes himself an easy target, but please show some constraint and compassion.
In fairness to David, he attended IPFW years before Eric Tippman was an instructor there. And in fairness to you, I agree that it was in poor...See More
In fairness to David, he attended IPFW years before Eric Tippman was an instructor there. And in fairness to you, I agree that it was in poor...See More
Jack Tippmann Wait wait he can say fuck the amish! And to Annex the Tippmanns and take away their guns!! That we are evil vile bastards!!! Murdering psychopaths!!!! But I need to watch my mouth!!! In all fairness he's a professor not an instructor the professor deci...See More
Gina Burgess Jack Tippmann -- No one is saying that Roach's comments are appropriate. His inappropriate comments make him an easy target. But lowering yourself to that same inappropriate level speaks more of you than it does him. Just something to think about. Btw, to both of you "gentlemen"---please modify your post containing foul language. Any post containing foul language at the end of the day will be deleted.
David Christopher Roach Gina Burgess my Fb message system is malfunctioning- Fb i think- i can send and receive to various accounts i am linked to but not others.
as for the bullet points- ill get back to you>for "clarification-
as for the tippmanns- I am up to here with a hand ful of families who by no other reason have lived here longer and inbred like rabbits amongst the 7 or so families and now basically own run and control everything to the detriment of all the res t of us poor working citizens who arent so lucky to have gotten here first and divvied up this town- such as nice subsidized income- tippmann properties which own a lot of leaseholders to govt entities- the old sears building comes readily to mind.
and the tippmann KELTY CONNECTION- and their right to life anti woman anti choice obstructions to a womens right to choose;
and the tippman SAFARI LION AND BEAR CUB KILLING EXPEDITIONS- HOW SWELL- they are likely the same bunch of gun nut bullies that goSNAP such as the bogus jill long fand the open air gun markets at the coliseum; and other county venues- litrtle background checks alanybody in- including felons; and others not permitted by law to won buy or possess gunslor handle them wave them about and "play with them" at gun shows.
As for the PERFESSER- I happened one day coincidentallt to personally observe him "electioneering on IPFW grounds at the walb union entrance- is that legal? HMM_
and then theres this:
Eric "ET" Tippmann- google HIM- seems HE was inplicated/ accused in some sort of Email/Extortion plot- shouldnt the public be told; and shouldnt the TABLOID MEDIA- all you r so called PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS be asking and writing some Q'S AND A'S on this dude?
Plagiarizing; intellectual property etc- is a higly illigitimate practice in academia, you know. ask TIM GOEGLEIN.
please have ET phone home about this:
as for the bullet points- ill get back to you>for "clarification-
as for the tippmanns- I am up to here with a hand ful of families who by no other reason have lived here longer and inbred like rabbits amongst the 7 or so families and now basically own run and control everything to the detriment of all the res t of us poor working citizens who arent so lucky to have gotten here first and divvied up this town- such as nice subsidized income- tippmann properties which own a lot of leaseholders to govt entities- the old sears building comes readily to mind.
and the tippmann KELTY CONNECTION- and their right to life anti woman anti choice obstructions to a womens right to choose;
and the tippman SAFARI LION AND BEAR CUB KILLING EXPEDITIONS- HOW SWELL- they are likely the same bunch of gun nut bullies that goSNAP such as the bogus jill long fand the open air gun markets at the coliseum; and other county venues- litrtle background checks alanybody in- including felons; and others not permitted by law to won buy or possess gunslor handle them wave them about and "play with them" at gun shows.
As for the PERFESSER- I happened one day coincidentallt to personally observe him "electioneering on IPFW grounds at the walb union entrance- is that legal? HMM_
and then theres this:
Eric "ET" Tippmann- google HIM- seems HE was inplicated/ accused in some sort of Email/Extortion plot- shouldnt the public be told; and shouldnt the TABLOID MEDIA- all you r so called PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS be asking and writing some Q'S AND A'S on this dude?
Plagiarizing; intellectual property etc- is a higly illigitimate practice in academia, you know. ask TIM GOEGLEIN.
please have ET phone home about this:
David Christopher Roach AND THIS POLITICAL GEM:
phd has some explaining to do- what became of this? whats HIS side of this story?
phd has some explaining to do- what became of this? whats HIS side of this story?
David Christopher Roach AS FOR THE AMISH- a bit of satire parody humor; but there will come a time when their land will be valuable and they will be required to install modern plumbing; sewer hook ups; and conform to 21st century suburban/ county building codes.
But again- they dont vote nor do many other non-citizens around here. nor too man REAL CITIZENS for that matter. If i can fire up the populace - good for me. and good for democracy.
again- i dont like gun owning bullies- who think their "gun-rights exceed the rights of the rest of us to be safe from gun nuts with guns waving them around; etc. shooting them wherever and killling every animal that moves- AND the teddy roosevelt thing- TR shot a LOT of wild animlas- but there were a lot more oof them around then and there werent so many endangered or poached like there are today.
so- what happens? you kill lions tigers and bears- cut off their heads; stuff their skins for your MANLY MAN CAVE TROPHY ROOMS- and then what? leave the carcasses for the vultures? swell.
But again- they dont vote nor do many other non-citizens around here. nor too man REAL CITIZENS for that matter. If i can fire up the populace - good for me. and good for democracy.
again- i dont like gun owning bullies- who think their "gun-rights exceed the rights of the rest of us to be safe from gun nuts with guns waving them around; etc. shooting them wherever and killling every animal that moves- AND the teddy roosevelt thing- TR shot a LOT of wild animlas- but there were a lot more oof them around then and there werent so many endangered or poached like there are today.
so- what happens? you kill lions tigers and bears- cut off their heads; stuff their skins for your MANLY MAN CAVE TROPHY ROOMS- and then what? leave the carcasses for the vultures? swell.
David Christopher Roach AND NO- IM HAPPY; YES- IM ANGRY ABOUT THOSE THINGS I FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT( i hate that buxxword passionate- i refuse to use it)
and im up to here with all these whiny ass crybabies who do nothing but make excuses of why we cant do something or fix anything or change or reform the problems that are holding our community back the truck hub for instance- the only reason all thos folks out south west are seeing progress- is the GM plant ; the RR and trucking corporations that supply them and all the related workers and jobs that are keeping our city and county from becoming a ghost town. remember when GE employed 10,000 people? they left town because it was a pain in the ass to keep doing buisness here. the Harvester/ Navistar /East end industrial corridor? whos left there? its a ghost town. and all the residents who lived all around that vicinity in all those "tiny green monoploy houses? sold em; moved out of town , moved out to the BURBS; moved out the the country. and then the city grew out to them- "urban sprawl; DE INDUSTRIALIZATION -
so- who will be whining and crying when GM packs up and moves to the next new auto/truck manufacturing MECCa and takes all those UAW/GM/ norfolk southern; Trucking HUB warehouse jobs with them? then what? no one will be able to GIVE THEIR HOMES AWAY- so- they should just be grateful theres industrial growth out that way- the next EAST END INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR . they can always sell out NOW for a profit while their part of town is booming, and demand is high right? everybody has to VOLUNTARY SELF-RELOCATE for their own profit or gain.
as for these homeless- well- until they are working and paying taxes and soon- and voting and being productive non addicted defective misfit derelict members of socity; They better shaeup or ship out because things arent going to change or get better for them- the cithall mayor henry his plutocrat overlords; his klepcocracy- which probably recyces and re sells all the homelss folks possessions(?)- and our own local HEINRICH HIMMLER RUSTY YORK AND HIS JACK BOOTED THUGS; and HIGH PRICED HAZ MAT TEAM WHO CLEAN UP THE PLACE with PRESSUREWASHERS FULL OF BLEACH AND SOAP- and such- well- and the COURTS - these folks are going to be nomada vagabinds gypsyes transients- until they get with the program- or else pretty much- as for wheres the money going to come from? not me- i cant afford it- how about al the rich overlords and plutocrats who are aggreived by these homelss bums? - DODEN has a bus load of cash; its out there - how about all these tow faced politicians who lie to your faces- oh yes we care about our homeless citizens but no we cant afford to help because all our hundreds of millions of YOUR money is tied up in THEIR pet projects.
AND WHAT OF THIS HOMELESS AGREEMENT the city govt had wioth the various welfare and social service agencies- sal vation army united way; associated churches the fort wayne south bend diocese and that vain power hungry BISHOP of ours? He is a bad example of christianity- and a perfect example of everything that people hate about organized religion and the pompous pious who preach to us about poverty chastity and obedience-
no sir- no cash here- from me. im a pauper- dead broke- you know- if these bums started walking today ; they could reach galveston by november and enjoy winter on the beach. Im not their baby sitter- theres plenty of cash out ther to find them new homes in a new town- - if the right folks would cough it up- its simple economics-
OY VEY- i got a headache- we will see who makes it out of the GOP primary for county council at large- as it is-ill be dead last 6 of 6- but again who knows?
and im up to here with all these whiny ass crybabies who do nothing but make excuses of why we cant do something or fix anything or change or reform the problems that are holding our community back the truck hub for instance- the only reason all thos folks out south west are seeing progress- is the GM plant ; the RR and trucking corporations that supply them and all the related workers and jobs that are keeping our city and county from becoming a ghost town. remember when GE employed 10,000 people? they left town because it was a pain in the ass to keep doing buisness here. the Harvester/ Navistar /East end industrial corridor? whos left there? its a ghost town. and all the residents who lived all around that vicinity in all those "tiny green monoploy houses? sold em; moved out of town , moved out to the BURBS; moved out the the country. and then the city grew out to them- "urban sprawl; DE INDUSTRIALIZATION -
so- who will be whining and crying when GM packs up and moves to the next new auto/truck manufacturing MECCa and takes all those UAW/GM/ norfolk southern; Trucking HUB warehouse jobs with them? then what? no one will be able to GIVE THEIR HOMES AWAY- so- they should just be grateful theres industrial growth out that way- the next EAST END INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR . they can always sell out NOW for a profit while their part of town is booming, and demand is high right? everybody has to VOLUNTARY SELF-RELOCATE for their own profit or gain.
as for these homeless- well- until they are working and paying taxes and soon- and voting and being productive non addicted defective misfit derelict members of socity; They better shaeup or ship out because things arent going to change or get better for them- the cithall mayor henry his plutocrat overlords; his klepcocracy- which probably recyces and re sells all the homelss folks possessions(?)- and our own local HEINRICH HIMMLER RUSTY YORK AND HIS JACK BOOTED THUGS; and HIGH PRICED HAZ MAT TEAM WHO CLEAN UP THE PLACE with PRESSUREWASHERS FULL OF BLEACH AND SOAP- and such- well- and the COURTS - these folks are going to be nomada vagabinds gypsyes transients- until they get with the program- or else pretty much- as for wheres the money going to come from? not me- i cant afford it- how about al the rich overlords and plutocrats who are aggreived by these homelss bums? - DODEN has a bus load of cash; its out there - how about all these tow faced politicians who lie to your faces- oh yes we care about our homeless citizens but no we cant afford to help because all our hundreds of millions of YOUR money is tied up in THEIR pet projects.
AND WHAT OF THIS HOMELESS AGREEMENT the city govt had wioth the various welfare and social service agencies- sal vation army united way; associated churches the fort wayne south bend diocese and that vain power hungry BISHOP of ours? He is a bad example of christianity- and a perfect example of everything that people hate about organized religion and the pompous pious who preach to us about poverty chastity and obedience-
no sir- no cash here- from me. im a pauper- dead broke- you know- if these bums started walking today ; they could reach galveston by november and enjoy winter on the beach. Im not their baby sitter- theres plenty of cash out ther to find them new homes in a new town- - if the right folks would cough it up- its simple economics-
OY VEY- i got a headache- we will see who makes it out of the GOP primary for county council at large- as it is-ill be dead last 6 of 6- but again who knows?
Eric "ET" Tippmann- google HIM- seems HE was inplicated/ accused in some sort of Email/Extortion plot- shouldnt the public be told; and shouldnt the TABLOID MEDIA- all you r so called PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS be asking and writing some Q'S AND A'S on this dude?
Plagiarizing; intellectual property etc- is a higly illigitimate practice in academia, you know. ask TIM GOEGLEIN.
David Christopher Roach JACK TIPPMANN- whatever dude- blow it out your paint-balls Its easy to be wonderful when your last name and family is like a local Rockefeller or Kennedy Clan?
i bet your sht smells like roses and poupourri as well?
when youve been run through the wringer of life as many times as i have and still living and fighting back; THEN come back and see how "unicorns and rainbows and pixie dust" happy YOU are .
yes im happy- im the nicest most polite dude you will meet- until we disagree. then its turn up the ear buds NA-NA-NA- I CANT HEAR YOUsmile emoticon
i bet your sht smells like roses and poupourri as well?
when youve been run through the wringer of life as many times as i have and still living and fighting back; THEN come back and see how "unicorns and rainbows and pixie dust" happy YOU are .
yes im happy- im the nicest most polite dude you will meet- until we disagree. then its turn up the ear buds NA-NA-NA- I CANT HEAR YOUsmile emoticon
ack Tippmann Wait wait he can say fuck the amish! And to Annex the Tippmanns and take away their guns!! That we are evil vile bastards!!! Murdering psychopaths!!!! But I need to watch my mouth!!! In all fairness he's a professor not an instructor the professor decides which information is to be learned an instructor just conveys the message !! and nobody cares how long David roach was a STUDENT before Eric was a professor over in England for years and then came home to be closer to his family and took a patsy job at IPFW as one of their professors!! Bahaha I think it's funny David thinks he can run for mayor and can't get three likes on a single post Facebook! Yeah I bet they'll be lining up to vote for you David Christopher Roach What a fine government official he will be!! Only 2 followers on his blog!!!! Lol lmao bahahahaha
David Christopher Roach REDNECK CAMO BUSINESS SUITS? so you dudes are what? Bears fans? Cubs fans? Davy Crockett wanna bes?"Kilt him a BAR when he was only three?" you know the DISNEY SONG right?
so- does killing bears and other innocent wild animals just going about their business and living- and putting a bullet in their skulls ad 900 yards or so with a high power sniper rifle make you feel all warm and manly inside? does it impress the women at the redneck hunting lodge saloon? Yep- there i was- it was himor me( the bear etc never heard saw of felt anything for very long)- locked cocked my GUN ( is what your FB page says- _ and BOOOM! let him have it!
right between the eyes.
I d feel a lot better if those dead carcasses were maybe ISLAMIC RADICAL TERRORISTS; sunni or shiites(whoever we were killing in Iraq; or in Afghanistan.
REAL MEN good with SNIPER RIFLES would be manly and maybe ENLIST IN THE MARINE SCOUT SNIPER school; or ARMY SNIPER CORPS? OH- you were never in the military? so GODS CREATURES DONT RETURN FIRE? OR SHOOT BACK? hmmmm. BIG MAN. does that BIG GUN compensate for your TINY HANDS AND TINY DCK? SMALL CALIBER; LOW VELOCITY TINY BORE? BWAHAHAHA back at you white trash redneck gun nut. BIG MAN WITH A GUN WOOOOO! smile emoticon
so- does killing bears and other innocent wild animals just going about their business and living- and putting a bullet in their skulls ad 900 yards or so with a high power sniper rifle make you feel all warm and manly inside? does it impress the women at the redneck hunting lodge saloon? Yep- there i was- it was himor me( the bear etc never heard saw of felt anything for very long)- locked cocked my GUN ( is what your FB page says- _ and BOOOM! let him have it!
right between the eyes.
I d feel a lot better if those dead carcasses were maybe ISLAMIC RADICAL TERRORISTS; sunni or shiites(whoever we were killing in Iraq; or in Afghanistan.
REAL MEN good with SNIPER RIFLES would be manly and maybe ENLIST IN THE MARINE SCOUT SNIPER school; or ARMY SNIPER CORPS? OH- you were never in the military? so GODS CREATURES DONT RETURN FIRE? OR SHOOT BACK? hmmmm. BIG MAN. does that BIG GUN compensate for your TINY HANDS AND TINY DCK? SMALL CALIBER; LOW VELOCITY TINY BORE? BWAHAHAHA back at you white trash redneck gun nut. BIG MAN WITH A GUN WOOOOO! smile emoticon
David Christopher Roach Nothing personal about "ET"- never met the dude- hes a republican- and one of those "pointy headed pseudo intellectuals" so MY ancestors were the KINGS of WALES had a string of castles- invaded england and wales; invaded Ireland; ruled Wales in fact. Roch Castle AND "PILL PRIORI"- way back in the 11th and 12th century- so I hope Eric enjoyed visiting my ancestors kingdom- and yes it all factual - i researched it online( and you know the internet lol)
but thats another day> Hey Jack-didnt you and i have ot out here before? youre kind of a hothead arent you?
but thats another day> Hey Jack-didnt you and i have ot out here before? youre kind of a hothead arent you?
YORE ABOUT AS DUMB AS THAT OTHER BIG GAME HUNTING INTELLECTUAL- SARAH PALIN EH? go shoot me some moose, some elk, a few water buffalo?
HEY I GOT ME AN IMPALA! a chevy? no- it are a 4 leged one with 2 horns. HEY MY CHEVY HAS 2 HORNS TOO! not them thar kind of horns >
SEEE? http://www.tippmannoutfitters.com/portfo.../successful-hunts
David Christopher Roach so- annex the tippmanns- take way their guns let them move to canada and the PERFESSER TOO. smile emoticon
David Christopher Roach AND THE AMISH- fck the amish- they dont vote they dont donate they dont volunteer they dont pay taxes - why do they get all these speical rithgs and privilegs the rest of us dont?
oh- and as for your assertion about the wuuh? HOMELESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? well- then round up their stuff; put it in separate dumpsters where they can retrieve it their own stuff- but not under the bridges - just pack up your stuff and "self relocate". just dont be breaking laws- and its not discriination if you apply all the laws fairly and equally- "equal ijustice under the law.- is what the sypreme court building says..
oh- and as for your assertion about the wuuh? HOMELESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? well- then round up their stuff; put it in separate dumpsters where they can retrieve it their own stuff- but not under the bridges - just pack up your stuff and "self relocate". just dont be breaking laws- and its not discriination if you apply all the laws fairly and equally- "equal ijustice under the law.- is what the sypreme court building says..
Jennifer Hertenstein your overgeneralizations and stereotyping has me quite disturbed. reading these statements really do sound like campaign bullet points with no real solutions or answers.
Jack Tippmann Bahahahahah wow David Christopher Roach I would be sour too if I just got handled by Gina Burgess on a subject she is obviously well versed in!! And it just makes you look like the babbling raging maniac you are!!! You had no real facts or made any re...See More
Gina Burgess Jennifer Hertenstein -- My concerns with David aren't that he doesn't offer any real solutions. He offers solutions (i.e. forced relocation by way of bus) that are unconstitutional, discriminatory, and unfunded (where is the money going to come from). Worse--he believes that this will be a one-time thing and act as a deterrant. And that demonstrates a clear lack of understanding of the problem.
Gina Burgess David Christopher Roach -- I didn't give you a large coil of rope. I gave you an opportunity that you might not have otherwise gotten to showcase where you stood and what you would do if elected as it pertained to the issues. You handcrafted your ow...See More
Gina Burgess Jack Tippmann -- I know David makes himself an easy target, but please show some constraint and compassion.
In fairness to David, he attended IPFW years before Eric Tippman was an instructor there. And in fairness to you, I agree that it was in poor...See More
In fairness to David, he attended IPFW years before Eric Tippman was an instructor there. And in fairness to you, I agree that it was in poor...See More
Jack Tippmann Wait wait he can say fuck the amish! And to Annex the Tippmanns and take away their guns!! That we are evil vile bastards!!! Murdering psychopaths!!!! But I need to watch my mouth!!! In all fairness he's a professor not an instructor the professor deci...See More
Gina Burgess Jack Tippmann -- No one is saying that Roach's comments are appropriate. His inappropriate comments make him an easy target. But lowering yourself to that same inappropriate level speaks more of you than it does him. Just something to think about. Btw, to both of you "gentlemen"---please modify your post containing foul language. Any post containing foul language at the end of the day will be deleted.
David Christopher Roach Gina Burgess my Fb message system is malfunctioning- Fb i think- i can send and receive to various accounts i am linked to but not others.
as for the bullet points- ill get back to you>for "clarification-
as for the tippmanns- I am up to here with a hand ful of families who by no other reason have lived here longer and inbred like rabbits amongst the 7 or so families and now basically own run and control everything to the detriment of all the res t of us poor working citizens who arent so lucky to have gotten here first and divvied up this town- such as nice subsidized income- tippmann properties which own a lot of leaseholders to govt entities- the old sears building comes readily to mind.
and the tippmann KELTY CONNECTION- and their right to life anti woman anti choice obstructions to a womens right to choose;
and the tippman SAFARI LION AND BEAR CUB KILLING EXPEDITIONS- HOW SWELL- they are likely the same bunch of gun nut bullies that goSNAP such as the bogus jill long fand the open air gun markets at the coliseum; and other county venues- litrtle background checks alanybody in- including felons; and others not permitted by law to won buy or possess gunslor handle them wave them about and "play with them" at gun shows.
As for the PERFESSER- I happened one day coincidentallt to personally observe him "electioneering on IPFW grounds at the walb union entrance- is that legal? HMM_
and then theres this:
Eric "ET" Tippmann- google HIM- seems HE was inplicated/ accused in some sort of Email/Extortion plot- shouldnt the public be told; and shouldnt the TABLOID MEDIA- all you r so called PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS be asking and writing some Q'S AND A'S on this dude?
Plagiarizing; intellectual property etc- is a higly illigitimate practice in academia, you know. ask TIM GOEGLEIN.
please have ET phone home about this:
as for the bullet points- ill get back to you>for "clarification-
as for the tippmanns- I am up to here with a hand ful of families who by no other reason have lived here longer and inbred like rabbits amongst the 7 or so families and now basically own run and control everything to the detriment of all the res t of us poor working citizens who arent so lucky to have gotten here first and divvied up this town- such as nice subsidized income- tippmann properties which own a lot of leaseholders to govt entities- the old sears building comes readily to mind.
and the tippmann KELTY CONNECTION- and their right to life anti woman anti choice obstructions to a womens right to choose;
and the tippman SAFARI LION AND BEAR CUB KILLING EXPEDITIONS- HOW SWELL- they are likely the same bunch of gun nut bullies that goSNAP such as the bogus jill long fand the open air gun markets at the coliseum; and other county venues- litrtle background checks alanybody in- including felons; and others not permitted by law to won buy or possess gunslor handle them wave them about and "play with them" at gun shows.
As for the PERFESSER- I happened one day coincidentallt to personally observe him "electioneering on IPFW grounds at the walb union entrance- is that legal? HMM_
and then theres this:
Eric "ET" Tippmann- google HIM- seems HE was inplicated/ accused in some sort of Email/Extortion plot- shouldnt the public be told; and shouldnt the TABLOID MEDIA- all you r so called PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS be asking and writing some Q'S AND A'S on this dude?
Plagiarizing; intellectual property etc- is a higly illigitimate practice in academia, you know. ask TIM GOEGLEIN.
please have ET phone home about this:
David Christopher Roach AND THIS POLITICAL GEM:
phd has some explaining to do- what became of this? whats HIS side of this story?
phd has some explaining to do- what became of this? whats HIS side of this story?
David Christopher Roach AS FOR THE AMISH- a bit of satire parody humor; but there will come a time when their land will be valuable and they will be required to install modern plumbing; sewer hook ups; and conform to 21st century suburban/ county building codes.
But again- they dont vote nor do many other non-citizens around here. nor too man REAL CITIZENS for that matter. If i can fire up the populace - good for me. and good for democracy.
again- i dont like gun owning bullies- who think their "gun-rights exceed the rights of the rest of us to be safe from gun nuts with guns waving them around; etc. shooting them wherever and killling every animal that moves- AND the teddy roosevelt thing- TR shot a LOT of wild animlas- but there were a lot more oof them around then and there werent so many endangered or poached like there are today.
so- what happens? you kill lions tigers and bears- cut off their heads; stuff their skins for your MANLY MAN CAVE TROPHY ROOMS- and then what? leave the carcasses for the vultures? swell.
But again- they dont vote nor do many other non-citizens around here. nor too man REAL CITIZENS for that matter. If i can fire up the populace - good for me. and good for democracy.
again- i dont like gun owning bullies- who think their "gun-rights exceed the rights of the rest of us to be safe from gun nuts with guns waving them around; etc. shooting them wherever and killling every animal that moves- AND the teddy roosevelt thing- TR shot a LOT of wild animlas- but there were a lot more oof them around then and there werent so many endangered or poached like there are today.
so- what happens? you kill lions tigers and bears- cut off their heads; stuff their skins for your MANLY MAN CAVE TROPHY ROOMS- and then what? leave the carcasses for the vultures? swell.
David Christopher Roach AND NO- IM HAPPY; YES- IM ANGRY ABOUT THOSE THINGS I FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT( i hate that buxxword passionate- i refuse to use it)
and im up to here with all these whiny ass crybabies who do nothing but make excuses of why we cant do something or fix anything or change or reform the problems that are holding our community back the truck hub for instance- the only reason all thos folks out south west are seeing progress- is the GM plant ; the RR and trucking corporations that supply them and all the related workers and jobs that are keeping our city and county from becoming a ghost town. remember when GE employed 10,000 people? they left town because it was a pain in the ass to keep doing buisness here. the Harvester/ Navistar /East end industrial corridor? whos left there? its a ghost town. and all the residents who lived all around that vicinity in all those "tiny green monoploy houses? sold em; moved out of town , moved out to the BURBS; moved out the the country. and then the city grew out to them- "urban sprawl; DE INDUSTRIALIZATION -
so- who will be whining and crying when GM packs up and moves to the next new auto/truck manufacturing MECCa and takes all those UAW/GM/ norfolk southern; Trucking HUB warehouse jobs with them? then what? no one will be able to GIVE THEIR HOMES AWAY- so- they should just be grateful theres industrial growth out that way- the next EAST END INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR . they can always sell out NOW for a profit while their part of town is booming, and demand is high right? everybody has to VOLUNTARY SELF-RELOCATE for their own profit or gain.
as for these homeless- well- until they are working and paying taxes and soon- and voting and being productive non addicted defective misfit derelict members of socity; They better shaeup or ship out because things arent going to change or get better for them- the cithall mayor henry his plutocrat overlords; his klepcocracy- which probably recyces and re sells all the homelss folks possessions(?)- and our own local HEINRICH HIMMLER RUSTY YORK AND HIS JACK BOOTED THUGS; and HIGH PRICED HAZ MAT TEAM WHO CLEAN UP THE PLACE with PRESSUREWASHERS FULL OF BLEACH AND SOAP- and such- well- and the COURTS - these folks are going to be nomada vagabinds gypsyes transients- until they get with the program- or else pretty much- as for wheres the money going to come from? not me- i cant afford it- how about al the rich overlords and plutocrats who are aggreived by these homelss bums? - DODEN has a bus load of cash; its out there - how about all these tow faced politicians who lie to your faces- oh yes we care about our homeless citizens but no we cant afford to help because all our hundreds of millions of YOUR money is tied up in THEIR pet projects.
AND WHAT OF THIS HOMELESS AGREEMENT the city govt had wioth the various welfare and social service agencies- sal vation army united way; associated churches the fort wayne south bend diocese and that vain power hungry BISHOP of ours? He is a bad example of christianity- and a perfect example of everything that people hate about organized religion and the pompous pious who preach to us about poverty chastity and obedience-
no sir- no cash here- from me. im a pauper- dead broke- you know- if these bums started walking today ; they could reach galveston by november and enjoy winter on the beach. Im not their baby sitter- theres plenty of cash out ther to find them new homes in a new town- - if the right folks would cough it up- its simple economics-
OY VEY- i got a headache- we will see who makes it out of the GOP primary for county council at large- as it is-ill be dead last 6 of 6- but again who knows?
and im up to here with all these whiny ass crybabies who do nothing but make excuses of why we cant do something or fix anything or change or reform the problems that are holding our community back the truck hub for instance- the only reason all thos folks out south west are seeing progress- is the GM plant ; the RR and trucking corporations that supply them and all the related workers and jobs that are keeping our city and county from becoming a ghost town. remember when GE employed 10,000 people? they left town because it was a pain in the ass to keep doing buisness here. the Harvester/ Navistar /East end industrial corridor? whos left there? its a ghost town. and all the residents who lived all around that vicinity in all those "tiny green monoploy houses? sold em; moved out of town , moved out to the BURBS; moved out the the country. and then the city grew out to them- "urban sprawl; DE INDUSTRIALIZATION -
so- who will be whining and crying when GM packs up and moves to the next new auto/truck manufacturing MECCa and takes all those UAW/GM/ norfolk southern; Trucking HUB warehouse jobs with them? then what? no one will be able to GIVE THEIR HOMES AWAY- so- they should just be grateful theres industrial growth out that way- the next EAST END INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR . they can always sell out NOW for a profit while their part of town is booming, and demand is high right? everybody has to VOLUNTARY SELF-RELOCATE for their own profit or gain.
as for these homeless- well- until they are working and paying taxes and soon- and voting and being productive non addicted defective misfit derelict members of socity; They better shaeup or ship out because things arent going to change or get better for them- the cithall mayor henry his plutocrat overlords; his klepcocracy- which probably recyces and re sells all the homelss folks possessions(?)- and our own local HEINRICH HIMMLER RUSTY YORK AND HIS JACK BOOTED THUGS; and HIGH PRICED HAZ MAT TEAM WHO CLEAN UP THE PLACE with PRESSUREWASHERS FULL OF BLEACH AND SOAP- and such- well- and the COURTS - these folks are going to be nomada vagabinds gypsyes transients- until they get with the program- or else pretty much- as for wheres the money going to come from? not me- i cant afford it- how about al the rich overlords and plutocrats who are aggreived by these homelss bums? - DODEN has a bus load of cash; its out there - how about all these tow faced politicians who lie to your faces- oh yes we care about our homeless citizens but no we cant afford to help because all our hundreds of millions of YOUR money is tied up in THEIR pet projects.
AND WHAT OF THIS HOMELESS AGREEMENT the city govt had wioth the various welfare and social service agencies- sal vation army united way; associated churches the fort wayne south bend diocese and that vain power hungry BISHOP of ours? He is a bad example of christianity- and a perfect example of everything that people hate about organized religion and the pompous pious who preach to us about poverty chastity and obedience-
no sir- no cash here- from me. im a pauper- dead broke- you know- if these bums started walking today ; they could reach galveston by november and enjoy winter on the beach. Im not their baby sitter- theres plenty of cash out ther to find them new homes in a new town- - if the right folks would cough it up- its simple economics-
OY VEY- i got a headache- we will see who makes it out of the GOP primary for county council at large- as it is-ill be dead last 6 of 6- but again who knows?
David Christopher Roach JACK TIPPMANN- whatever dude- blow it out your paint-balls Its easy to be wonderful when your last name and family is like a local Rockefeller or Kennedy Clan?
i bet your sht smells like roses and poupourri as well?
when youve been run through the w...See More
i bet your sht smells like roses and poupourri as well?
when youve been run through the w...See More
David Christopher Roach Nothing personal about "ET"- never met the dude- hes a republican- and one of those "pointy headed pseudo intellectuals" so MY ancestors were the KINGS of WALES had a string of castles- invaded england and wales; invaded Ireland; ruled Wales in fact. ...See More
David Christopher Roach REDNECK CAMO BUSINESS SUITS? so you dudes are what? Bears fans? Cubs fans? Davy Crockett wanna bes?"Kilt him a BAR when he was only three?" you know the DISNEY SONG right?
so- does killing bears and other innocent wild animals just going about their b...See More
so- does killing bears and other innocent wild animals just going about their b...See More
David Christopher Roach YORE ABOUT AS DUMB AS THAT OTHER BIG GAME HUNTING INTELLECTUAL- SARAH PALIN EH? go shoot me some moose, some elk, a few water buffalo?
HEY I GOT ME AN IMPALA! a chevy? no- it are a 4 leged one with 2 horns. HEY MY CHEVY HAS 2 HORNS TOO! not them thar kind of horns >
HEY I GOT ME AN IMPALA! a chevy? no- it are a 4 leged one with 2 horns. HEY MY CHEVY HAS 2 HORNS TOO! not them thar kind of horns >
David Christopher Roach we kilt us a big cat- JAGUAR? LEOPARD? SOMETHING .
David Christopher Roach is the HORSE HALF BLACK? OR HALF WHITE?
dont matter- kilt us one o dem too>
dont matter- kilt us one o dem too>
David Christopher Roach KILT US A POLAR BEAR TOO- had to go waaaay up north into the arctic circle to kill this one.
David Christopher Roach got geese pooping all over the place? call us- we'll kill them too- a whole flock of um>bwahahaha!
David Christopher Roach OOPS- KILT US THE NEIGHBORS DOG shoulda read the no trespassing sign- violaters will be shot.
bury it real qucik here under this bush. Your dog? nope havent seen it. shoulda kept it tied up. sorry .
bury it real qucik here under this bush. Your dog? nope havent seen it. shoulda kept it tied up. sorry .
David Christopher Roach KILT US A NOTHER FLOCK GEESE. OR ARE THOSE DUCKS? whatever- they flew into our sights; so we shot em. http://www.scinei.com/images/group100_1267sm.jpg
David Christopher Roach and our keedz? kilt them a bunch of pidgeons; and doves- now dey wont be pooping on the county courthouse roof daays dead as hell. KILT EM!
David Christopher Roach YOUR HEARD OF BILL THE LION? HES DEAD. I KILT HIM. PUT A BULLET IN HIS SKULL.http://scinei.com/.../David-Boyd-1-e1423687054655-800x960...
David Christopher Roach i told my wife id get her a new BEIGE IMPALA= SHE SHORE LOOKS PLEASED.
David Christopher Roach KILT US A 'NUTHER LION
David Christopher Roach JACK TIPPMANN
Gina Burgess Amanda Annette --- He's trying to get attention. And how he goes about trying to get attention is exactly why no one gives him attention. Later tonight, I'll be cleaning up this thread of all posts with foul language and/or that are completely irrelevant to the main topic of the original thread or the subtopic of Roach's platform. For what its worth, I'm just as annoyed as you.
David Christopher Roach Amanda Annette TIPPMANN, FUZE, MORKEN, BUDZON- all worried about oooo- their gun rights- their right to kill every creature that moves on their sacred rural lands and way of life- speaking out at the city council meeting; TIPPMANNS IN GENERAL- Eric tippmann the countycouncil candidate- -republican)- Jack Tippmann- big mouth redneck hot head country bumpkin - who ive argued with before-
THE PROFESSOR IN wales- wales scotland- kilts- the allen cvounty safari club- KILT THEM A BAR WHEN THEY WAS ONLY THREE.
just annoying "My Friend Jack"- trying to make him snap. gunnuts are prone to that- and to create negative PR /political NOYZE tying eric tippmann to the trigger happy animal kiling KINFOLKS and POLITICS AND humor satire and parody in general- so - its convoluted but as mr Jtippmann would say BHAHAHA! smile emoticon for me- its anger management and de- stressing towards a big big target. FROM 900 YARDS- sort of like a mama grixxly; or shooting moose from a helicopter- like that airhead sarah palin- the other great outdoors dont tread on my right wing gun nut. etc.
Another dead lion- compliments of the TIPPMANN RURAL WAY OF LIFE; GUNS AND THE 2ND AMENDMENT- and SAFARI CLUB (shhh- the first rule of safari club is dont talk about safari club)- what next? BUM FIGHTING? HIRE A COUPLE BUMS; TAKE THEM TO AN"UNDISCLOSED LOCATION" AND WATCH THEM DUKE IT OUT FOR FUN AND MONEY? pugilism; sport entertaiment and homeless gladiatorism. learn more: google "bum fights"
Homelessness--You're anti-homeless and would bus them out, without regards to their Constitutional rights, the discriminatory nature of the act, the overall bad precedent is sets, and without any discussion as to where funding would come from for this program.
Annexation--You're pro-Annexation and anti-rural Allen County residents, especially if they own guns or are Amish. (Btw, some Amish ordnungs do permit voting.) You take this position under the guise of growth and without regard to the uniqueness of this particular proposed Annexation. Such as its the first to be taken with property tax caps in place and if approved would mean losses to nearly all of Allen County's school systems. Being pro-Annexation means that you are now anti-Education, which is a particularly strange stance for a Democrat. Unlike prior Annexations, this annexation causes losses in some way shape or form for everybody--current Fort Wayne residents included.
Truck hub (2015 proposal) -- You're pro-GM and anti-Allen County land owners, which means you are against the County following its own written plans (or inversly for local government making the rules up as it goes along for the benefit of a select few). Ironically (and sadly), the issue doesn't involve GM...which is why GM has stayed out of the matter. It's a matter that involves a GM supply chain vendor, who has other options in the GM area. The vendor doesn't like those other options but is not denied those other options.
County government restructuring (2014 proposal) -- You're for County government restructuring but against the 2014 proposal. This sounds suspiciously like you've merely adopted my 2-year old position on the topic as you haven't really offered any differentiation.
With a simple yes or no---Am I correctly understanding your platform? If no, please private message me where the misunderstandings are and I'll make the necessary corrections.
A local novelty shop says the homeless under the Wells Street Bridge are disrupting their business.
Because of complaints from the Boudoir Noir Novelty Shop, the city has posted eviction signs notifying the homeless that they must clear out by May 3.
The Vice President of Boudoir Noir, Kirk Haines said the homeless are dumping trash in their recycling bins which they are being fined for.
He said they have had numerous customer complaints about the homeless asking them for money.
"It negatively affects our business as when someone comes in they don't need to be accosted or tracked down or followed to their car asking for money and that type of thing. And that's the safety aspect of it, the other aspect of it monetarily is we have to pay extra to have our dumpster dumped more often or pay our employees to clean up the yard or field. It's just an ongoing thing. Unfortunately there have been drug users and huffing paint and public urination, we've had to deal with it all. Our owners have owned this property for 16 years and we've kind of seen it all," said Haines.
The homeless individuals WFFT spoke to said they are cooperating as best they can by keeping the area clean.
"It just tears me up that this is the second eviction I've had this year because of one bad apple that we don't have control over. People just come down and just throw their trash, drink, beer bottles and we get blamed for it and it's not always us," said Keith See, who lives under the bridge.
"You know it's stressful. I mean yea we busted our butt to clean it up and we're hoping that the community will see. It's not just because we got an eviction notice, it's not like it's a desperate call for help. We are just trying to keep our home, we aren't monsters," said Joseph Wallace, who lives under the bridge.
"It just tears me up that this is the second eviction I've had this year because of one bad apple that we don't have control over. People just come down and just throw their trash, drink, beer bottles and we get blamed for it and it's not always us," said Keith See, who lives under the bridge.
"You know it's stressful. I mean yea we busted our butt to clean it up and we're hoping that the community will see. It's not just because we got an eviction notice, it's not like it's a desperate call for help. We are just trying to keep our home, we aren't monsters," said Joseph Wallace, who lives under the bridge.
See said if evicted, he and many others have no where else to go.
"This is our home, this is what we have right now until we get a job. Some of us are working trying to save money to get a place and it's just hard. When this comes up and they tell us to go, we have nowhere to go. What are we supposed to do. What can the city to do help us?"
Haines said, in the end, he hopes the city can come to a solution to help the homeless in need.
"Ultimately we would like to get some place for them to go and find a solution. If there is trash on the streets and around the communities maybe the city can put a dumpster program together where there's dumpsters where they can go, there's designated areas where they go. But then again, it can't affect local business," said Haines.
x"Ultimately we would like to get some place for them to go and find a solution. If there is trash on the streets and around the communities maybe the city can put a dumpster program together where there's dumpsters where they can go, there's designated areas where they go. But then again, it can't affect local business," said Haines.