DEMOCRAT TOMMY SCHRADER: Yes, I was made aware of his appearance on 21Alive news today. I applaud 21Alive for giving coverage to all candidates, no matter how untraditional and unconventional they may be. Does Schrader have a chance to win? Yes. Is it a good chance? Frightfully---yes. Why? Because the Schrader name is associated through Northeast Indiana with the Schrader family of businesses, such as Schrader Auction, Schrader Real Estate, Schrader Oil, etc. Because Schrader gets spotty news coverage that keeps his name out there. But probably most importantly because of PBS’s decision to not host a Congressional debate this year. To PBS – Really?? The one year that people would be most likely to tune into your debate because of the kind of election year it has been and because of Schrader, that is the year you decide to cancel the debate. People who don’t know Schrader—are likely to vote for him. People who are die-hard Democrats are likely to vote for him. People who claim they are religiously devout to the pro-life should vote for him---as he is genuinely authentic to the core in that one area of his life. And now, thanks to 21Alive’s soundbite—people who would vote for Trump are likely to vote for candidates who openly support Trump, like Schrader. Just when you thought this year’s three-ringed circus couldn’t get stranger or more surreal??
DEMOCRAT BRIAN THORTON: 21Alive quoted and recorded Brian Thorton as stating: “…"Candidate Schrader brings a different voice than I think what Fort Wayne and Allen County is used to. I'm looking forward to supporting him," said Brian Thornton….” And folks, all I can say is --- I don’t know what he is thinking. You know, Thorton ran for City Clerk last year and got booted from the ballot. In fairness, he moved outside of Fort Wayne and was no longer a resident. (But for the record, I agree the whole hearing was hinkey---especially since the star witness essentially perjured herself at the behest of a certain attorney. And to that attorney---I have an audio of the hearing. If this had been a legal matter and not a political matter, I would have turned you over to the Indiana Judiciary for disciplinary proceedings.) I believe Thorton tried to get on the ballot in 2014 for the Clerk of Court race, but wasn’t a registered/voting Democrat and party leadership wouldn’t give him a due pass like they did with the nearly half dozen 2015 candidates. I share these things because Thorton publically endorsing Schrader is likely either an attempt to get back on the Democratic Party or, alternatively, is an attempt to set himself up as a non-establishment candidate for future political races. Or it could that Thorton is trying to demonstrate what a “good” and loyal Democrat he is---as that’s something the party likes to throw out at candidates or would-be-candidates who think for themselves and don’t follow the herd. What I do know is that Thorton has a rather interesting, albeit somewhat checkered, past. [1A][1B][1C] But again, at the end of the day, with regard to the Schrader congressional candidacy—I don’t know what Thorton was thinking???
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"It's like, what is normal? You know, it shouldn't really be about drinking beer or personalities, this is about issues," Schrader said.
He rode a city bus downtown to meet with us.
He's unemployed; he collects Social Security disability pay.
Schrader claims he's adamantly against abortion, and he says he's trying to turn over a new leaf.
"I'm trying to tone it down, I got my hair done. Famous Hair, my mom gave me a gift card, so I'm trying to spruce up my image a little bit."
Schrader lives in the Coliseum Inn Motel on the eastside of town.
If he wins November 8th, he'll get a new address hundreds of miles away in Washington.
Over the last several years, there've been some election results that would give him a little bit of reason for confidence.
In the 2011 Fort Wayne city elections, Schrader won the Democratic nomination for a council at-large seat.
brian thornton
December 20, 2015 1:01 AM
Compiled by The Journal Gazette
Following are recent filings for bankruptcy protection in northeast Indiana. The list includes all business bankruptcies, as well as personal bankruptcies in which liabilities exceed $100,000. Except where noted, the filings fall under Chapter 7 of federal bankruptcy laws, which usually
leads to a liquidation of assets.
Brian A. Thornton, doing business as Internet Data Labs LLC, formerly doing business as Fort Wayne Snow Removal Corp., formerly doing business as 215 Snow Removal Corp., formerly doing business as 317 Snow Removal Corp., 11418 Tweedsuir Run, Fort Wayne. Chapter 13. Debt: $181,453.39. Assets: $1,865.
11418 Tweedsmuir Run, Fort Wayne, IN 46814
Marching to a different drummer: Schrader plows ahead in Congressional race
By Jeff Neumeyer
September 16, 2016Updated Sep 16, 2016 at 5:20 PM EDT
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FORT WAYNE, Ind. (21ALIVE) --- On the countdown to Election Day in November, most candidates for office are busy meeting with voters, mailing ads and raising cash.
That's not the case with the Democrat running for northeast Indiana's seat in Congress.
His campaign is not following the standard script.
Tommy Schrader is anything but conventional.
The summary below his picture on Twitter, reads, “Just a hard worker, drinking beer and running for Congress."
"It's like, what is normal? You know, it shouldn't really be about drinking beer or personalities, this is about issues," Schrader said.
He rode a city bus downtown to meet with us.
He's unemployed; he collects Social Security disability pay.
As far as a Congressman's salary-- about $190,000 a year-- he doesn't mind admitting that he could use the money.
He is the Democrat nominee in the 3rd District race, but aligns himself with Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
Schrader claims he's adamantly against abortion, and he says he's trying to turn over a new leaf.
"I'm trying to tone it down, I got my hair done. Famous Hair, my mom gave me a gift card, so I'm trying to spruce up my image a little bit."
Schrader lives in the Coliseum Inn Motel on the eastside of town.
If he wins November 8th, he'll get a new address hundreds of miles away in Washington.
Over the last several years, there've been some election results that would give him a little bit of reason for confidence.
In the 2011 Fort Wayne city elections, Schrader won the Democratic nomination for a council at-large seat.
But election officials booted him off the fall ballot when they learned he'd recently lived and voted in the Green Bay Wisconsin mayoral race.
He pulled off a surprise again this past May, winning the party's nomination for Congress.
"I'm a very happy camper and I want to thank the people of Fort Wayne, Columbia City, Kendallville, Auburn and everywhere in between for voting for me,” Schrader said May 4th.
When I asked him if he thought he would win, he replied matter of factly, “No”.
His own party leaders aren't in his corner.
But that's not the case with all Democrats.
"Candidate Schrader brings a different voice than I think what Fort Wayne and Allen County is used to. I'm looking forward to supporting him," said Brian Thornton.
When we approached Dane Leitch for his opinion, he said he thinks Schrader is par for the course in 2016 politics.
"We kind of have precedent for that on the national level right now, with the controversy there (Donald Trump), so there are all sorts of ways to get the party nods I guess,” Leitch said.
Even if he comes up short, he can say, unlike me and probably you, he once upon a time got his name on the ballot in a run for Congress.
Check that one off the bucket list.
Schrader is an overwhelming underdog to Republican State Senator Jim Banks in the 3rd District contest.
February 19, 2015 1:03 AM
Candidate for mayor ruled ineligible by election board
Dave Gong The Journal Gazette
One Fort Wayne mayoral candidate has been ruled ineligible for the ballot in this year’s municipal primary election.
At the end of a two-hour meeting Wednesday, the Allen County Election Board upheld a challenge to John Roberson’s candidacy for mayor of Fort Wayne. The challenge alleged that Roberson was ineligible to run as a Democrat because he voted in the 2014 Republican primary election and did not obtain a letter from Allen County Democratic Party Chairman John Court certifying his candidacy on the Democratic primary ticket.
Beth Dlug, Allen County director of elections, said the election board’s records show that Roberson did in fact vote in last year’s Republican primary, and she said there was no record of his having submitted the required letter when he declared his candidacy for mayor.
“Primarily based upon the voting record issue, I think we’re compelled to uphold the challenge, because that’s a very strict standard,” said Thomas Hardin, chairman of the Allen County Election Board. “Either you vote in the most recent primary of the party you seek to be a candidate of, or you get a letter from the county chairmanâ ¦ If you don’t have that, then you are disqualified per statute.”
Roberson can file an appeal to Wednesday’s decision in Allen County Circuit Court within 30 days. Roberson was not present during Wednesday’s hearing and could not be reached for comment.
Roberson was one of 10 municipal candidates who received challenges to their ballot eligibility, though he was the only one the board ruled ineligible.
Citing lack of evidence, the board denied the challenges to eight of the other nine challenged candidates. The following candidates will remain on the 2015 primary ballot: Mayor Tom Henry; Republican mayoral candidate William Collins; Democratic mayoral candidates Tom Cook and Rick Stevenson; Daniel Lobdell, Kevin Brown, and Tommy Schrader, who are all candidates for the at-large seats on the Fort Wayne City Council; and Rusty York, Democratic candidate for City Council District 4, who is also the city’s current director of public safety.
Brian Thornton, a Democratic candidate for Fort Wayne city clerk, was also challenged, though the hearing for his case was postponed until noon Feb. 25 to give Thornton time to seek legal representation.
The allegations challenging Thornton’s eligibility are largely similar to those filed against Roberson – namely that Thornton has not voted in any previous Democratic primary election, nor did he obtain the required letter from the county Democratic Party chairman.
“Today, with the approval of the Allen County Election Board my candidacy was allotted one week to properly prepare for an attorneys claim that my candidacy should be invalidated,” Thornton said in an email.
“Thousands of Allen County democrats were granted a reprieve today on an attack from my Party of which I am a part of. We will prepare a reasonable and clear case to demonstrate that this candidacy is valid and should continue without the meddling of County Chairman John Court.”
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