Thursday, November 17, 2016


The fact that in our local elections David Roach placed higher than Morrison Agen shows that there are a lot of Democrats who are not in favor of the pro-UniGov policies that Morrison was campaigning of. Some of those Dems are active in the local party. But the local party doesn't know who they are because a culture has been created where if you "march" to the beat of your own drum and don't "lock step" with the rest of the local Dems, or if dare have your own opinion on matters and vocalize that opinion, then you risk being ridiculed and ostracized. 

So if you want to belong to the local Dems organization, your choices are to be a mindless sheep and not offer a different perspective or act like a mindless sheep and keep your thoughts to yourself. There are a lot of good Dems---"good" by the Party's standards---that have no outlet for their differing thoughts, feelings, values, etc. And its too risky for many of these Dems to become vocal, to offer different viewpoints. No one wants to be ridiculed, ostracized or made to feel that they don't belong. 

I don't know what its like within the Dem parties of the other Counties within Northeast Indiana---but I can't imagine that there would be any disagreement that Democrats across Indiana, or at least Northeast Indiana Democrats don't need to do something different after Tuesday's election. I haven't had a chance to review other counties, but Allen County showed that about 8,000 fewer registered Democrats voted straight ticket in 2016 than in 2012, despite news reports showing record number of voters---there were actually less total voters in 2016 than in 2012, and our local candidates did significantly better in 2012 than in 2016. As a Party, we are not improving. We are literally getting worse. To me, and I haven't had a chance to study this as thoroughly as I'd like, but it seems to me that the less inclusive we are as a Party, the less voter turn-out the Dems experience. Have a look for yourself:

54% of all registered voters cast ballots
Libertarian Party 168
Republican Party 39685
DEMOCRATIC PARTY 17749 <-----------------------

71700 22.67% Eric (ET) Tippmann (R)
71076 22.48% Robert A Armstrong (R)
61257 19.37% Roy Buskirk (R)
38747 12.25% Palermo (Pal) Galindo (D)
36973 11.69% David Christopher Roach (D)
36464 11.53% Morrison Agen (D)

58% of all registered voters cast ballots
Libertarian Party 78
Republican Party 32999
Constitution Party 2
DEMOCRATIC PARTY 25062 <----------------------- 

79166 20.04% Roy A Buskirk (R)
76647 19.40% Robert A Armstrong (R)
76557 19.38% William E (Bill) Brown (R)
56633 14.34% Sharon L Tucker (D)
54087 13.69% Gina M Burgess (D)
51959 13.15% Dennis (Denny) Sprunger (D)

Tagging other Dems in this post more of an FYI than a conversation starter: Carmen DarlandTodd NightenhelserJustin KuhnleJack Morris

Getting back to the original subtopic, as I've stated above, Joe Rennerisn't being foolish when he calls himself a "Centrist." Compared to certain people he is a Centrist. However, when he compares himself to me---and I'm not sure that's what he intended with his initial comment---then, no, he is NOT a Centrist.

oe Renner Welcome to the daily life of a Centrist.
Tyler Cooley Don't even start the martyr game.You are about as right wing extremist as they come
Joe Renner Prime example of the extremist left above in Tyler. Anyone who doesn't see things his way and he attacks, labels, and name calls.
Tyler Cooley I just call a spade a spade. I'm open to admitting I'm about as left as they come (I know a few people that hold views farther left than me) but you don't get away with calling yourself a centrist. Centrists exist with the rest of the 62% of Americans who support a woman's right to choose. Centrists exist with the 57% of Americans who support common sense gun legislation. You sir, are a right wing extremist.
Joe Renner It's true I support the 2A and the Constitution. That doesn't equate to right wing. I also support ending corporate personhood and getting money out of politics. Those on the right would be calling me a liberal.
Tyler Cooley The second amendment doesn't prevent stronger background checks and placing the liability of gun deaths on the gun owner, and your denial of those facts is what makes you to the extreme right on that issue.
Joe Renner I don't believe that 2A has a clause allowing restrictions or forcing added liability. In fact it specifically says that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.
Joe Renner Also those who commit crimes with guns are already punished.
Tyler Cooley You left out the first part, the qualifier came BEFORE the content.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

You keep forgetting the well regulated part.
Joe Renner Militia is every able bodied gun owner. You have to use the word in the original context.
Tyler Cooley The militia was required because at the time there was no standing army. We now have a standing army. The militia in that sense is no longer relevant.
Joe Renner That is your opinion. The militia still exist today and is necessary to keep our own government in check. Lest a bunch of gun grabbing politicians decide they want to violate our Constitutional rights.
Tyler Cooley Yeah.... cause I'm sure Joe and his shotgun isn't going to piss his pants in the face of armed US Soldiers. Keep dreaming Rambo.
Joe Renner Again with the mockery and name calling. The last resort of a losing argument. Don't you worry I won't violate your safe space.
Tyler Cooley No, it's just hard to have an intelligent conversation with someone so ignorant of facts.
Joe Renner It seems all the facts I present are indeed facts. You however only have opinions.
Gina Burgess Joe Renner and Tyler Cooley -- Thank you both for at least keeping your disagreement with each other clean and somewhat respectful.

Joe Renner -- Tyler Cooley is correct. Compared to me, you are NOT a centrist. And there is nothing wrong with that. Politically, you are a Constitutionalist, but haven't really figured that one out for yourself yet. Or, alternatively, you don't want to acknowledge that is who you really are. However, Joe Renner, you are correct when you make the implication that political leanings cannot exist in a vacuum. Compared toTyler Cooley, who is a Progressive Democrat, I am a Centrist and you are a right-wing extremist. However, once we remove Tyler Cooley from the comparison and just review you and I -- you become less of an "extremist." You sometimes label yourself as a Libertarian, because of the personal freedoms that Libertarians embrace. But make no mistake, you are actually a Constitutionalist because you value your freedoms within the parameters of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Now having said that I believe that you may be confusing the label of centrist with moderator or perhaps provocateur. Non-politically, in my opinion, you tend to be a provocateur to stir up conversation about current and contemporary events on your wall. And it works for you. So, again, there is nothing wrong with that.

Tyler Cooley -- Thank you for pointing out that Joe Renner is not a Centrist. Others were making that observation more quietly and Joe Renner was being made to look a fool because of it. You've created an interesting opportunity to have a conversation that seldom ever gets discussed---true political ideological labels.

There are some 20 +/- types of Starbuck's coffee. There are some 20 +/- types of Pizza Hut pizzas. There are some 20 +/- men's magazines. There are some 20 +/- women's magazines. At any given college, there are 20 +/- undergrad programs. There are 20 +/- genres of music on your radio. With so much variety in so many different things and so many "niche" markets for those varied products --- Why do we treat politics as simply left or right, Democrat or Republican?

I know in 2016, as a nation and as a community, we've acknowledged that we are more politically diverse---the Presidential ticket alone consisted of a Republican, a Hillary Democrat (that in electoral fairness should have been a Sanders Democrat), a Libertarian, and representatives from both the Green Party and the Constitution Party. Historically, Democrats used to be a coalition of factions that honored and respected one another. But those days seem to have been forgotten. Democrats talk the talk about inclusiveness, but that inclusivity doesn't really exist. I'm an example of it at the local level. More importantly, I'm not the only one.

The fact that in our local elections David Roach placed higher than Morrison Agen shows that there are a lot of Democrats who are not in favor of the pro-UniGov policies that Morrison was campaigning of. Some of those Dems are active in the local party. But the local party doesn't know who they are because a culture has been created where if you "march" to the beat of your own drum and don't "lock step" with the rest of the local Dems, or if dare have your own opinion on matters and vocalize that opinion, then you risk being ridiculed and ostracized.

So if you want to belong to the local Dems organization, your choices are to be a mindless sheep and not offer a different perspective or act like a mindless sheep and keep your thoughts to yourself. There are a lot of good Dems---"good" by the Party's standards---that have no outlet for their differing thoughts, feelings, values, etc. And its too risky for many of these Dems to become vocal, to offer different viewpoints. No one wants to be ridiculed, ostracized or made to feel that they don't belong.

I don't know what its like within the Dem parties of the other Counties within Northeast Indiana---but I can't imagine that there would be any disagreement that Democrats across Indiana, or at least Northeast Indiana Democrats don't need to do something different after Tuesday's election. I haven't had a chance to review other counties, but Allen County showed that about 8,000 fewer registered Democrats voted straight ticket in 2016 than in 2012, despite news reports showing record number of voters---there were actually less total voters in 2016 than in 2012, and our local candidates did significantly better in 2012 than in 2016. As a Party, we are not improving. We are literally getting worse. To me, and I haven't had a chance to study this as thoroughly as I'd like, but it seems to me that the less inclusive we are as a Party, the less voter turn-out the Dems experience. Have a look for yourself:

54% of all registered voters cast ballots
Libertarian Party 168
Republican Party 39685
DEMOCRATIC PARTY 17749 <-----------------------

71700 22.67% Eric (ET) Tippmann (R)
71076 22.48% Robert A Armstrong (R)
61257 19.37% Roy Buskirk (R)
38747 12.25% Palermo (Pal) Galindo (D)
36973 11.69% David Christopher Roach (D)
36464 11.53% Morrison Agen (D)

58% of all registered voters cast ballots
Libertarian Party 78
Republican Party 32999
Constitution Party 2
DEMOCRATIC PARTY 25062 <-----------------------

79166 20.04% Roy A Buskirk (R)
76647 19.40% Robert A Armstrong (R)
76557 19.38% William E (Bill) Brown (R)
56633 14.34% Sharon L Tucker (D)
54087 13.69% Gina M Burgess (D)
51959 13.15% Dennis (Denny) Sprunger (D)

Tagging other Dems in this post more of an FYI than a conversation starter: Carmen DarlandTodd NightenhelserJustin KuhnleJack Morris

Getting back to the original subtopic, as I've stated above, Joe Rennerisn't being foolish when he calls himself a "Centrist." Compared to certain people he is a Centrist. However, when he compares himself to me---and I'm not sure that's what he intended with his initial comment---then, no, he is NOT a Centrist.

Joe Renner Perhaps constitutionalist does describe my beliefs, however on many issues I agree with the left and just as many I agree with the right. Perhaps our definition of "Centrist" differs.
Joe Renner Fyi the Constitution is not in place to limit our rights within parameters. Rather it enumerates our natural rights and limits the power of Government.

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